1 November, 2023
How to create and launch a video on demand business platform

How to Create a Video on Demand Business: A Detailed Guide to Get Started a VOD Website

Learn More About VOD Platform

The VOD business is booming, and the numbers are staggering. 

According to reports, around 82% of internet traffic is video, and people consume more than 16 hours of video content per week. As a result, the demand for VOD services is at an all-time high.

In 2020, the video on demand (VOD) industry saw a 12% increase in its user base and a 15% rise in revenue. As per Statista, the VOD segment is projected to reach a market value of around $126,548 million by 2025.

Many businesses are leveraging this shift by launching their video content monetizing with the best VOD platforms

However, with continuous changes in trends, it is clear that understanding consumer preferences is the key to success in the streaming business. 

This article discusses the impact, major industries, and benefits of VOD business, in addition to how to start your own VOD website.

Video-On-Demand – Market Landscape and Trends

The viewing habits of the masses are changing fast. 

Today, they prefer the convenience of video-on-demand over traditional television. 

In addition, the freedom to stream content at any time from anywhere has taken VOD to every nuke and corner of the world. 

In a recent survey, 80% of global respondents said they like watching movies on VOD websites, followed by 50% who consume on-demand TV programs.

VOD websites are great for delivering viewers the content of their choice and retaining them long-term. VOD websites and apps are also easy to monetize, leading to business growth in revenue.

Type Of Industries Benefited Using Video On-Demand Technology

Due to the adaptable nature of VOD technology, many niches are using it to streamline their operations and grow their business.

A report by Wibbitz suggests that 56% of marketers currently implement video in their content strategy, and another 61% plan to do it soon. 

With HD video on the frontline of business and communications, VOD websites are becoming more and more relevant.


Video-On-Demand: Use Cases

Here are the top 5 industries leveraging video-on-demand technology in their business.

🔹 Media & Entertainment:

The media industry is all about providing information and entertainment to audiences. With content becoming increasingly video, VOD technology helps build a business to deliver it effectively to viewers.

It deals with media content related to film, radio, and television, where the genres range from movies, TV shows, radio programs, music concerts, sporty events, news bulletins, talk shows, etc.

🔹 Sports & Fitness:

VOD has added a new dimension to this online fitness platform industry by introducing recorded events that viewers can watch as many times as they want.

Sports VOD enable gamers to capture momentary experiences and post videos on their dedicated channels.

The same applies to fitness enthusiasts who try to stay fit with accessible online fitness tutorials, takeup Instagram fitness challenges, personal training sessions, and more using a VOD platform.

🔹 Education:

Today, Education is not only confined to classrooms. With the introduction of e-learning, students can learn remotely through recorded videos, lecture capture flipped classrooms, and more, all made possible due to video on demand.

This industry has captured many eyes benefiting from the best online video platforms.

One of the finest examples from UNESCO lets us know that distance learning programs are recommended to cope with the extensive impact of a pandemic on the education sector.

🔹 Enterprises:

VOD website help businesses with their communications by effectively exchanging messages, training materials, instructional videos, and promotional content among the team members and the end-users.

Real-time conversation apps like Zoom, Skype, and Slack are perfect examples of how increased interconnectedness among employees results in a corresponding increase in productivity. 

🔹 Religious:

VOD technology helps religious communities spread discourses worldwide through recorded videos. Followers can watch the preaching sessions online and become a part of the community transcending geographical barriers.

As with every other vertical, religious communities had also switched to the Internet when the pandemic peaked. As a result, an uptick in church attendance was witnessed to compensate for the lack of in-person worship.

Want To Launch A Video On Demand Streaming Business?

How do I start an online video on demand business? 

Starting an online video-on-demand business is no longer reserved for the elites. 

With platforms like VPlayed, anyone — even beginners with no coding experience — can create a video-on-demand platform. 

And the best part is having complete control over the user interface, customization, and viewing experience. This means that you can personalize the platform according to your needs.


Here are some simple steps to create a stunning video on demand website: 

Step 1: Build a Good VOD Website

Your video-on-demand service is like a catalyst for your business. So, the first step is to build a good-looking, visually appealing website for your business.

