1 November, 2023
ecommerce email lead capture

How To Grow Your Ecommerce Email List By 237% With Lead Capture Mechanisms

Even in the age of Facebook live and Instagram Live, email still retains its throne as a direct means of communication. For 21st century businesses, email still holds the key to unlock business potential.

eCommerce & email marketing. Well, that’s an explosive combo. Online store owners need to pay more attention to this highly viable business promotion tool that rakes in conversions and revenues in multiples.

Here is a study finding from Neil Patel that proves the importance of email marketing.

email marketing

For every single $ spent, email marketing can bring back $40! That is 40x the revenue! As is evident from the chart, no other marketing tactic ever comes close to the success of email marketing.

The Million Dollar Question – How to grow an eCommerce business with email lead capture?

An email list can make you a millionaire. Don’t take our word for it, Michael Hyatt, the author of Intentional leadership built this business solely with the help of his 115,000+ email list.

Emails can double up as a lead funnel to capture user information which can be used for retargeting of ads and promotions.

But, how to ask for customer email ids in a polite and non-disturbing way.

Don’t sweat. We got you covered. Here are 5 proven and polite ways to ask and get your customer emails ids.

Gating Access To Valuable Content

eBooks, white papers, case studies, checklists, survey reports, and much more valuable content is hard to come by. If your store has owns such content, they can be used as a means to lure customers to share their emails with.

Look at the image below:
gating access to valuable content

It offers to provide 20 A/B test ideas plus another 5 case studies in return for nothing but an email address. In most cases, the case studies are forwarded to the email id to ensure that the email is an active one that is in use.

Using content as a bait for email lead capture is a surefire to grow an email list.

Location Based Event Invites

Events are awesome to connect with people from the same industry. Everybody in the business circuit is on the constant lookout to build their network.

Geo-targeting can be used to send invites for webinars, events or even live streaming of conferences. You can use the event invite as a lead capture funnel.

Here is how Search Engine Land uses location based event invites for lead capturing.

Free Giveaways & Sweepstakes

A user who does not like giveaways and sweepstakes is hard to come by. If you have a new product or service that is awaiting roll-out, try giving a free giveaway for a trial period or even a sweepstake that will persuade users to share their email ids to gain them.

Here is how Run Run Run captures lead emails with the promise of giveaways:

Newsletter subscriptions

Daily, weekly or fortnightly dose of exclusive newsletters from your blog or online store can help in lead nurturing. Offering newsletter subscriptions in return for emails is perhaps the best way to collect lead emails.
newsletter subscription

Play it smart when you are fixing CTA buttons for the email capture. Try not to include an option for declining the sign up, or at least fix a button that will encourage them to accept the newsletter subscription.

I must say that this is not the end of it. It is up to your imagination to use your content and your store’s brand value for lead capture.

But, before that, here are some tools that will help you collect email ids without disturbing your visitors.

Tools that will Turn your Online Store into a Lead Magnet

While newsletters, offers, gated content, etc. help in persuading visitors to submit their email ids, you need the right tool in the right place that visitors can see and click on to submit the email ids.


Here are some perfect tools for that:


Sign up bars

Signup bars are simple, elegant and do not invade your user attention. They make a simple and non-intrusive appearance on the website which visitors can opt to sign up for if they feel so. There is no forcing involved which makes signup bars a favorite choice for most marketers, including those of online stores.

Timed Popups

Timed popups are a great way to collect lead mails from users who have been hanging around your page for a while. You can set the popups to appear when the user has spent a defined time on the website.

You can configure these popups to appear when the user reaches the end of the post or decides to check out of the page.

Be A Growth Machine With Email Lead Capture

By now, you must have a broad idea of what needs to be done to persuade your visitors, be it first-time or regular visitors to submit their email for lead nurturing.

Crafting strategic popups and sign up bars and playing with the right tone of content can grow your leads count exponentially.

email lead capture


Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


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