1 November, 2023

How To Create A Movie Streaming App Or Website Like Netflix & Amazon Prime?

Learn More About Movie Streaming

Today popular video-on-demand services run by Netflix, Disney+ or Hulu have captured millions of viewer’s attention without any eavesdropping of other promotional put ups. 

Moreover today people needn’t take pains to entertain themselves with a particular television program, movie or any of such things that need to plan for your audience to make their evenings interesting! 

Of course, this hasn’t happened over a night! All thanks to the internet discovery of modern TV were consumers face zero discomfort in browsing channels to get to watch something new & entertaining.

There are copious movie streaming services like Netflix that draw attention of users which goes undivided due to factors enticed with the help audiences likes & dislikes all over the world inclusive of some other hidden metrics!.

If I say, I can let you know what needs to be done for becoming #1 streaming entrepreneur, you’ll have your key to success..

Bring in your mass into your most-entertaining online hub just like Netflix that’s net worth around 30.48B dollars?

  “ The global estimated video market is expected to boom & skyrocket its worth over $125 B by 2025 ” – The App Solutions

Online TV streaming is gaining momentum every day where the big movie streaming giants like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu are reaping millions of dollars every second.

Then why don’t some aspiring enterprises & individuals like you capture the streaming market like Netflix?

From the promising stats and net worth, we understand the demand for online movie streaming websites is huge, and yet there is huge space for newcomers as well.

Now let’s see how you can create a movie streaming app like Netflix and the actual factors that turned these movie streaming websites a grand success in the market

Table of Contents

The Secret-Game Behind The Success Of Movie Streaming Giants

Usually, when it comes to the line of streaming business its model is not only dependent on what ways we can monetize your content, but also determines the fact of how well the audience embraces your creativity. 

Creating futuristic video streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ or Hulu that operates majorly on video subscription globally expands their ownership by scaling up quickly with platform.

Friendly features like multi-platform support, social sharing options, multilingual connectivity along with magical streaming charisma. 

Scroll down to check its importance: 

create a movie streaming website
  • High-End Video Streaming Quality:

Ensure to amplify an entertaining experience that set-in great engagement within your movie streaming website.

Stream movies in several video qualities ranging from 4k resolution to standard 240p as per user bandwidth with net connection.

  • Multiplatform Support:

Any flourishing movie streaming website must adapt to necessarily stream high-quality movies to any of the screens and cross-platforms..

Since streaming compatibility is the key backbone of your entertainment business, isn’t it!

  • Social Media Integration:

This acts as a promotional tool where the user gets engaged with the movies and they share views on social platforms.

The actin return brings users to your streaming website in order to review and comment on the shows.

  • Availability In Multiple Languages:

The most demanded strategy where a best video streaming platforms can be utilized by global users is to watch in their own native language.

This personalization enhances the target audience range and engages them across the devices.

Now you are clear with the insightful factors that have been the success of these movie streaming websites.

Let’s have a deeper sight at some of the big streaming giants and their popularity in the market.

Rulers in the Global Movie Streaming Platform Market

We all know that the revenue that is majorly generated by streaming services just like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, etc.

Have already outpaced the domestic box office since 2017, and  are planning to surpass theatrical releases to ‘naturally compete for a piece of that pie’ which is known as “Global revenues from streaming video services”.

Let’s take a quick overview of these successful worldwide veterans of the streaming industry.

movie streaming websites-netflix, hulu, amazon prime


With having more than + 200 million subscribers all over the world, Netflix remains one of the most prominent leaders in the streaming market till date.

Netflix has acquired this large customer retention & base with unlimited streaming capability to its global subscribers, gaining maximum popularity.

Read Also: How Does Netflix Make Money?


One of the top-level streaming websites holds about 39.4 million paid subscribers in the 1st Quarter of 2021.

This streaming company casts most of the TV shows, Premium VODs, etc. Their direct-to-consumer business model is their secret key to success!

Amazon Prime:

Having around 80 million subscribers globally, Amazon Prime pushes itself next to the two big giants and expects to acquire a huge audience range.

The streaming website earns annual revenue of about $6.4 billion with unlimited access to music, movies, and Amazon fire TV app shows, etc…

“On understanding the promising stats and market value, the actual sustainability and persistence in performance for newcomers into the movie streaming market lies outstanding”



How To Create A Movie Streaming Website Like Netflix – A Step-by-Step Guide

Making a movie streaming website needs conscious planning and careful execution. It is challenging yet rewarding when executed successfully.

build movie streaming website

Strategies To Start A Business Like Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Prime

Follow these necessary steps to create your video streaming website like Netflix and produce maximum ROI:

So, here is a 10-step guide to getting you started.

1. Identify target audience:

Research the market and identify your target audience. Decide on the type of movies you want to offer and the features your website should have.

2. Choose a platform:

Decide on a platform for your website, such as WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. You can also build a dedicated movie streaming platform from VPlayed.