Step 2: Find your niche and target audience

The first item on your to-do list after deciding to launch your streaming platform is to identify your niche. Of course, this may include comedic performances, popular TV shows, concerts, and documentaries

Step 3: Choose a monetization model

Once you’ve finalized your niche and target audience, the next step is setting quantifiable goals. 

Choosing suitable monetization models like SVOD, TVOD & AVOD would help measure any streamed content’s success. 

Some of the common monetization models

a. Advertisements (AVOD)

Ads significantly garner your revenue scales, especially for content-based businesses.
Here primary factors when you are starting to stream them; it is an all-time winner that supports your sustainability since its demand in the market is in volumes.

b. Subscriptions (SVOD)

When you look for how to start a video streaming business, it becomes essential to gauge if your content can permit subscriptions.

Seeking exclusive rights for it and having in-house shows can ensure a sustainable model. It also proves as a unique differentiator from the rest.  

c. Pay-Per-View (TVOD)

If you have content to sell videos online piecemeal, pay-per-view is your best choice. This model is primarily used when every video is priced individually.

While building an on-demand library, if you have yet to have a vast one, this can be your go-getter.

Why Does Your Business Need A VOD Platform?

VOD has multiple benefits to offer to both the creators and the consumers. Here are seven solid reasons why you should build your own video-on-demand website.


1. Convenience:

VOD services allow users to watch the content as and when they like. There are no restrictions on time and place, and one can watch a particular content multiple times.

Additionally, users can stream content from any geographical location, which is not the case with a traditional TV. With VOD, audiences also have the freedom to cancel their subscription at any time.

2. Better customer reach and accessibility:

Having a VOD website allows you to cater to a large audience base. One can access your website from any device with a single click.
Furthermore, creating content that resonates with your viewers can increase your audience base manifold.

3. Build online communities:

VOD business is more than just video viewing. It is about building a community around your ideas and passions with people who share similar interests.

By delivering value and original content in their particular industry, one can succeed in VOD streaming.

Take the example of Netflix, whose users share a common sense of belongingness around its video content, making it a viewer giant.

4. Source of passive income:

There are various monetization options in a video-on-demand business.

For instance, with SVOD (subscription video on demand), you get recurring revenue month-on-month from your subscribers.

This ensures a steady flow of income and allows you to focus more on creation without worrying about money.

5. Creative freedom and control over monetization:

Building your own video-on-demand website gives you complete control over your content.

You get to choose what, when, and how you want to share your ideas with the world. There are no advertisers’ guidelines to be followed that may hamper your creativity.

6. Multiple revenue streams:

Video streaming services have multiple video monetization methods to earn revenue from the content. You can choose among the most popular ones, including AVOD(ad-based), SVOD (subscription-based), and TVOD (transactional or pay-per-view).

In addition, there are also options to use hybrid models like SVOD & TVOD or SVOD & AVOD to maximize profits depending on the business.

7. Ad-Free Entertainment:

There is no denying that our consumers have never welcomed advertisements. As a result, most are ready to pay a premium VOD price to stream ad-free content.

In traditional TV, viewers can only watch the ads as the service uses AVOD monetization. But VOD provides them without ads entertainment after a video subscription platform that attracts many consumers.

How to choose video on demand Business?

For building your own VOD business, you require the services of VOD software.

Today, the market is saturated with eclectic VOD businesses. Still, choosing the right one that fits your business needs and goes well with your content strategies is essential.


An effective VOD business must have the latest cutting-edge technologies that are future-proof.

An excellent IT infrastructure coupled with a robust distribution network will help you remain relevant and scale up in the future.

If you want to make money from your VOD website, pay attention to the monetization models and payment gateway support. 

Lastly, the service should be within your budget, as content creation and business require a hefty upfront investment.

How CONTUS VPlayed Helps Business to Build Successful VOD Website

CONTUS VPlayed is an end-to-end video on demand website builder that lets you digitize the video experience for global audiences.

  • CONTUS VPlayed is an end-to-end video-on-demand website builder that lets you digitize the video experience for global audiences.
  • Design a business model by finding the ideal niche on which you can create quality content.
  • The next step is to find a business service like CONTUS VPlayed and pay at a one-time cost which you will ultimately own.
  • Customize the added features in your kitty to suit your business based on what customers expect.
  • Also, customize the layout to resonate with your brand image.
  • Ensure that the videos are compatible to stream on multiple and remote devices.
  • Find out the best video monetization platform that you can work with.
  • Pay attention to the video content management system and the security of the system with the necessary tools.
  • Add features such as analytics to monitor your videos’ engagement rate and other progress to analyze them regularly and make necessary changes then and there.
  • Set up the on-cloud hosting and build an available VOD app after ensuring the security features.

