1 November, 2023
Contus Hackathon

Contus Hackathon – Come Out Of Mundane & Hack Your Brain!

As the tagline of our Contus hosted Hackathon – 2013 suggests; Hackathon was hosted for Contus’ employees on 30th November 2013 in Chennai Office to bring out the developers from their routine schedule and bring out their innovativeness by hacking their brain.

Hackathon – a freestyle coding event was held amongst the Contusians for about 8 hours. Yes, it was a frenziedly powered 8 hour event wherein developers (as a team) should develop an app on the given theme in 8 hours and finally present a demo for it at the end of the event. Hackathon saw immense participation from all the developers’ at Contus who classified themselves into four teams.

The themes provided were Entertainment, Utilities, GPS / Geo Fencing, Augmented Reality, Remote System Control and Security. The team started pouring their ideas and innovations randomly. They were allowed to use any tool and every tool possible. The judging criteria were based on originality, creativity and functionality and scalability. 

The winners of the event are blessed to add a feather on their cap by means of getting awards as well as a certificate recognizing them as “Contus Top Coders”. It is indeed a brilliant opportunity for the all the developers.

Innovation is serendipity, so you don’t know what people will make.

True to the above lines, the judges were fully in for surprises. The developer teams have provided the judges with 4 innovative and assorted apps. The judges have felt that all the four teams were on par in excellence with each other.

The Hackathon as expected turned out to be a successful and entertaining event for all the developers as well as other Contusians.

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Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.

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