This way, you can start a streaming website and establish full ownership of your business. 

3. Register a domain name and hosting:

Choose and register a domain name with a domain registrar. Then, choose a hosting provider and set up your website on their servers.

4. Design your website:

Use a website builder or hire a web developer to design your website. Ensure your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and has all the necessary features.

At VPlayed, we have an army of 200+ qualified engineers and pro-level designers. Our team has design some of the best-looking movie streaming websites on par with global giants like Netflix. 

5. Set up a content management system:

Set up a content management system allowing you to upload, manage and organize your movies.

6. Acquire licenses:

Get the necessary licenses and permissions to stream movies legally.

7. Integrate payment gateways:

Integrate payment gateways so users can pay for movie access.

8. Implement security features:

They include SSL certificates and AES 128 encryption to protect your website from hackers. A Multi-DRM solution-enabled platform would be helpful for licensed content management. 

9. Launch your website:

Once it is ready, launch the website and start promotion work. It includes social media promotions, online ads, and other marketing channels.

10. Maintain and update your website:

Update your website with new content, fix bugs, and improve the user experience. It ensures your audience is engaged and coming back for more.

Want to Build A Movie Streaming Website Like Netflix?

Technologies Used To Develop A Movie Streaming Website

Get to know about the different technologies and tools used to create a movie streaming website.

From video encoding and delivery to playback and security, get a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to build a successful movie streaming platform.

create a movie streaming website

1. Promising Interface:

CONTUS VPlayed is built with such a rich interface like Laravel and Angular JS that easy-to-navigate online video platform with wonderful appealing themes.

The interface enhances the performance of your movie streaming website with reliable and easy-to-use interfaces.

2. HLS Protocol:

With the implementation of HTTP Live streaming protocol, every viewer gets the best online video platforms for better viewing experience.

Broadcasters can stream the best quality content for their internet connection at any given moment.

3. HLS Player:

Stream live and pre-recorded content across the devices and platforms in a high quality with CONTUS VPlayed’s inbuilt HLS video player.

Experience a great playback in any browser with fast startup and no buffering.

4. Cloud / On-premises Hostings:

CONTUS VPlayed provides flexible video on demand hosting possibilities where the content owners can build their own movie streaming website on their own premises or under CONTUS VPlayed’ cloud infrastructure to take control over the infrastructure.

5. Multi CDN:

Experience sublime content delivery with AWS, Microsoft Azure and Akamai Servers to deliver any content at any time to any geographical area.

Must-Have Features To Create A Platform For Movie Streaming

It’s entirely up to you to take your prerogative, whatever are your business objectives, models that you would like to target..

You can simply procure right from basic to sophisticated feature-set and answer your know-how questions to create a video streaming app

Here are some important ones that you should consider to integrate: 

vplayed movie streaming website features

1. Content Management System

CONTUS VPlayed’ CDN provides you with an integrated dynamic video content management system that ensures the flow of the content to the right viewer at the right time with effective analytics to manage, store and stream content.

2. 100% Customizable

Deliver outstanding viewing experience to audiences worldwide with a completely customized movie streaming website developed to stream any number of video content online.

3. White-label Feature

Now you can start a movie streaming app by trademarking your white label ott under your name, logo, template rather than investing continuously for in-house development team to maintain the application.

4. Payment Integration

Enable users to have desired payable options with multiple leading payment gateways. Set it according to your primary preferences and ensure to permit secure transactions with video subscription plans from any part of the world.

5. Real-Time Analytics

Now how to cater preferred watching according to audience’s interest is no more a worry! Make a streaming app with an analytical base specially structured for movies, tv shows & gather trendy insights from live dashboard.   

6. Multi-Device Support

Now you can stream across multiple devices such as Android, iOS, SmartTV, PCs, Laptops, Tablets, etc; to have a wider base of target audience and deliver unlimited long-tile content anytime, anywhere.

7. Video Distribution & Syndication

With CONTUS VPlayed’, make the video distribution network much easier than before. Our video syndication provides you the control over your content and revenue with the right content syndication tools.

8. Faster Playback

Deliver content across platforms & devices with quick thumbnail movements, recorded tracks, replaying recorded tracks and ads within the media player.

9. Offline Download

Provide instant download & best viewing experience of content with offline download feature where it lets the user download their favorites and watch it later any time over any device.

10. Adaptive Bitrate Streaming

With CONTUS VPlayed’ inbuilt ABS allows to deliver video content to any sort of varying network bandwidth without buffering and affecting the OTT platform streaming quality to impact the true live video experience.

11. Subtitles & Closed Captioning

You can have complete adjustable controls for subtitles with VPlayed’s player support where you can externally enable or disable otherwise change formats as per user preferences.

12. Multiple Video Format

CONTUS VPlayed encodes and delivers every video content to global users within the audio and video codecs with an array of formats ranging from High-quality definition to 240 pixels.

What Are The Security Protocols Used By CONTUS VPlayed To Avoid Legal Problems?