Here are the top 6 features that make VPlayed a robust VOD website..

1. 100% Customizable:

VPlayed offers the best white-label OTT platforms capabilities to host videos with your branding.

In addition, you can customize the website to match your brand image without creating anything from scratch.

2. 9+ Flexible Monetization Models:

There are three basic monetization models – SVOD, AVOD, and TVOD on VPlayed.

In addition, the platform also offers catch-up TV, coupons & promotions, third-party ad integrations, and server-side ad insertion.

3. On Cloud/ On-Premises:

VPlayed provides both on-cloud and on-premise hosting. You can select one that matches your use cases and requirements to build the best online video hosting platforms.

4. Multi-DRM Solution

VPlayed has multi-DRM security that manages your licensed content. In addition, it protects your content against piracy and unauthorized access..

5. Built-in Marketing Integrations:

To enhance user engagement and lead conversions, VPlayed provides multiple tools to create compelling CTAs, lead capture forms, and video email marketing.

6. 4K HLS Streaming With HTML5 Player:

VPlayed offers a state-of-the-art HTML5 video player with HLS streaming that ensures a high-quality buffer-free viewing experience.
In addition, it comes with adaptive bitrate streaming and multi-screen support that adds to the convenience of viewers.


Video on demand is a powerful asset for businesses. However, knowing where and how to start can be confusing.

As mentioned, an advanced white-label VOD platform like VPlayed can help you build an impactful website to take your content to a global audience.

With adequate planning and thoughtful investments, you can achieve tremendous success.

If You Already Have An Idea About Starting A Video On Demand Business, Feel Free To Schedule A Free Demo. Let’s Get Your VOD App Up and Running!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. How To Create A Video On Demand Website For Business?

You can now build customized streaming business specially for various genres in video on demand by firstly planning content with the target audience. Then content production & uploading on the website comes into the category. When it’s all set to stream you need to embed your video player & finally promote your VOD business.

2. Why VOD Business Important In 2023?

With 2021 year nearing to a closure many business owners are flipping through the page to start video on demand service, looking forward to new avenues. On-demand video business models help to convert their vision into incredible success via its popularity, high engagement, versatile ways to target, & ability to share & monetize.

3. Which Monetization Model Is The Best For VOD Business?

Streaming with an effective business revenue model largely depends on genre of content that’s added to a video on demand site created on your own. SVOD platform is the most common type chosen by media owners to reap constant profits. Other than that, selecting a perfect monetization strategy depends on audience’s choices to cater. Some may like to watch a complete pack where TVOD can help, apart from AVOD.

4. How To Secure Your Video On Demand Content?

When you have decided to start an online video streaming business, secure video delivery comes into major play and we all know that security is the lifeblood of professional broadcasting. Some of the key protocols like AES Encryption, HTTPS Delivery, SSL Paywall, Password Protection, etc. will ensure to monitor your content originality.

5. What Is The Most Popular Video On Demand Service?

While looking into establishing yourself as one among the big brands in the industry, typically Netflix can help you to gain best insights as it shares the standard-bearer. Subsequently, Vimeo occupies the place offering vivid video projects through on demand section. Then, definitely Twitch & YouTube TV are your best bets to enjoy people’s games. Not to forget, Amazon Prime & Hulu share an amazing library for standalone video subscriptions.

Kesav works with CONTUS VPlayed as a Live Streaming and VOD platform expert. I love to blog, analyze, and discuss things on the newest technology. I'm especially curious to learn more about the technologies used by movie streaming platforms.


  1. James Reply

    Great article, it’s really informative for those who are interested in starting a video on demand (vod) business. One suggestion I have is to consider the target audience and their preferences. This can help in creating a unique value proposition and stand out from the competition.

  2. Graeme Reply

    Great article, it’s really informative for those who are interested in starting a video on demand (vod) business. One suggestion I have is to consider the target audience and their preferences.

