1 November, 2023

Contus Becomes The First To Launch A Complete Group-Buying Facebook App

The products team of Contus Support has now successfully developed a complete Facebook app with which can be used for group-buying business with all the essential features same like that of an actual group-buying site: apps.facebook.com/groupon-clone/ Facebook has become the best platform for social networking as well as internet marketing. The enormous scope for viral marketing it comprises of, is the first reason for capitalizing on it. Tapping this dynamic resource will result in explosive visibility attracting more visitors thus resulting in more number of potential customers. Contus provides this Groupon Clone Facebook app script for a reasonable cost with all the elite features.

Group Clone Facebook App has the following advantages:

1. Once this Groupon Clone Facebook App is clicked, the news feed of the user’s joining will be displayed in their wall.
This is steadfast advertising and it creates an awareness of this advantageous Groupon Clone Facebook app virally.
The accessing options in Facebook, as we all know is absolutely cool and has more ‘users’ clicking probability’.

2. When a new deal becomes active, it will be notified to all the app users.
For the users who have not been convinced enough to use the app, might start using it when they find a deal
attractive, which has been shared in their friends’ wall.

3. When the deal is about to close, it will be notified to all the app users (before a specific time interval).
An average user logs into Facebook almost every day, which means he will see the notifications regularly and hence
will be alerted regarding the status of deals.

4. When a user makes a purchase, the info will be displayed in their wall about the purchase made.
To believe the feasibility of this new shopping strategy people got to see and read about people (their friends) who
have bought products using this.

5. Group Clone Facebook App users can share the deal on their wall.
Increases the probability of the deal getting matured soon, which is a great advantage for every individual user who
has opted for the deal.

6. Group Clone Facebook App users can invite their friends to join the app.

This wonderful Facebook culture would create unbelievable promotion and increase the number of users drastically.

Soon in the future, launching a facebook app for group-buying apps would become a must. As the innovation grows there would be more ‘via-Facebook’ users more than that of the users of the actual website. Right now Contus Support is a pioneer in this area of creating Facebook apps for group-buying concepts. Be an early bird! Buy the Group Clone Facebook app today and launch your group-buying app in Facebook to shoot-up your deals business. To buy, contact: bdm@contus.in

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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