1 November, 2023
Remote developer healthy habits

Delightful and Healthy Work Routines for remote working software developers

The “Work From Home” is becoming an inevitable work culture, with several organizations encouraging work from home. The trend slightly gained more attention in the late 2000s and was a pleasant option to work, eventually becoming necessary with the sudden pandemic outbreak in 2020.

“Gartner survey report, we can expect nearly 48% of employees to work remotely for some time, even in the post-pandemic world”.

Studies depict the fact that remote work is the latest buzz in office work culture. Working people find it flexible to avoid the busy morning traffic and avoid travel related to work.

Essential practices to follow by a remote software developer to stay happily- productive

There is no difference between a workspace and a home space in the current scenario, and sometimes you may end up feeling bored, uncomfortable, and find it hard at times to handle the new approaches. In such a situation, it is better to define Wellness ideas for remote employees by organizations. Thus, it will help remote employees be productive, healthy, and happy in the long-run.

Here are some of the essential remote developer healthy habits to boost the working pattern.

1. Pre-Plan Your Next Day’s To-do list

Pre-Plan Your Next Day’s To-do list

Yes, a proper plan is the first step in Productivity tips for developers. Every day may seem to be the same unless you try to break it down and identify if you were as productive as you expected? So, for being highly productive, one must plan the day. Spend 15-20 minutes before wrapping up the work and making a to-do list for the next day’s tasks and activities.

  • Prepare a to-do list – List all your tasks.
  • List the Incomplete jobs, and plan to achieve them the next day.
  • Identify the problems at work. It will help you think and arrive at solutions making your work easy.

2. Relax, Provide adequate rest to yourself

Relax, Provide adequate rest to yourself

A relaxed and tireless person can be more productive compared to a tired person. A calm and composed mind is required to produce quantitative results. If you don’t give proper rest to yourself, you may lose quality Work and time.

  • Try to have a sound sleep of 8 hours without any distractions and disturbances.
  • From the to-do list, calculating the effort you need for the next day is more comfortable.
  • Relaxing, regular time-out, and adequate rest to mind and body will increase the remote developer’s productivity.

3. Sort Your Tasks by Prioritizing

Sort Your Tasks by Prioritizing.

All tasks are essential to complete. Some are urgent, while a few are of importance; others have to be accomplished but have no dependencies. Go through your task list and sort tasks according to priorities.

  • Identify the high priority tasks.
  • Label the tasks on priorities, say from 1-High Priority, 2- Priority, 3- Priority but not urgent, 4- low Priority, and so on.
  • Start your day with the high priority tasks and proceed with the remaining. As you see, you will complete tasks without procrastinating. It is one of the best Remote software developers’ tips available.

4. Set up a Comfortable Work Environment

Set up a Comfortable Work Environment

A must need work from home tips for employees is setting up a comfortable workspace. Working from remote means you can work from anywhere globally, provided you have good Internet connectivity.

  • An ideal and flexible workspace set up at your home with an ergonomics desk, and chair will help you maintain the proper upright position and provide you comfort.
  • Explore places nearby such as a cafe or an open park to work, try to choose a place that suits your work pattern and body comfort.
  • Make a Work Zone and let your family know about it. Thus, you are dividing work & home zones separately in the same space.

5. Utilize the Communication tools to ease your job

Utilize the Communication tools to ease your job

It seems reasonable to work alone, but in reality, when you try to crack and solve any task, you may find a few challenges. Additionally, it is not you who will work on the project; your team members are also a part of it. Remember to help and get help.

  • Seek help or guide a team member or get any insights on tasks with the communication tool.
  • Make effective use of the collaboration tools, use screen sharing facilities and video calling api options to often & collaborate with your team.
  • Use the real-time secure messaging apps to quickly reach to your team members for doubts and clarifications instantly.

6. Establish good relationships with your teammates

Establish good relationships with your teammates

You find it easy to establish a relationship with your colleagues in an office space, but it is not the same as remote Working. You all work in your Flexi timings and maybe even located in different time zones, yet working together on a project.

  • Always ensure staying connected by helping your teammate achieve their work goals, appreciate and encourage them.
  • Appreciate others’ work goals accomplishments, and do showcase your support to the struggling team member.
  • Do value other’s opinions, work, and goals as equally as yours. You will gain more!

7. Healthy Body & Mind Reflects good quality of work

Healthy Body & Mind Reflects good quality of work

As a Remote working professional, one aims to deliver good quality Work. It is possible only when you are healthy from both inside and outside. Always keep your mind relaxed and refreshed.

  • Work from home wellness activities like meditating and practicing yoga can keep the mind and body completely controlled.
  • Have a balanced diet and walk every day or jog a few miles to keep yourself fit.
  • Intake more water to stay hydrated while working.

8. Maintain the balance between Professional & Personal life

Maintain the balance between Professional & Personal life

Flexible Work should never become a hindrance in your life. Keep a dedicated workspace and work timing though you are working from home. Try to accomplish your tasks in the desiccated time and provide quality time for self-care and personal space. It will motivate you further to focus better on Work and help you achieve more in Work, and make you more Productive.

“Productivity can increase only when you practice a work routine; a routine once set can help you attain your work goals effortlessly.”

As a Remote Software Developer, one needs to better curate a remote work routine to better handle work-related activities. Understanding the ongoing new work approach and trying to stay in a state of complete well-being to cope with this remote work structure is all that a Remote team member must practice.

remote developer healthy habits


Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.

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