  3. Angelo D Reply

    We are interested in monetizing our content by starting a VOD website. Need your suggestion to create, build and monetize our content through streaming business. Thanks

  4. Alivia Reply

    I am looking to make a video on demand website that will allow for on demand video, essentially like a group video so the student can see the teacher, and the teacher can see all the students, is that something we can do? What would the cost look like?

  5. Jayleen Reply

    Hello, We are US based art business and we would like to create VOD website, an LMS and live concert streaming. Artists should be able to monetize these using advertising and or subscriptions. I was wondering what your company could do for us. Kind regards.

  6. Geoffrey Carlson Reply

    Looking to build a video on demand website like Netflix but with a very different content base. I tried starting on the most popular VOD websites and find it not only difficult to navigate/setup, up but also the layout and functionality are subpar. Would love to know how you compare and the cost to create a VOD website.

  7. Claire Copeland Reply

    Hi, We are going to build a website like Netflix (hopefully with you !!) that could be considered a sort of Netflix of Psychology with contents related to wellbeing, stress management, cognitive empowerment, memory training, … we are already building about 1000 contents among with video, audio, text on the screen, … in particular we are creating a lot of 360-degree contents at 8k resolution. Please let me know and let’s talk by email, but I am also available for a call 😉

  8. Herbert Hill Reply

    Hi, I’d like to make a video on demand website and streaming business that is a hybrid between YouTube and Netflix. In short, it must enable users to create a profile and upload their own UGC which they can monetize via PPV or subscription model. Can your platform enable this? Is it fully customizable?

  9. Rodney Reply

    This post is a must-read for anyone who is serious about starting a video on demand business. The insights and advice are invaluable, and I feel much more confident about getting started after reading it

  10. Geoffrey Reply

    I’ve been thinking about starting a video on demand business for a while now, but I didn’t know where to start. This post gave me a clear roadmap and made the process seem much more achievable.

  11. Stuart Reply

    I appreciated that you included a section on how VPlayed helps on video on demand platform is really good. Thanks for making such a nice blog on vod business

  12. Martin Reply

    I was searching to know about the cost of starting a video on demand business, but the tips on bootstrapping and finding funding were reassuring. It’s good to know that there are ways to get started without breaking the bank.

  13. Nigel Reply

    The section on choosing the right video on demand platform was especially useful. There are so many options out there, and it can be hard to know which one is the best fit for my business.

  14. Phillip Reply

    I appreciated that you included information about the top checklist on starting a video on demand business with clear topics. Thanks for sharing

  15. Murray Reply

    As someone who is interested in creating and distributing original content, then this video on demand business on creating a content strategy were especially helpful. It’s important to have a clear direction before diving in.

  16. Brian Reply

    I suggest that you to include information about different monetization models for video on demand businesses. It’s great to have a variety of options to choose video on demand business from on my specific goals.

  17. Janessa Reply

    We need to start a video on demand website customized as per our need for delivering our 200 hrs. of vod content in USA. Kindly reach out at the earliest with pricing factors and features.

  18. Carlos Reply

    Really great breakdown of how to build vod business, & way to start VOD website with benefits & features required. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Brent Reply

    This post is incredibly helpful for anyone who is thinking about starting their own video on demand business. The step-by-step breakdown is easy to follow and makes the process.

  20. Evan Berry Reply

    Hello VPlayed, I’m trying to create a video on demand website like Netflix to help deliver on demand content. Please inform me of pricing options. Thanks!

  21. Marian Erickson Reply

    Hi Team, kindly share the prices for the vod website like Netflix, we will be building businesses like Hulu or Netflix, most of the distribution will be in nearby countries.

  22. Heather Reply

    Thanks for sharing the benefits of building the video on demand website with the process of starting a VOD business into actionable steps. As someone who’s never started a business. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  23. Brenda Reply

    This is a comprehensive guide how to start a VOD. I appreciate the emphasis on conducting market research and developing a solid business plan. Thanks for providing such valuable information.

  24. Morag Reply

    I think one of the biggest challenges of creating a video on demand vod website is standing out in a crowded market. Your tips on differentiating your business through unique content are really helpful. Thanks for sharing your expertise!

  25. Fiona Reply

    As a content creator, I’ve been searching for new ways to monetize my videos, and video on demand seems like a great option. Your post has helped me understand the process of starting a VOD business and I feel more confident in pursuing this venture.

