1 November, 2023

Contus Releases Chrome Extension For Group Clone

To improve the user experience of the users of your group buying site, as well as to increase the probability of the deals getting noticed regularly than before, Contus has developed and  released the Chrome Extension for Group Clone.

Now the users ofyour group buying website can  easily view notifications about the new deals by just clicking a button in the top right hand side of their  google chrome browser, while they are browsing on any website. The Google Chrome extension for  Group Clone sites from Contus is free of cost and can be installed in less than 10 seconds from:https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/loommhmdhlhiingcfmjelikbondjdiom?hl=en

This helps your Group Clone site visitors to check out quickly if there are any deals without having to  actually go into your website often.

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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