1 November, 2023

Get Rewarded With FWF Trade Show Companion Reward App

FWF – also known as Fans Without Footprints has unleashed a new reward app called the FWF Trade Show Companion Reward App for iOS as well as Android. This app rewards the conference goers for their certain actions like checking-in to the conference, tweeting with hash tags about the conference, etc. This app was developed by the Contus team for the client Harry Groome of the Rewardinator.

How it works: As soon as you enroll for any reward based conference, you get to download this app on your device. This app provides you with push notifications regarding an event or registration for the event, check-in feature, tweet option using hash tags, support or contributions and interaction with sponsors.

Augmented Reality: Apart from this augmented reality concept is also installed in this app so that the users can enjoy the bliss of augmented reality wherein the logos are turned into fruitful messages. Everything the user does ranging from check-in to tweeting earns user some reward points which he can use to get his rewards.

First Successful Demo: This app was tried primarily demonstrated and run by Brooklyn Big Green Sports where in the all the above quoted features were included and used. Once the event is over the app will modify itself for the forthcoming events that the users have registered.

This app is considered very constructive since it is available for both Android as well as iOS developers. Additionally, the users can check in their reward points and get rewarded accordingly. The rewards depend on the event. For the Green Sports event the users were rewarded with free drinks, contribution in attendee’s name to Prospect Park Alliance and also FWF logo printed t-shirts.  The Android and iOS event loving users can download this app and let us know their feedbacks.

fwf android appfwf ios app

Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.

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