1 November, 2023

Chennai Mayor Inaugurates New Facility of Contus

[soliloquy id=”4687″][soliloquy slug=”chennai-mayor-inaugurates-new-facility-of-contus”]  

Oct 3, 2013 – This day is a new milestone in the successful growth of Contus. We have successfully started our new facility at Guindy, Chennai. What could be more blissful and idyllic when the revered Chennai Mayor Saidai Sa. Duraisamy himself was the one who inaugurated it. The new facility is designed especially to facilitate the mobility needs of our enterprise clients. This facility is planned in such a way that it will be providing an open, pioneering and collaborative workspace for emerging technologies like mobility and we are aiming lots of achievements and accomplishments to be created from this office. Apart we expect the employees will have an enriched workspace in this new facility that will facilitate them in getting laurels for the company.

Not only the employees, clients, kith, kin and in fact all the dignitaries who had been present on this memorable occasion were awestruck with the spectacular new facility and we were showered with blessings from them.




Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.


  1. Rahul Reply

    You should also mention that how many seating is available in this office and nice to see the new office seems to be like contus is on right track.

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