  26. Eleanor Reply

    I’ve been considering starting a VOD website for a while, and this post has given me some great insights. I particularly like the emphasis on building a strong brand and customer experience. Can’t wait to get started!

  27. Jacqueline Reply

    This is a great article for anyone looking to start a video-on-demand business. I appreciate the tips on selecting the right niche and creating a user-friendly platform. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Monisha Reply

    It’s a really great breakdown of all the differences & detailed information about make a vod business & the benefits of video on demand website. Thanks

  29. Ibrahim ferrer Reply

    Cool. Thanks for taking the time to put what is vod business model, how to start video on demand business monetization model, with cost, features altogether. It’s much appreciated.

  30. Rithika Singh Reply

    Hi, my question is, it like the mode of starting video on demand business can only be for movie streaming or it will work for general YouTubers who are at home & can upload videos anytime? Thanks

  31. Babajide Reply

    We are interested to start a vod business for multiple of my current users. What’s the price for the vod website? & are there any monthly subscriptions involved. Is it have secure video service? Looking forward to doing business with you. Kindly revert back.

  32. Agboola Reply

    Hey, here
    I want to know about costing.. Whether Costing would be a one-time?
    Soon I am planning to launch an e-learning Vod website with online, I will share my requirement.
    It would be completely based on my requirement. The website would be hosted in your server/cloud?
    The option which I like to have Pay per view and monthly subscriptions…
    Please get back to me asap.

  33. James Reply

    Very detailed analysis on the video on demand business. Awesome article! Thanks for sharing with us.
    I like to discuss Contus vplayed features & monetization option will be helpful for my entertainment channel.
    Kindly respond to my queries we will discuss them.

  34. Hamza Reply

    I am looking to start a video on demand business for my sports & fitness guide channel. I need to know more about & like to understand licensing & pricing model of your vod website. Looking forward to getting your estimate ASAP.

  35. Ibrahim Reply

    Cool. Thanks for taking the time to put vod business, monetization model which you have in the website, and vod technology all together. It’s much appreciated.

  36. Haatim Reply

    Hello, I am contacting you on behalf of one of our customers, I would like to know some information about your online video business. Is it possible to know your pricing model for your service, your hosting, and the order of price for about 5 million subscribers?
    Best regards, Haatim

  37. Saaketh Reply

    Hey, how much would I be looking to spend if I am trying to make a video on demand business?
    Kindly let me know the pricing for vod business that you have.

  38. Calvin Reply

    I have business ideas about creating a Video on Demand business like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime.
    I would like to know how much costs to do the same Amazon prime video? Looking forward to your response.

  39. Vaatsyaayan Reply

    Greetings! Very useful advice on what is VOD and the steps to start a video on demand business for definition within this post! It’s the little changes that produce the greatest changes. Thanks a lot.

  40. Jayden Reply

    I plan to build a video on demand website that channels can do live-stream their video online, I like to make money with monetization options like avod, svod in the industry online. I need to use a third-party service that can make this casework and I’m looking for a vod website. VPlayed is fit for my requirements?

  41. Grace Reply

    Hi, I want a pricing plan and am required to launch a video on demand (VOD) business website being offered by VPlayed. Wanted to know more details about the make a business.

  42. huddleston Reply

    I am new to this, I stumbled upon this
    I have found It absolutely useful and it has aided me out loads.
    I’m hoping to contribute & aid other customers like its aided
    me. Great job.

  43. Joshua Reply

    Great Content for this article. Keep it rolling. Very informative on how to start a video on demand business with a revenue-generating model.

  44. Lewis Reply

    I was looking for a video on demand website for business, and I am glad to come here! Thanks for sharing such information with us.

  45. Julian Reply

    Very detailed analysis of creating the best vod service, & vod business benefits. Awesome article! Thanks for sharing with us.

  46. Hunter Reply

    Thanks for taking the time to share about how to create a video on demand website & benefits, features altogether. It’s much appreciated to see.

