1 November, 2023

Contus Rewarded as Top Mobile Application Development Firm India.

The crown of Contus has been embellished with yet another priceless appreciation from Sourcing Line, a leading research based online directory firm which provides analysis on leading IT service firms and specializes in providing analysis on mobile application developers.

Sourcing Line, in its latest research has provided an insight on the Android, iOS and mobile gaming market in India and has handpicked the top performers in these areas for the year 2013. Among the chosen top 7 leaders in iOS and Android development, Contus has secured a spot which we consider as an encouraging factor which will propel our progress.

Contus, at this proud moment would like to extend its sincere thanks to its customers, partners, technical team and support staffs for making this happen. Contus focus in delivering top-notch mobile applications that would both benefit the clients and end users has been the key factor fueling its progress throughout the years gone by.

Our expertise in developing iOS and Android apps has widened to a larger extent which has made us a key-note player in the field. With more projects in hand, prospective tie-ups and continued customer satisfaction, it is for sure that Contus will reach better heights in the coming years.

Kudos to all Contusians!

About SourcingLine:

SourcingLine, a Washington DC-based firm focuses on providing research work on IT and Digital marketing services. We specialize in providing best-in-market analysis on mobile application developers and providing analysis on service firms help out enterprises of all sizes in making their procurement decisions. We do our research based on a framework called the Leaders Matrix which examines the focus areas of firms and their ability to deliver quality products in their competitive areas.

SourcingLine’s press release based on their research of mobile app developers in India has been published in esteemed online journals like Yahoo Finance and prnewswire.com and it is, for sure, an accolade for Contus



Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.


  1. Rajendira Prasad Reply

    It’s been a great news that Contus been awarded for the best work. It is evident from the apps been developed from this team. Great Job!! Keep going!!!

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