1 November, 2023
Business continuity plan

5 Productive Ways to Enhance a Business Continuity Plan amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Ever since the pandemic attack of COVID19, it’s been a challenging time for global Enterprises to continue the business process with no interruption by safeguarding their critical assets, employee, cash flow, branding, and operational workflow to mitigate any kind of risks.

Role of Businesses + Strategies During COVID19

BCP should cover the pandemic implementation plan zone wise as per the severity and promptly prioritize the customer concerns with a complete action plan.

To prevent COVID communication risks and have a proper remote working setup, an internal communication plan along with an effective collaboration with the global customers will show the commitment and increase the trust factor in this challenging situation.

Business Continuity Plan Preparedness

Whether the business is ready or not, it is the need of the hour where the world is forced to embrace the remote Digital work model due to the unpredicted shortcomings of the COVID-19.

Enterprises irrespective of any size are directly related to the economic slowdown and hence businesses worldwide should be up and running with 10X more manpower than ever before.

To speed up this adoption and transition phase of remote working, many businesses provide Enterprise-grade solutions of live streaming and real-time chat communication platforms to help the various global customers.

1. Enable the Digital Workforce

Taking ownership of work and sharing the responsibilities and trusting the employees at this crisis period will help to solve the problems and prevent frictions. At the initial phase, staying flexible with no hard and fast rules is very important as it will enable a smooth transition to the employees across teams to embrace this remote working culture “the new normal”!

To streamline the challenges like keeping track of the productivity issues can be tackled down by enforcing a new remote working strategy plan like coming up with new WFH guidelines will make them work with no interruptions or confusions.

2. Ensure Remote Digital Team Capabilities

Didedicated Remote Team

Several Enterprises offer a design-centric full-stack development model with talented resources from front-end developers to back-end engineers along with UI/UX Designers, DevOps Engineers, QA Consultants and AWS developers to scale up your business with timely deliverables.

  • Setting up regular internal meetings helps the distance workforce to leverage any digital gaps while working across the teams and helps them to be on the same page.
  • The remote hiring process is possible through effective video conference call sessions, which makes the onboarding process simple and straightforward.
  • Setting up your Dedicated Remote Digital Team backed up with the required technologies, skilled engineering, operational and human resource team contribute to streamlining the business communication which helps the businesses to scale up quickly and achieve the required result.

3. Reliable Communication System via Voice & Video

Video Conferencing

“Open Communication and Transparency is the key to a successful remote functioning model.”

Enterprises need a real-time communication solution that is scalable and secure with enriched features across multi-platforms. Staying connected anytime and anywhere is the need of the hour and choosing a solution that provides video conferencing, Enterprise-grade one -one or group chats and much more is essential.

  • The chat app that is built on the future centric technologies like Dev-ops grounded development which comes with an upgradable package solution is needed for quick adaptability and to enhance the performance of the chat application.
  • Face-to-face communication with video conferencing one-one as well as group chat is required to provide a sleek communication model.
  • From smart whiteboard to message broadcasting, team collaboration can be taken to the next level with highly interactive sessions, live updates all within an encrypted chat environment are crucial.
  • Messaging statistics data provides deep insights that improve to make better business decisions and tweak the business strategy with flexible online video hosting platforms options on-premises or cloud options.

4. Workforce Management & Team Collaboration

Virtual Scrum meetings are the new normal for the project kick-off meetings where internal teams within the organization collaborate with each other about the acquired project through Video conference calling with voice call recording feature that supports cross-platform.

  • Task Management system helps to create and manage tasks where it assigns people to a particular task and schedules them on a weekly/monthly basis. Also, task prioritization moves the tasks and checks if the scheduled projects meet the deadlines by tracking the timelines and calendar activity.
  • Document and content management helps in organizing the data with ready-made template designs for quick content creation and synchronous editing for effective proofreading.

5. Staying Engaged with Your Audience

Live Streaming

During this global lockdown period, helping and educating your audience through webinars which can be about your products or technology is a hot cake right now. Right from internal meetings, cross-office global communications to new product launches, live streaming helps the corporate executives to stay connected.

  • Live WebCasting – Now webinars, product demos or releases, presentations within the team or client conferences can be done easily with Live Webcasting.
  • Live streaming solution – Live streaming provides immense employee interactivity where the data delivery happens globally quickly and effortlessly.
  • Video On Demand – Content archiving from live to video-on-demand helps to store the video content for future reference. Many corporations opt for these live streaming solutions for their cost-effectiveness and highly scalable nature.

Hence, video conferencing calls, real-time chat communications, live streaming solutions all attribute to an effective hassle-free digital remote working system.

Let’s consider this COVID19 season as a heads up and be future-ready for any kind of global disaster with more resilience and a pre-planned business strategy model.

Remote working solution


Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.

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