  47. Gabriel Reply

    Greetings, Still no response from anyone about my request. Please I would like to know if I can create a video on demand website for my youtube channel studio to create more revenue on my own live video from the subscribers and if I can get a vod business for session plan website too, although we will be using for the live class, whiteboard screen sharing, video recording, etc…please get back to me asap

  48. Smriti Reply

    I would like to create and use your video on demand business for all my youtube channels and also make money with monetization models with best svod revenue option right now. Kindly let me know the pricing or packages you have.

  49. Ana Reply

    Hello, we have a collection of video and movie-making studios with multiple locations, we like to move online and I want to make revenue with the monetization model. We would like to implement a customized vod website and streaming business services able to track progress through and allow the consumer & the service provider to video and transact. We are launching this month and we would greatly appreciate your input. Many thanks, Ana

    1. Vijay Amirtham Reply

      Hi Ana, To have a perfectly suited vod business model, we recommend you to have a video on demand website where you can provide lucrative opportunities for service to showcase their unique content in the form of in-stream ads.. On the other hand, you can broadcast blockbuster video releases to your end-consumers maximizing profits in a short time with monetization model.

  50. Aedo Reply

    Hi, we are evaluating to create a video on demand website integrated with our app, it works on actions in entertainment, sports, and workshops, I would like to know-how are the values ​​and business programs work. I need a monetization revenue model. Kindly share with details.

  51. Shahzad Reply

    I want to make video on demand business, required vod website with including video live online, workout live to connect the user with our experts’ clients and get more revenue through monetization model. We need to customize it could you please send me all the details along with your pricing? And finally, we need to create video on demand website that’s why we will reach you.

    1. Vijay Amirtham Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for enquiring… You can have all services put together in one unified solution from VPlayed. Let us know with your details through the contact us form & we can have a quick chat to take things forward.. Also you can request for a demo to have an idea of launching a video on demand business.

  52. Gopi Pateli Reply

    I have been wondering about this topic of how to start a video on demand business late and was thinking of searching the internet to increase my knowledge. Thank God that I visited your website otherwise I wouldn’t have come across such a nicely-written article. Once I liked this particular post, I was going through a few other posts as well. I simply loved them! Kudos to the writers who work hard to write these

  53. Brian Reply

    Hi! We are a startup in the professional networking sector. We are interested in your video on demand business. Similar to professional networking website like Amazon Prime, we are looking to put heavy emphasis on helping our users to have new valuable connections through video on demand business. I’m quite intrigued by your pricing structure breakdown as well as the video monetization feature like SVOD, AVOD & more.

    1. Vijay Amirtham Reply

      Hi.. Thanks for getting back to us.. You can now help users to have personalized video watching experience with user-centric & professional video on demand website. For exploring pricing structure, you can get in touch with our in-house streaming experts. All you need to do is fill in the details via the contact us page, & we’ll get back to you shortly.

  54. Rainer Reply

    Interesting Articles! Thanks for sharing about the video on demand business and its steps. I am also looking to know more about VOD for website services.

  55. Roshankumar Reply

    Great, thanks for sharing this blog about ways to create VOD business for movie viewing. Really looking forward to reading more. Really Cool.

  56. Amelia Reply

    This is one of the best articles about the steps to start video on demand business I’m looking for. Thanks for sharing this with me and keep up the good work and very detailed information about with premium movie & monetization model.

  57. Ella Reply

    Interesting Articles! Thanks for the sharing. I am also looking to know more about VOD business for website. I will pin your post for my further reference.

  58. Hamza Abbasi Reply

    Hello there, I understand about how to make vod business also I need to add white label vod website in the existing app used for schools, and video conferencing for whole classrooms please let me know to price for video on demand business for both ios and android.

  59. Alex Lana Reply

    Greetings, Detailed information on building video on demand business and I need to develop and deploy an entertainment website to support our customers in a video on demand. We have 5 studio and regular 2k customers. What is the pricing and business model we can use? It’s imperative that the website will be a video on demand business, only showing our brand. Looking forward to doing business with you, best regards, Alex Lana

  60. Derek Reply

    I plan to build a video on demand website that sellers can do live-stream to sell their products. I need to use a third-party service that can make this casework and I’m looking for make vod business and their service providers. VPlayed is fit for my requirements?

  61. Jain Reply

    I am looking for how to create a vod website? It’s more useful and I like to add video on demand business for my youtube channel. Looking forward to getting your estimate. Regards Jain

  62. Shashwat Reply

    We are a movie production company based out of Singapore and we are looking for a video on demand website, what it is, for a movie service. We would like to know more about the pricing and other commercial details.