The hazards from hackers and pirates are increasing as the online streaming market increases. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of broadcasters with malicious intentions.

Secure video streaming is now more crucial than ever. Here are some crucial protocols that you need to consider before building a movie streaming website.

Build movie streaming website with DRM security

1. Video Encryption

Ensuring secure video encryption for live, archived content to protect from unauthorized viewing and theft of sharing the content.

2. Digital Rights Management

Safeguarding the entire content with integration to various DRM platforms in order to provide license keys during encryption and viewers playback.

3. Access Control

CONTUS VPlayed’ access control tracks and safeguards the access to your movie streaming website from any third-party, breaches and unauthorized access to the content.

4. Dynamic Watermarks

Add watermarks to your films to protect its intellectual property rights and your brand’s identity. The dynamic watermarking solution from VPlayed is an excellent approach to accomplish this.

5. SSL Certification

When pivotal information is exchanged, SSL certificates ensure secure cryptographic key exchange by establishing a secure connection between servers and browsers.

6. Screenshot Prevention

Protect subscription movie titles, TV shows content with completely-prooflocked screenshots by eliminating users to capture them to infringe your webpage’s credibility.

7. AES encryption

Build a secure movie streaming website with AES encryption using 128-bit cryptographic keys for live, archived content to protect from unauthorized views and theft of sharing content.

How To Monetize Your Movie Streaming Application Like Netflix?

The video platform’s monetization is based on a top revenue-generating model where you can flexibly offer your audience a variety of plans. You can charge a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee, for example.

Also, for the start you can have many heads up with free trial versions for speculated time from your centralized library. Here are the best that we have got you to leverage with:

Make movie streaming website with video monetization

1. Subscription

The SVOD platform monetization model creates the opportunity to generate the most predictable recurring revenue with an early, monthly subscription of user’s account.

2. Advertisement

What is AVOD? Advertising-based video on demand integrated with various ad platforms to generate revenue at a quick and easy way.

Play interactive video ads with ad customization models that turn higher conversion rates.

3. Pay-Per-View

Sell every content within the platform by setting it available as pay-per-view to any of your target audiences to generate quick revenue.

4. Premium Video On Demand Model

Premium video on demand model is generally used to classify video content that has newly arrived which is otherwise known as “Blockbuster type”.

This can essentially assist you in an urgent scenario where you could make up for the revenue lost and set it in a competitive streaming space at par with movie studios, film distribution box office, etc. 

5. Catch Up TV

Providing viewers with an opportunity to watch the broadcasted or missed TV programs through the website or app as on demand with a monetization model of subscription.

6. Hybrid Model

Hybrid monetization one among the other approaches can give you the blend of collective models in order to maximize revenue. 

For example, you can think of clubbing subscriptions with advertising-based content offered which can give you pretty good profitability.

Think of it as “median modus operandi” helping you to get a solution to improve the streams of ROI. 

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Movie Streaming Website Like Netflix, Hulu?

On an estimation, CONTUS VPlayed offers a set of streaming functionalities and features according to the enterprises and content owner’s expectation.

With everything you need to build a movie streaming website like Netflix, the actual cost extensively considered with customization of technologies, backend administrations and features for every enterprise demands.

However, getting an exact picture of the cost to create an engaging movie streaming website may not be very helpful since every streaming project varies to the rest of market players who come up with their own set of innovations.

Besides that, some of the unique selling factors such as video streaming solution providers launch either on cloud/on premise, lifetime ownership, etc play a dominant role before calling for an estimated pricing. 

Final Word

Once the strategy has been set to build a video streaming app like Netflix, it’s quite essential to understand the purpose, content aspects and how you could earn from it.

At CONTUS VPlayed, we provide a commendable streaming solution with high scalability, impeccable features and customization to create a video streaming website like Netflix as per your business demands. 

If You Already Have an Idea About Creating a Movie Streaming Website, Schedule a Free Demo and We’ll Get You On The Road to Video Streaming Success.
request demo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. Why Do You Need A Movie Streaming Website? 

This is quickly becoming one of the most common methods of viewing video content. When you consider creating a movie streaming website, you have the potential to revolutionise the way the world perceives films and television. Deliver a fantastic user experience while earning a steady income from subscription packages with fixed prices.

2. How To Start A Movie Streaming Business Like Netflix?

There are numerous arguments in favour of launching a video streaming business. The answer to the question of how to start a streaming website like Netflix is mostly determined by market demand. It goes without saying that if there is no market demand for your products, it might remain unsuccessful. Likewise, we know that people prefer watching breakless content & when it comes to films, it convinces you to start delivering the best moviestreaming experience.

3. What Are The Features Required To Build Your Own Movie Streaming Platform?

There are some essential features that you need to consider while creating a movie streaming website such as managing content distribution at geo location, result-oriented marketing suite, monitored audience behavioural insights, amplified revenue opportunities, potential ability to self host the platform, multiple device compatibility, whitellabelling options and many more.

