1 November, 2023

International Women’s Day 2014 Celebration – Contus Style!!

”The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

March 8 is celebrated as a tribute to the women all around the world. This year’s International Women’s Day had the theme “Inspiring Change”. The main concepts International Women’s Day celebrates are the social, political and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action. As the above quote says, the future will belong to the people who believe in their dreams and get inspired to do it.

At Contus, as a primary step towards recognizing women and as a part of setting up the female employees a healthy working environment, The Women’s Club was set up and it has been functioning in an augmented phase since inception. As a tribute to Contus Women employees on this marvelous day, the afternoon of March 7, 2014 was assigned for the Women’s Day Celebrations.

Inspiring Change – What a lovely theme for celebrating a lovely occasion like this? Isn’t it? More than empowerment, equality, or rights everyone (women in particular) needs inspiration and also needs to be inspirational. Inspiration is the root of change! Apparently, women need to be two things inspiring others and get inspired from others. To follow the lines of the women’s day theme of “Inspiring Change” Contus also contributed the involvement in form of bringing a change in women employees and inspiring them in order to make them inspire many others.


Women are born inspirers and fortunately we have a bunch of inspirational women in our team. They amuse us every day with their versatility, strength, and confidence. I take this opportunity to thank them and wish them good luck.Women employees of Contus were highly overwhelmed and humbled to have started the day with unexpected and surprising token of affection by the management in form of Rose bouquet and chocolates.

Women’s day is a day not to empower us or pamper us. It is indeed a gentle reminder to show that we are instigating positive change. I am quite happy to be a part of the Contus team where there are a lot of motivating and enthusing opportunities for women in particular in the leadership level. At Contus, this year’s major goal is to have more women leaders on the middle level management.

Sathya, Team Lead, GPC says, “Women’s Day is nothing big or great to be boasted about when we women feel safe and secure for all the 365 days in a year. At Contus, we have ample safety as well as independent work space. Being a team lead, these are the things that inspire me and boost my confidence”.

After the regular morning session, the afternoon session went on in an inspiring yet fun filled phase. The women employees participated with enthusiasm in the various events like Mehandi, Musical Chair, Picture Association Test (Connexions), Dumb Charades, and team building activities. The events went full-fledged for about 3 hours and it was followed by a prize distribution ceremony. The day was overall a memorable occasion not just for the women employees but also for the whole team of Contus.

Elizabeth Blackwell, The first woman in the U.S. to become a physician said “For what is done or learned by one class of women becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women.” As she said, if you are an inspiring change then definitely you can experience positive changes all over you.

Contus never fails to recognize our employees’ work at the right time. Contus Awards is one among the celebrations in Contus. Have a look at it also.



Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.

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