1 November, 2023

Meet Venkat, Explains the Revolution Made in Collaboration Through a Globally Awarded Messaging Solution

Meet Venkateswaran, Senior Technical Manager at Contus. Recently we sat a cup of coffee and a talk with the Technical Head on his working with Contus for a long period of about 10 years. And how he backups his team of experts in developing solutions for some Multinational Companies. Venkateshwaran, Who has been contributing to Contus for a long time shares his words being a Technical Manager, a typical day at Contus and his challenges to deliver the solution to clients.

So, You have been at Contus for 10 years now, What really keeps you here?

Well! I’m really excited to be a part of Contus. I joined Contus because of the immense management support and wonderful opportunity to add up something great to my developing career that would act as a ladder to achieve exceptional heights. I was the 8th person at Contus when I joined as a developer. I found a lot of opportunities to transform myself from a developer to Technical director.

What was the project you handled and Project you are working right Now?

Venkat Contus Tech Manager
At early of my career at Contus, I handled Multiple projects on Web Development such as Framework, Preprocessing, Erlang language and Operating Systems which gave me an insightful experience and stimulated to handle Mobile development team later in the year 2014. Then I was urged to direct Contus Fly team which was the decisive moment to work with multinational clients. Currently, I’m working on Contus Fly, an instant messaging solution for enterprises and Multi-grade purposes. Building a chat App that connects millions of users isn’t a dramatic play? Certainly but this is utterly what we did with Contus Fly Solution to forge some superlative apps like Behive, GuruChat, IDWX etc., that thrived billions of revenues.

From your perspective, What is the literal state of a developer in a day-to-day life?

Being as a developer come technical head, I extremely push myself to betterment my performance on a daily basis and coordinate with team members to implement new technologies. We work on learning different versions of technologies and an eye on competitor activities to ahead implementation of advanced solutions.

I spend most of the time in coding and acquiring the right solution where I get ideas even while driving. Understanding the value and solving problems that ruin my team members mind is the significant role that embraces my team to deliver exemplary solutions at the right time.

Then, What types of Problems does your team face to deliver the solution within the specific time?

Choosing the right platform, framework and to handle the traffic of users that pressurize us to choose the ideal cloud scalability to surpass the overall performance when compared to our competitors. The ultimate challenge that we were pushed to deal is with the dynamic content technologies in web and mobile applications which has to be accomplished to overcome deadlines.

Finally, How do you think that your team contributes related to Contus’ mission in bringing as the world’s leading technology company?

inner img02As a technical head, providing access and building a customized Chat App Solution isn’t only the job, also to implement advanced technologies that offer superlative quality for all the users. This in turn outcome Contus as the leading technology company in the world.

What piece of advice would you like to give for the aspiring developers?

“Focus on learning how to program, solving techniques, analytical skills rather than learning the languages. During complex problems, break it down into smaller pieces of complexes and work on to solve each of those problems one by one so as to bring everything together to solve the initial problems.”




Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.

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