  63. Panigrahi Reply

    Looking to how to create a video on demand business? with integrate vod website into our eLearning online classes. Can you please provide details of how your vod business works on web? Also, provide details about your pricing.

  64. Amit Jain Reply

    Dear team,
    I would like to know whether your company helps startups with a profit-sharing model, in how to create a video on demand website, to begin with? Any set percentage as building fee and similarly as AMC fee, IPR remains with me. Let me Know.

  65. Ravikumar Kandasamy Reply

    Very nice article about how to make a video on demand website. I want to start & build a web channel with a video on demand business that supports smart tv too. Need to know more about vod website detailed features and monetization options.

  66. Saeed Threes Reply

    We are looking to build a video on demand website to stream video and I was hoping to get a quote for our needs.

  67. Victor Reply

    Hi Team,
    Reading “how to start video on demand business” and other written content on the contus blog encouraged me to contact you. Like to know more about pricing.

  68. Jagadeesh Reply

    Hello, We Need a video on demand website to create in Romania to stream physical therapy video exercises, and we want to find a better solution for our video resources. Can you please give us a monthly/yearly quotation?

  69. Ausra Reply

    We are a company looking for a VOD business for streaming to be integrated to our web shop which would let our customers (mainly from US) upload videos to our website.

  70. Brenneman Reply

    We are a non-profit organization looking to start an on demand video website, looking to switch to VPlayed, but would like to learn more about your platform as well.

  71. Ji Levesque Reply

    Very useful article. Is it necessary to make a combined vod business and website for our video services? How to do it with the VPlayed provider? Thanks

  72. Tevin Reply

    Hey, we would love to test your video on demand website as we are in the process of building a vod business for our services. Already using another one, but not satisfied. So willing to migrate to another third-party company. Kindly arrange a demo for us. Thanks

  73. Daylena Reply

    Interested in a demo that fully describes this business to see if it’s a good fit to create a video on demand website for my new streaming business. Also need experts suggestion to make more successful by generation 4x revenue. Thanks, Advance

  74. Marlon Reply

    Hi I would like to have a demo of the VOD business to check if it would suit our needs or launch our own vod website. Can you please arrange the 1-1 session for us?

  75. Stephen Reply

    I appreciate the detailed information about creating vod platform business provided in this blog post. It helped me understand the features and benefits of each product.

  76. Richard Reply

    Thanks for this informative guide. Another factor to consider when starting a video on demand business is having a diverse content library to appeal to a wide range of customers.

  77. Geoffrey Reply

    I really appreciate this article on starting a video on demand business. Now its clear to know about how to start an online video streaming business.

  78. Murray Reply

    Great post! One thing I’ve been working in the vod streaming business for a while now, and I still learned something new from this article. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  79. Barry Reply

    Excellent article on starting to build a video on demand website. Another important factor to consider is having a robust and user-friendly platform that can handle a high volume of traffic and ensure smooth vod business streaming experience.

  80. Anthony Reply

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information about starting a video on demand business. I think one key factor that is often overlooked is securing the rights to the vod content.

  81. James Neil Reply

    Very detailed analysis of how to create & start a video on demand business with the best revenue model. Awesome article with benefits, features! Thanks for sharing with us.

  82. Sam Reply

    Dears, We are searching for a solution to create our own VOD website for our media group. Can you please advise on your pricing Best and demo session?
    Thanks, Advance

  83. Gracelyn Reply

    Hi, We are planning to build a VOD website and would like to discuss the service/ product costing and other details. If possible arrange for a demo/ discussion by this afternoon.

  84. Maverick Reply

    Hello, I am interested in talking with someone to start VOD business with its prices, storage capabilities, and using your VOD website and Live streaming channels. Let me know when a good time to meet for any of you is.

  85. Sheri Summers Reply

    Good day, I want to start a video on demand site like Netflix in nature (but of course smaller to start) eventually I’d like to add the capability to watch with friends maybe a side by side view video on one side chat window or later on a demand video window on the other.

  86. Ross Reply

    The steps and top checklist on building on video on demand platform helps lot. Building relationships and finding people who share your vision is so important in the video on demand business.

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