1 November, 2023

HTML5 player – The first of all prerequisites for live streaming and VOD services

Do you know that Netflix, YouTube, Xbox Video, the major players in the VOD and live streaming market, use HTML5 videos. These biggies in the video streaming industry have transitioned from Flash and Silverlight to HTML5 to render their service.

Also Facebook moved from Adobe Flash to HTML5 in 2015 and Google Chrome might block Flash content by the end of 2016. These are major players who provide video contents for entire video market. What made these stalwarts count on HTML5 to cater to their global user base? Read on to know.

HTML5 dethroning Flash player

Post Flash player falling short in terms of support for videos, especially for mobile devices, HTML5 turned out to be the savior forlive streaming vs video on demand services providers. With the improvisation of HTML5 overs the years, delivery of video contents to modern mobile devices has become more seamless and easy.

HTML5 – Audio and Video formats/codecs support

HTML5 supports important video types such as HTML5: MP4, WebM, and Ogg/Ogv. The MPEG-4 file is encoded in H.264 which enables flash players to play the video automatically through fallback method without creating a need to store the video in a .flv format separately.

Ogg uses an open-source standard audio file format based encoding Theora which saves videos with .ogg or .ogv extension.

Choosing between these formats is the key towards rendering an uncompromising support on whatever browser or devices your videos are viewed.

Here is the detail on which formats are fine with the modern browsers used by most of the devices now.

Modern Browsers used by most device
These browsers will go for MP4+Flash embed as the last option and on the other hand any flash video players will have no problem in supporting MP4 files if they are encoded in H.264. So just a MP4 for Safari/IE9 and one among WebM or Ogg format would suffice to ensure that your videos are played in all browsers.

In terms of mobile devices, Apple has already got .mp4 support for Mac and iOS devices which means your HTML5 player will play videos easily on iPhone, iPad devices, Mac PCs and Macbooks.

On the other hand, Google has also adopted .mp4 providing a full coverage of Android-powered smart devices.

How to turn your videos HTML5 ready?

So here it goes. First you convert the videos through converters to make it into .OGG, MP4, WebM. To support primitive IE browser versions, you should add a fallback Flash version with Flash video player. Sounds tough ? Of course it is if you are dealing with 1000s of videos.

To turn your digital assets HTML5 ready, it is better to go for readymade live streaming or VOD platforms that does these all. Ready-to-go live streaming solution handle these backend operations and all you have to do is just manage through the backend interface.

Migrating from Flash to HTML5 enabled Readymade VOD and Live streaming solution

Contus Vplay is a pre-built online video solution that renders your video assets in all browsers and smart devices through its built-in HTML5 player.

Contus VPlay’s video player provides adaptive bitrate streaming which makes sure buffering is felt the least. Without the support of any client side plugins, the HTML5 player runs smoothly.

Contus Vplay HTML5 Player


It is 100% customizable which makes it hyper-accommodative towards changes of any kind. You can create a custom HTML5 video player with live streaming support using Contus VPlay. Right from player settings to user interface, anything can be personalized to specific requirements and so it is a much better option than building a HTML5 video player.

Live streaming:

RTMP and HLS Protocols are the widely used streaming protocol where you can stream live events with a crystal clear streaming videos and high audio quality. To know more about the insightful functionalities of these streaming protocol.
Readmore: The Insightful comparisons between RTMP and HLS streaming Protocols.


Adding to the HTML5 prowess, the player comes with AES encryption that prevents your videos from being downloaded and reused. Contus VPlay is hosted on Amazon cloud which securely saves your videos on S3 Bucket and provides adaptive scalability.

COA (Cloud Oriented Architecture):

Contus VPlay’s video player holds a cloud oriented architecture. The player’s code is hosted on a public shared URL in a CDN network or on cloud. So, you need not get the update yourself for the player if any new browser version is released. Being on cloud, the coding updates for the player will automatically fetched and updated keeping you focussed other key stuffs.

With so much under the hood, Contus Vplay is one of the best HTML5 video player for website and mobile devices.

Remember, video players are carriers of your video contents. Quality speaks for your brand’s what is VOD or live streaming service. So it is more than essential to go for a HTML5 powered player that could render video contents in the best way possible.



Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


  1. Gaurav Heera Reply

    Great read, always looking for extra, Love your tips! I agree with you, Looking forward to seeing your notes posted. The information you have posted is very useful. Keep going on, good stuff.

  2. Anushya Reply

    Perfect article. I agree, the HTML5 player plays a vital role rather than flash player. Your technology related blog inspires me to follow our blog regularly. Great job!

  3. Godwin Roger Reply

    Choosing HTML5 video player is best for vod and live streaming platform the blog explanation and driving phenomena is worthy. Keep on posting

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