4. How Much Does It Cost To Start A Movie Streaming Service?

Building the most budget-friendly movie streaming website equivalent to Netflix entirely depends on the features, customization and other services that you need to create all the difference in the streaming world. All of this can be bought with a lifetime ownership that makes it worthy of the capital put in.

5. How To Monetize Your Movie Streaming App?

Broadcasters can profit from their video content in a variety of ways while researching on how to create a movie streaming app. Inserting adverts, incorporating sponsored content, giving subscriptions, and creating seasonal movie coupons are among the most prevalent. These unique video streaming business strategies are used to generate revenue from your videos.

Kesav works with CONTUS VPlayed as a Live Streaming and VOD platform expert. I love to blog, analyze, and discuss things on the newest technology. I'm especially curious to learn more about the technologies used by movie streaming platforms.


  1. Judah Reply

    I have been interested in building a movie streaming website for some time now, and this article has provided me with all the information I need to get started.

  2. Kevin Reply

    I found this article to be very useful. It provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a movie streaming website, which is something I have been waiting to do for a long time.

  3. Antonio Reply

    This is an excellent guide for anyone who wants to learn how to create a streaming website. It covers all the important details and is easy to understand.

  4. Maddox Reply

    This is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to create their own movie streaming platform. The steps outlined are clear and easy to follow.

  5. Gavin Reply

    I’ve been looking for a comprehensive guide on how to make your own movie website, and this is exactly what I needed. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Emiliano Reply

    Great article, I’ve been thinking about building my own streaming website and this has given me some valuable insights.

  7. Michael Gutierrez Reply

    Hello! We want to start a movie streaming website with content for children, as part of the experience that McDonald’s (McDonald’s in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua) wants to create for parents and children. It is a project that seeks to generate brand engagement and will not be monetized. I would like to know a little more about your solution and evaluate if it adapts to our requirements and budget.

  8. Winston Cortez Reply

    Hello, I was looking to launch an online movie streaming platform for my network app. I’m creating reality TV videos and I want my subscribers to be able to view my network app on their smartphones or TV’s like Hulu or Netflix. I want to know if your company specializes in this and the cost monthly or annually.

  9. Grace Santos Reply

    Hi, I would like to know how to make a streaming app/ website for smart tv that is a mosaic of logos aggregator of Italian local tv and radio broadcasters.The App must work on smart tv the manager must have a mini control panel that gives the possibility to insert or remove the broadcasters. moreover it may be interesting to insert a short advertising spot that is automatically inserted before starting the streaming of each individual broadcaster.

  10. Felix Cobb Reply

    Hi, good day to you. I hope you are well. I want to start my own business. This is it plain and simple. Build a netflix like website when I say similar I mean quality and simplicity for users to use. It will be a website for all motivational speakers around the world. Videos short documentaries about them. A Netflix for all for millions of people who want to thrive in life and have a 100% healthy mindset home to go to when they need motivation and listen to the most successful people talk. Is this possible for you to have the capabilities to build something like this for me ? Also I couldn’t locate any professional streaming website like this for speakers. If there is one, could you let me know? I want to see if I have potential to build one that will take over.

  11. Shari James Reply

    Hello, What is your pricing to start a streaming service? Also, how does an artist go about getting paid royalties for their streams? Do you report streams and pay distributors? How would this work? Thanks,

  12. Israel Franklin Reply

    Hi, I am planning to create a new movie streaming website for my country. Seems, you have what I want, so please lets see demo and we may work together Thanks beforehand Looking forward your response

  13. Claudia Goodwin Reply

    Hello, I want to create a movie-streaming website for my digital viewers interested in purchasing my movies and shows.

  14. Lynn Gonzales Reply

    Hi, I have an idea for a particular genre, and would like to create an app only showing such movies. Would I be able to obtain any movie I wanted? and could this be an app on a TV which you can download and pay a subscription for? I have more questions on how to create a movie streaming app? Kind regards

  15. Al Salazar Reply

    Hi there I would like to know how much it would cost for me to create video streaming website as an artist/songwriter as I have a lot of content. This will only be for my own creations. Kind regards,

  16. Leona Klein Reply

    Hello, Need to create a video streaming app that is subscription based with an admin dashboard to approve subscriptions depending on mode of payment; a movie streaming app to launch a feature film

  17. Elmer Gibbs Reply

    Greetings, We want to create a movie streaming site like netflix with paid subscription. How much does it cost & would like to see your product demo.

  18. Salvatore Brown Reply

    HI, We intend to start a streaming service with traditional linear programming for our partner who offers Fiber connectivity to over 2M households.

