1 November, 2023

Contus’ ‘Dedicated Resources For IT And Web Development’: Reasons For Being The Best Choice

With 5 years of adept experience in areas of web based enterprise solutions, Web and mobile application development, web portal development and Internet marketing services, Contus Support’s ‘Dedicated Resource Services For Software Development’ has got boosted up many folds today. The company has a rich set of expertise in both the technical and management part and has completed more than 400 projects for SME clients around the world since its establishment, which means time tested quality, value and trust.

What is ‘Dedicated Resources’?

The technical and intellectual manpower that can be hired from a company, by a client who requires them for a part or whole of his project functions such as development, testing, designing or maintenance or all of them is called a ‘Dedicated Resource’.  A client can hire 1 or more programmers or as a Team with a Team Leader who will lead and co-ordinate the project according to the clients’ directions.

Today dedicated teams are hired from web development firm majorly, for the following type of project functions:

– Web application development
– Mobile application development
– Website design
– Software Testing
– Content management development
– E-Commerce web development
– Customized web application
– Maintenance and support of existing sites
or applications
– Search Engine Optimization
– And any branch of work in web or mobile arena

By hiring a ‘dedicated resource from Contus Support you save time, money, effort and risk and still get the best possible quality output. Following are the emphasized advantages of Dedicated Resources from Contus Support:

Open Management Policy The client dictates all functions to the ‘dedicated resource’ team straight. We employ a clear route of client->project manager->dedicated resource to ensure clear communication of client’s expectations and the resources’ possibilities, thus keeping a well lubricated operational design for the project. The client can design the flow of work according to his work and dictate the team. This leads to uninterrupted flow of works and quick reviews followed by suggested alterations.

Richest skill sets Our Team Leaders/Project Managers possess excellent communication and leadership skills that deserve great outputs at the end of the day. Whereas the programmers and other technicians have great talent and work experience,thus bound to execute flawless and best output in relatively less time. Contusians are periodically trained on international  standard technical and management skills, to keep them updated to meet the industry demands.

Highest Industry Standards Contus Support never compromises on quality of its technical environment. The best software, hardware and related resources are used here for development and allied tasks.


Quality Assurance ‘Quality and Customer Satisfaction’ always top our list of strategy points. The dedicated QA team makes sure it meticulously checks the project. At Contus Support, we don’t compromise even on the slightest imperfection.

On Time Delivery The Dedicated Resource Team is strongly conscious throughout the course of project that delivering the project on time with the expected quality tops the list of priorities. We don’t work for a delayed output. Periodic and close monitoring of project functions is employed and the Project Manager makes sure the project doesn’t deviate from the pre-planned timeline and order.


Strict Data Security Handling the client’s data is a very sensitive issue and we maintain international standards to maintain strict data security. No bit of data crosses the security check at our office or the network database in any form.

The Management is constantly making developments to increase the degree of expertise of our Project Managers and technicians. With Contus Support’s dynamism, brilliance, quality and trust  your future is too bright!


Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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