1 November, 2023

QR Code: Best Innovation In Data Storage

The brilliant invention of bar code resulted in an amazing advantage due to its 3 advantages of reading speed, accuracy, and superior functionality characteristics. This method of coding dominated the market and the demand for codes capable of storing more information, more character types, and that could be printed in a smaller space increased. The developers involved in various efforts to increase the amount of information stored by bar codes, such as increasing the number of bar code digits or layout multiple bar codes in that little space.

The successor to normal bar codes was the QR code.  QR Code (which looks like the given image) is a kind of two-dimensional symbol that is easily interpreted by scanner equipment. QR Code (2D Code) holds information in both vertical and horizontal directions, whereas a bar code contains data in one direction only. QR Code holds greater volume of information than a bar code.

The products team of Contus Support has been rigorously working for quite some time now and has successfully incorporated the QR code facility for its iPhone apps such as Groupclone, IndEmergency etc. The Ind Emergency is a free iPhone app from Contus Support which is a very useful application for all users residing in India. They can install IndEmergency for free by showing their iPhone’s photo lens at the below QR code for IndEmergency.

Customers who wish to buy the GroupClone to create their own unique Group Buying Site as an iPhone app can, for a preview, install the GroupClone iPhone app for free by using the corresponding QR code.

The new idea the Products Team is currently working on: As usual the customer who has acquired coupon (consisting of QR code) from a deal site goes to the respective shop to buy the product. The shopkeeper can scan the QR code in the coupon, by which the database will be updated with this coupon number and hence fraud re-using of the coupon can be easily detected. This innovative usage of the QR code helps to avoid errors and also save time in making sure that coupons are not re-used.

The QR code is very common in Japan market. QR is the abbreviation for ‘Quick Response’ since it allows contents to be decoded at high speed. It was created at Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave in 1994.


Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.


  1. mario Reply

    Wow exactly what i’m looking for the grouponclone with QR scanning.

    I’ll buy this week your groupon clone and I want to know when we can expect to have this feature in place ?

    When we buy a version of grouponclone do we have acces to future update ?

    Thanks !

  2. jyothi Reply

    Hi Mario,

    Thanks for your interest and your decision in purchasing our script.

    We are presently working on the QR feature and would send you the details regarding this by mail. So, it would be great if you could provide your full name, email ID, phone number, etc.

    When you buy a version of our groupclone, you will certainly get access to the future updates.

    Looking forward for your response.

    Business Development
    Email ID: jyothi@contus.in

  3. Mario Reply

    Here are my information… you have my email (not published) and in my email adresse you will find my firat and last name.

    I have others questions regarding Iphone app. My gloup clone website will have two language and template inspire blue defined in two language. In Iphone app, is it possible for the user to change language and the template change automaticaly ? Or Iphone app use it’s own template ? And is this templare are define in iphone app or define in magento ?

    Thanks and have a great day 🙂

  4. Arthika Reply

    Hi Mario,

    This is Arthika. Thanks for your response and interest on our product.

    The Iphone will not have the same template and language which you have it in the website.
    But we need to integrate the same design and language into the iphone apps also separately.

    Looking forward for your response.

    With Regards,

  5. Rich Reply

    Amazing! Thanks for explaining the QR Code as a raise of Bar Code will helps scanner as well as the use of QR code in app development helps for easy install! Thanks for sharing!

  6. madonna Reply

    We have a plans to set-up ecommerce site using the groupclone script, QR Code scanning would be the better option in the midst of technology growth.

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