  19. Hubert Lewis Reply

    HI, I would like to build a movie streaming website or app that is a mosaic of logos aggregator of Italian local tv and radio broadcasters.The App must work on smart tv the manager must have a mini control panel that gives the possibility to insert or remove the broadcasters. moreover it may be interesting to insert a short advertising spot that is automatically inserted before starting the streaming of each individual broadcaster

  20. Norma Patrick Reply

    Hello, We are looking to create our own movie streaming app. We need to find expert OTT developers to create and deploy this new version. Regards

  21. Zachary Reply

    I’m really impressed with the level of detail in this post. It’s clear that you have a lot of experience in how to start a movie website. I’m excited to see what I can create with the help of your tips!

  22. Dylan Reply

    I feel this is one of the so much significant info for me. And i am satisfied reading your article about benefits of starting movie streaming website. However want to remark on few general things, The site style is ideal, the articles is in reality nice

  23. Ezekiel Reply

    I think it’s awesome that you’re sharing your knowledge on how to create a video or movie streaming website. However, I do worry about the complete process of building movie streaming platform. Nice article with good explanation

  24. Isaiah Reply

    I love Netflix, and I’ve always thought it would be cool to start a similar movie streaming service. Your tips on selecting the right platform provider are spot on. Looking forward to putting these ideas into action!

  25. Bodhi Reply

    Wow, this is a really informative post! I’ve been wanting to create a movie streaming website for a while now, but I didn’t know where to start. Your step-by-step guide is going to be a huge help. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Harleywan Reply

    Thank you for this informative post. I’ve been thinking about creating my own streaming website for a while, but didn’t know where to start. Your step-by-step guide is really helpful and has given me the confidence to pursue my idea

  27. Charmaine Reply

    I want to create a video streaming website of my own, where the users need to pay and watch the movies online with multiple revenue models that I stream on my website. Is it possible?

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Yes indeed! You can start a movie streaming website of your choice where you can offer them on-demand videos, TV shows, web series etc. Now you can fix your own prices for your content originals using multiple revenue models such as SVOD, AVOD, TVOD, Catch-Up TV, etc.

  28. Sarah Williams Reply

    I need to develop a movie streaming solution where I can upload files to the server and at the same time, the receivers should be able to watch those movies across any devices like desktop, tablet, mobile etc and support platforms like windows, android, ios etc. Does the CONTUS VPlayed support all these factors?

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for reaching out.. Yes, of course CONTUS VPlayed provides all of these parameters assuring multifold viewing experience across the globe anytime and anywhere. Also, you can take a look at trendy insights covered on how CONTUS VPlayed ensures multi-device compatibility across several regions.

  29. Aria Brielle Reply

    Hi, I am looking to build a movie streaming website like netflix. I want to know details about the licensing & pricing model of online movie streaming platforms. Looking forward to getting your estimate ASAP.

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Hi.. You can now easily make your own movie streaming app and website similar to Netflix with simple software architecture and other valuable add-ons. You can now share with us your personal details of contact & we’ll be connecting with you shortly. Meanwhile, you can quickly take a look at our informative blogpost on: comparative pricing models to build a customized movie-streaming website.

  30. Benjamin Reply

    We want to release our debut movie on the OTT platform. We have an idea to develop a movie streaming app like amazon prime, Netflix where i can share my movie content with the user with subscription. Provide details of the customization features & cost.

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for letting us know about your business requirements.. In order to develop a tailor-made movie streaming website you can get a glimpse through our OTT platform features and other unique characteristics that can help you to earn surplus revenue. For more information please get in touch by contacting our sales team.

  31. Mary Elizabeth Reply

    Want to create an Online movie streaming app for android & iOS. Just wanted a price on a platform similar to Netflix and I want to share my media content with selected people. I already have my media in the cloud with direct streaming links. Need a platform where my movie can be uploaded that I can share with a few people. If all goes well then I will be looking at worldwide streaming with subscription.

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Hi.. That’s great to hear from you! You can now quickly reach us out to have the customized integrations for starting a online Video streaming service by filling your details here and we our team of technical streaming experts will get in touch with you in 24 hours.

  32. María Guerrero Reply

    Hello, I had an idea of starting a movie streaming service that only showcases movies that are picked by my members and myself. Members will have an active role in deciding what movies will make the website/app with a comments section for each movie played. Starting off my niche would be horror movies with some syfy sprinkled in. I am looking for the best product.

  33. Jim Brown Reply

    I’m a start up, and I want to create & launch a complete movie streaming platform for rental business. Is there a package that I would be interested in and I need to know the complete cost for the development & licensing? thank you

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for enquiring.. We would like to suggest you to choose TVOD or Transactional video-on-demand model for you to rent movies or own them with life-time access. Feel free to check other monetization models from CONTUS VPlayed to upscale your business with a complete packaged solution right from development to marketing your video content, end-to-end.

  34. Cooper Reply

    Hi.. I would love to start a movie streaming website like Netflix with you after exploring your content on this website. Also, I would like to know the customized features that are available in your product with pricing and technology. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  35. Finlay Dunn Reply

    Dear CONTUS Staff, We are working with a large number of movie/video content providers in the Latam region. We would like to learn more about your platform to see if it can help accelerate online movie monetization for their inventory.

