1 November, 2023
AMP Development

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Development – The Fast Way Forward for your Mobile Page

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Development will make your mobile web page fast loading than ever before. According to Akamai, at least 73% of the mobile users have encountered a slow loading page that forced them to quit.

A fast loading mobile page can win back such users for your mobile page thus adding more strength to your bottom line.

AMP, which stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages was launched by Google keeping up to the promise made in the earlier years. AMP is devised to make a mobile page load 4 times faster than a normal mobile page would take to load.

“On 7th October 2015, Google announced a search algorithm update that that would improve mobile web performance forever.”

AMP gives more reasons for content marketers, web publishers, advertisers and literally everyone on the Internet who uses the mobile web to reach their audience.

Since its release, approximately 600 Million mobile web pages have adopted AMP.

Why AMP matters?

Benefits that warrant Accelerated Mobile Pages Implementation

Page loading is a critical ranking signal based on which Google prioritizes search engine results. While experienced developers know the knack of engineering a mobile page for extreme performance optimizations, rest of the world literally skips the part for want of resources.

The Accelerated Mobile Pages Project was envisioned by Google to bridge that void that other content publishers on the Internet were facing.


AMP or Accelerated mobile pages website development will reward mobile web pages with tons of benefits, some of which include:

Reduced mobile page loading speed

AMP web pages development will make mobile web pages to load instantly. No more fuzzy loading of multimedia since CDN delivery will load content instantly.

Universal compatibility

AMP mobile pages will be accessible across all devices, OS and platforms without any compatibility issues.

AMP stamps for better visibility

The pages highlighted by the AMP symbol (a green lightning symbol) indicate higher page loading speed and can help increase click-through-rates.

Improved search result ranking

Pages that load faster and have higher traffic will consequently improve search engine ranking for the mobile page.

Slashed bandwidth

The fast page loading and optimized content delivery is expected to reduce bandwidth consumption for users to as much as one-tenth of what was required earlier.

Supports multi-format ads

The prime objective of Google’s AMP project was to support a wide cross-section of ad formats which were earlier under-used for want of page loading speed and technologies.

Gives clarified visitor analytics

  • Unique visits
  • Total visitor count
  • Click through rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Format wise ad tracking

AMP development numbers that speak for themselves:

AMP Stats

The Blueprint of AMP – How does it work?

AMP is basically an open-source framework which consists of three main parts:


AMP HTML is a toned down version of actual HTML with some restrictions, additional properties and custom tags.


Exclusive JavaScript for mobile pages that handles asynchronous loading and resources.


Optional CDN where AMPed web pages will be moved for cache clearing and performance optimizations.

The Contus Edge in AMP Implementation for your website

Contus is a renowned AMP web development company. Contus offers mobile web page owners an opportunity to add more vigor to their online presence through Accelerated Mobile Pages design and development. We are one of the best Accelerated Mobile Pages Development Company that understands the intricacies involved in AMP implementation.

There are a handful of IT enterprises in the industry today who have the desired expertise for professional AMP development. Contus is one among the very few IT enterprises that have helped several global brands advance their mobile pages for faster loading.

As a reputed Accelerated mobile app development Company, our services help enterprises of all scales and types to adopt an AMP web design that will AMPlify SEO visibility, AMPlify mobile traffic, AMPlify ad revenue, AMPlify user experience and render several other benefits.



Masilamani Murugan leads the Digital Marketing team at CONTUS. He is interested in strategic planning for digital marketing initiatives. He loves to be fit and is a workout freak.


    1. Masi Post author Reply

      Of course yes. In fact, AMP can be used by site owners to publish their own ads through AMP. The very purpose of AMP is to allow website owners to publish their content, including audio, video and everything else instantly without keeping the customer wait, even for microseconds.

    1. Masi Post author Reply

      Yes, it does. In fact, Google had long back shared an entire blog post how to perfect AMP for eCommerce websites. In fact, several global eCommerce brands including eBay are now experimenting AMP for their mobile websites. So, it is evident that AMP supports all eCommerce CMS platforms like WordPress, Magento and many others.

    1. Masi Post author Reply

      On the basic level, Facebook Instant and Google AMP do the same thing. Both of them load content instantly for users. However, Facebook Instant works only with content served within the app. Take it outside, and it won’t work. Google AMP works everywhere on the web. Including Facebook’s pages where Instant is now available. So there presence is what differentiates Google AMP and Facebook Instant.

  1. Susan Smith Reply

    This Article shows, how an accelerated mobile pages project is important for a website? It will be an important factor to consider while designing a web/mobile pages.

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