1 November, 2023

Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity: Vital Steps to Ace the Digital Transformation Game

Digital Transformation (DX) is a game changing technological strategy for modern day businesses. Depending on the extent of current technology adoption, business model and target customer market, each organization will be at its own level of DX maturity. What works for one will be a misfit for another.

That said, DX is not adopting some futuristic technology to add a new sales channel or to fix something that is already working fine. On the other hand, DX is a radical change in the way a business has been operating, delivering and servicing its customers. It is a total shakedown of the business by tearing down silos of manual processes using digital tools.

Leadership in Action

Digital Transformation development as a catalyst for business change does not work fine with silos. There is no departmentalization or delegation of tasks. A business has to participate in it as a whole with utmost support of the leadership.

Sriram manoharan Quote

The vision for DX must trickle down the levels of the organization. There should be proper communication as to what DX is trying to achieve for the business and how each stakeholder must forego past processes and embrace the new models of service delivery and operations for gaining maximum benefit.

Gain the First-Mover Advantage

With rapid evolution of technology, the earlier an organization enters the DX bandwagon the easier and effective would be its transformation. The early entry also sheds light on customer reactions to the digital adoption and how processes can be further tweaked to maximize user engagement.

Companies that ventured into digital transformation at least 5 years ago find themselves in a better position to serve customers ‘digitally’ better than their counterparts. In the end, it all boils down to how digital transformation can make better customer journey.

Takeaway point: the first-mover advantage is pivotal to succeeding in DX.

Customer as the Centerpiece of Digital Strategy

action of digital transformationA well-thought DX strategy will include improving customer experience as a focus point. In the rush of implementing DX, organizations often to consider the end result it would create. How the transformation will impact customers negatively is often overlooked.

The key to achieving successful DX is to keep customer as the centerpiece so that all efforts are directed towards improving their positive experience. The choice of technology, the manual process that digital would replace and how it would fascinate customers should be borne in mind.

Use Social as a Tool for Transformation

Social media is the new hangout corner. There is no better place for a business to engage its audience easily than through social media. Moreover, social media gives direct pulse of customer feedback and helps understand their reactions through customer posts, statuses, sharing, etc.

Using social media responses, the company will be in a better position to respond to customer preferences than wait for market surveys and sophisticated reports to state the obvious.

Further, these 5 reasons also assert why social is integral to DX:

  • Customers spend more time on social media
  • Social media trumps email by all means
  • Social data analytics provide deep insights into customer behaviour
  • Social media ensures direct interaction with customers

Digital Transformation is not a destination or a milestone which can be reached. It is a never ending process, a ‘transformation’ that continues incrementally. A business need to get started with digital transformation to magnify its operations from its current level to best possible levels with the help of digital technologies.

Gaining the first-mover advantage, placing customer at the centre of the strategy, leading from the front and using social media as a tool are the vita steps to gain the most from Digital Transformation.


Masilamani Murugan leads the Digital Marketing team at CONTUS. He is interested in strategic planning for digital marketing initiatives. He loves to be fit and is a workout freak.

One Comment

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