  36. Ava Charlton Reply

    I represent a Serbian company of an independent media house. we are interested in creating a movie streaming app like Netflix to distribute the content in the web. What will the cost to develop and the backend technologies used in your solution.

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for enquiring.. We can help you to build your own movie streaming app just like Netflix with carrier-grade features such as self hosting, analytics solution and backed technologies like HLS protocol, ABS technology, etc. Now to have accurate pricing numbers, you can get in touch with us by filling-in your necessary requirements via contact us form & our experts will get in touch with you shortly.

  37. John Gallagher Reply

    We are interested in developing a movie streaming webiste for multiple users, I want to know how to make money from online movie industry. What’s the price for the platform and are there any monthly subscriptions involved.

    1. BrindaLakshmi Rajkumar Reply

      Hi thanks for getting back to us.. Please let us know with your other personal details of contact or mailing address for providing detailed structure of quoted pricing plans and its unique functionalities..

  38. Natalie Pena Reply

    Hi, I would like to start a movie streaming website like Netflix . I have talked to a lot of movie producers in my country who are willing to submit their contents to the platform. I would like to have a fair idea of the cost, and also if your product supports user submitted contents which will have to go through review before published. In fact, I would like to get a free demo and and estimated cost. Thanks.

  39. Edith Dunn Reply

    Hi. I want to make a movie streaming website like Hulu in Canada. How can I make a film according to copyright law?

  40. Clinton Marshall Reply

    I am looking to create a movie streaming website like Netflix and Amazon specifically for Nigerian market. I have my own contacts in Nigerian movie industry and music, standup comedians. How much does it cost to build. Hope to hear from you asap. Thanks

  41. Armando White Reply

    Hello, I need to integrate IMDB, TUBI, crackle, popcornflix within my platform so that I can import movies, TV series, Movie data from those websites. Also I would like to know how to create a movie streaming app and what are the basic features you are providing.

  42. Stuart Lawson Reply

    Hi, I wanted to make a movie streaming website where I can monetize my movie content without a limit. I would like know what are the revenue models your are offering and the pricing.

  43. Lee Guzman Reply

    Hi, we would like to build an own movie/drama streaming websites, which can put our own advertisement and get the movie from third party without upload by ourselves. We like to know the unique features that you are offering and the pricing details.

  44. Lucas Owens Reply

    Hello, I would like to build a movie streaming site where users can get to buy a subscription plan and get all the latest movies we upload while also we earn some revenue from ads integrated by 3rd party. Free users can watch movies with ads and premium users can watch the movies without ads

  45. Olga Wise Reply

    Hello, I am interested in a making a streaming platforms like Netflix for movies and documentaries. It would it be ok if we discuss about the app and cost development and ongoing cost and look forward to hearing back from you.

  46. Lillian Patterson Reply

    Hello, I want to start a movie streaming website with subscription based for Western movies and TV shows from the 30’s, 40’s 50’s 60’s,70,80’s etc. I am looking for a site where I can upload my movies and charge a monthly fee so my customers can watch them anytime they want. Please let me know the right options and price. Hopefully 2000 subscribers or more and 500 or more are movies and tv shows. Thank you for your time. Best regards

  47. Doyle Gray Reply

    Hello, I would like to create a movie streaming website for streaming my new movie to viewers. They’ll pay to watch the movie, and can stream it live from the platform. What’s the next step to learning about your offering and packages?

  48. Geoffrey Cook Reply

    Hi, I would like to start a movie streaming website like Netflix . I have talked to a lot of movie producers in my country who are willing to submit their contents to the platform. I would like to have a fair idea of the cost, and also if your product supports user submitted contents which will have to go through review before being published. In fact, I would like to get a free demo and and estimated cost. Thanks.

  49. Ted Ward Reply

    Hi, I am looking to start a video streaming website like Netflix and Amazon specifically for the Nigerian market. I have my own contacts in the Nigerian movie industry and music, standup comedians. How can you help me to build a platform for myself.

  50. Everett Harris Reply

    Hi, we would like to build our own movie/drama streaming websites, which can put our own advertisement and get the movie from a third party without uploading it by ourselves. What will be the pricing and want to know the other features you are offering.

  51. Terence Osborne Reply

    Hi, I would like to start a movie streaming site where users can buy a subscription plan and get all the latest movies we upload while also earning some revenue from ads integrated by 3rd party. Free users can watch movies with ads and premium users can watch movies without ads. Is it possible?

  52. Roberta Carter Reply

    Hello, We are a movie distribution company considering launching a new product – a Video streaming platform. I am gathering info on the different options available. I contacted companies offering an all inclusive SAAS solution to create a video streaming platform but I would like to discuss with you options you can offer for video storage, DRM and video player. Is it possible to discuss? Thank you Kind regards,

  53. Patrick Evans Reply

    Hello, I am interested in developing a movie streaming app for movies and documentaries. Would it be ok if we discussed the app and cost development and ongoing cost and look forward to hearing back from you.

