1 November, 2023

CONTUS New Look – The DNAs of Our Core Culture Towards One Mission

It is always good to have a change when you focus on one particular mission.

A change gives you ample strength and zeal to refresh your mission.

That’s how we’ve launched our brand new look for our logo!

Yeah, here’s our new look!

The Brand New Look of CONTUS In 2020


It’s not just about redesigning the logo with various color combinations, it’s the core DNA of CONTUS’ culture that is purely dependent on our people and passion towards the goal.

Yes, We’re proud to reveal it.

Loyalty (Red), Outcome driven Performances (Yellow), and Values (Green) they add to our success.

A Snippet Behind How We Worked Hard Tirelessly To Build Our Brand – “CONTUS”

In the Year 2008, CONTUS was established as a Support Interactive Solution, dealing with Enterprise level projects to global clients across 10+ countries. Later in 2012, CONTUS transformed into a technology-driven company where delivering technology-based solutions became the core at CONTUS. Then, reinvigorated the logo a neat aesthetic design for a better visual appeal.

CONTUS Evolution

You are looking at the transformation of CONTUS’ logo right from it’s birth

The new logo established in the year 2016, “N” inclined at 60 degrees represents the brands’ continuous growth and progress towards the objective of the mission.

Since Blue and Black has been the supportive ingredient of every single logo of CONTUS till the date, Red, Yellow, and Green have been the new combination of our logo.

  • Dodger Blue stands for Confidence Intelligence & Truth

  • Deep Black indicates CONTUS’ Strength, Power, and Authority

  • Red stands for our People’ Loyalty

  • Yellow indicates the strong Outcome-driven Performance

  • Green stands for the Values added by our employees to the success

CONTUS Founder - Sriram Manoharan

To put the brand’s culture in a more transparent way, here’s what our Founder & M.D, Sriram Manoharan says, and a serious brand refreshment also impacts the products/services we serve for the 140+ countries.

The Brand New Look of Our SaaP Products & Enterprise Digital Engineering

After we redefined our brand logo, then came the products and services reinvigoration.

CONTUS Rebranding Logos

So Where is our Journey Headed Now?

With a subtle character that is aligned with the enterprise business vision, CONTUS is dealing with enterprise businesses that connect humans, devices, and global networks into one centralized hub. We’re growing every year and redefining ourselves with technologies and a bunch of passionate people around!


Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.

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