  54. Blanche Hubbard Reply

    Hi, I was just wondering if you can create a movie and tv streaming site with this product and how much this product costs?

  55. Janis Underwood Reply

    Hi, I would like to build a movie streaming App for IOS and Android. I want the App to have features like Netflix. Moreover I also want to have a back end where the contents can be uploaded by a novice as well.

  56. Daryl Brewer Reply

    Hello, I would like to create a movie streaming site like Netflix in my country. The video should not be downloaded by the users & only with the Monthly subscription plan. What does it require and what is the price to build a streaming website or app?

  57. Dallas Sullivan Reply

    HI, I would love to start a movie streaming app for iOS and Android. I want the App to have features like Netflix. Moreover I also want to have a back end where the contents can be uploaded by a novice as well.

  58. Gabriel Nunez Reply

    Hi, We have a company, ISP, a video production company that makes low-budget movies for Haitian people, and recently we have created one film that will be live in the next few days on our platform (https://iris-strata.com/). We don’t want anyone to download or copy our movie. Based on my research, I found out DRM can be helpful because it provides something like Netflix. Is there anything you can do?

  59. Mathew White Reply

    Hello Team, I promise to make a very good movie streaming app like Netflix and to get a good amount of people watching my movie website. What will be the cost for creating a video streaming app?

  60. Lori Norton Reply

    Hi, I want to buy and resell IPTV and netflix accounts, can you tell me more about your service? Kindly share the prices, will be building platforms like Hulu or Netflix, most of the distribution will be in Pakistan and nearby. Thanks

  61. Cora Park Reply

    Hi Vplayed. My name is Oliver and I am about to start a new project about video coaching. Therefore to make my own Netflix website on which I can have all the content for the clients. I think your white label solution is very interesting for my project, but I have a few questions that I hope you will help answer.

  62. Marc Fisher Reply

    Hi, I would like to start a movie streaming website like Netflix . I have talked to a lot of movie producers in my country who are willing to submit their contents to the platform. I would like to have a fair idea of the cost, and also if your product supports user submitted contents which will have to go through review before published. In fact, I would like to get a free demo and and estimated cost. Thanks.

  63. Wilson Jacobs Reply

    Hello, I would like to know how to start a streaming service like Netflix and Hulu but with a reasonable price and that will allow you to connect 5 devices.

  64. Florence Elliott Reply

    Hi team, I am looking to develop a movie streaming website like Amazon, Netflix specifically for the Nigerian market. I have my own contacts in the Nigerian movie industry and music, standup comedians.

  65. Jamie Francis Reply

    Hi, I was looking for a solution to be able to make a website with unlimited video hours so I can make a video streaming website like Netflix. Hope this is the one. Can’t wait to check it out!

  66. Kenny Bishop Reply

    Hi, We need to create a movie streaming app for one-time-payments and subscriptions. It has to include video, audio, files(e.g. pdf, no need for drm) and live streaming. Is this possible with your system and how much would it cost?

  67. Bethany Robinson Reply

    Hello, I am writing to you from the Nurtas Production studio. We produce feature films on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We already have 9 films, 8 of which are available on youtube. We want to build a movie streaming website where we can monetize our video-on-demand movie views. The territories in which we expect our films to be viewed include: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan.

  68. Sammy Harrington Reply

    Hi, We are currently evaluating multiple options and would like to know more about your services. We would also really appreciate pricing options that we can share with the team. We have a large library of content and are in the process of acquiring more. We are looking for a place to host everything with the ability to monetize per video as well as with subscriptions. We are also looking to build a movie streaming app for closed systems.

  69. Belinda Holt Reply

    Hello, we would like to launch a movie streaming site, where other movie producers can upload their videos and the site admin will pay them commission. Please confirm your turnkey platform can do the same. Thank you

  70. Vicky Steele Reply

    Hi Team, We are developing a movie streaming website. We need a video player so I want to know about more details on your video player price and etc. we want to use video player with React JS and React Native. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  71. Ann Allen Reply

    Hello, we want to make a movie streaming app with subscription-based platform & now we need to monetize our non-premium videos through in-stream ads , & looking for a complete solution as video publisher.

  72. Jerry Thornton Reply

    Hi, I would love to create my own free movie streaming website that will help me earn some money. I would like to see a demo of VPlayed platform. Specifically I am interested in these features: VOD, video streaming, DRM and how to whitelabel the platform. Thanks!

  73. Charlene Greer Reply

    Hi, we are looking to engage with a white labeled solution provider to develop video streaming platform aggregation and multi channel distribution platform . Please get in touch if this is something you can help us on how to start a streaming service like Netflix? Hope to hear from you!

  74. Kristopher Edwards Reply

    Hello, Looking for a movie streaming OTT App for IOS and Android. I want the App to have features like Netflix. Moreover I also want to have a back end where the contents can be uploaded by a novice as well.

  75. Donald Hale Reply

    Hey! We are a start-up and want to know how to build a movie streaming website for our company. We want a subscription-based system with the special feature, that the users can decide themselves which movie they want to give part of their subscription money to.

  76. Rolando Potter Reply

    I would really like to start a movie streaming service. I would really appreciate it if you show me how to start it from scratch.

  77. Elisa Pena Reply

    Hey! We are a start-up and want to launch a movie streaming app like Netflix. We want a subscription-based system with the special feature, that the users can decide themselves which movie they want to give part of their subscription money to.

  78. Anna Mason Reply

    Hi, I would like to create a movie streaming app, ideally videos and audio. But depending on the price maybe I would choose only one service either video or audio. Thanks

  79. Kirk Elliott Reply

    Hello, Looking to build an online movie streaming platform. Do you offer unlimited bandwidth? What about video storage? What packages do you offer?

  80. Ronald Fernandez Reply

    Hi, we are planning to make a movie streaming website or app with customized solutions for Payment gateway, subscription model, VOD and Live streaming channel program through Web, like a Web TV

  81. Mark Collins Reply

    Hi Team, I would like to Start my own movie streaming app like Netflix with my fanbase of 1 million. I’m looking to have ads and video ads playing before each song streams.

  82. Lorenzo Greer Reply

    Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to request a quote on how to create a movie streaming site. I would like to know the price for a site and app with all the mentioned add on features. Please let me know what information is needed from my side in order to obtain the quote. Please note that we are considering starting an online entertainment streaming platform in Tbilisi Georgia, which has a population of only 3.7 million people. Please take the above into consideration when formulating a quote as for the moment we do not intend to stream the content outside of Georgia. Thank you in advance

  83. Chris Gregory Reply

    Hi, I am looking to start my own movie streaming website with Monetization capability, playlisting capability, and profile and subscription capability.

  84. Christie Hale Reply

    Hi, I am very much interested in what your organization can offer and I want us to have a business talk to this effect on the direct cost considering starting an online movie streaming website or app. I would appreciate it if we can immediately hold a meeting so I can debrief you. thanks

  85. Clifford Fletcher Reply

    Hi Team, Need to create a movie streaming app that is subscription based with an admin dashboard to approve subscriptions depending on mode of payment; a video streaming app to launch a feature film.

  86. Ramiro Oliver Reply

    Hello, I want to create a video-streaming website for my digital viewers interested in purchasing my movies and shows.

  87. Harriet Wilkins Reply

    Hello, I am looking for some help to go through what the demo looks like. I’m working on building a movie streaming app for an alternative to Netflix and Hulu.

  88. Lorelei Reply

    This is a great article for anyone looking to get started with building a movie streaming website. Features of creating own video streaming app also clearly explained . Nice blog

  89. Larisa Reply

    I found this article to be a great resource for anyone looking to build netflix like video streaming website. The information provided was clear and easy to follow, and the tips and recommendations were extremely helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  90. Charmaine Reply

    This was a really helpful and informative article on how to start a movie streaming service. The step-by-step instructions made it easy for me to understand the process for how to build a movie streaming website like hulu .Thanks for sharing

  91. Wyattro Reply

    Thank you for sharing this useful information on how to create a video streaming website like hulu. I’ve been looking for resources on this topic and this article was exactly what I needed.

  92. Sawyer Reply

    This was a great article on how to start a streaming website. The tips and resources provided were very helpful and planning to start my own customized movie streaming platform soon.

  93. Robert Reply

    I’ve been wanting to start my video streaming website for a while now, and this article provided a great overview of how movie streaming works and the process. The information was easy to follow and very helpful.

  94. Parker Reply

    This was a fantastic resource for anyone looking to start a movie streaming website. The tips and recommendations provided were spot on and features of creating movie streaming site like hulu also well explained

  95. Mason Reply

    I really appreciate the step-by-step instructions and the clear explanations in this article. It made it easy for me to understand the process of building netflix like video streaming website.

  96. Carter Reply

    Great article! I was looking for information on how to build a movie streaming website and this was exactly what I needed.

  97. Julian Reply

    Thanks for sharing this valuable information on how to make a movie streaming website. I’ve been wanting to create my own streaming platform for a while now, and this article has given me the confidence to go for it.

  98. Camden Reply

    I found this article to be very helpful. It gave me a good understanding of the technical aspects of how to create a movie streaming website.

  99. Grayson Reply

    This was a very informative and helpful blog post. I’m definitely going to try build video streaming website like netflix, now that I have a better understanding of the process.

  100. Finn Reply

    This is an extremely helpful guide for anyone looking to build a movie streaming website. The information provided is clear and easy to understand, and I am excited to get started on my own project.

  101. Brandon Reply

    This is a great article, it gives a detailed guide on how to build a movie streaming website or app. I will definitely be using this as a reference as I build my own.

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