1 November, 2023
Contus Android POS System

Point of Sales (POS) Mobile App Solution for Retail Industries

Point of Sale (POS) is a very innovative and one of the splendid and best inventions in the recent times for retail sales. It allows users to have a convenient mobile shopping experience even in a real time store. POS is considered to be the future of retails and software systems.

Contus created a point of sale software system for a Canadian client based on Android Operating System. The system works in the following manner.

  • The POS System hardware is a combination of tablet connected to a barcode scanner, bill printer and credit card swipe device.
  • The POS system is provided to store owner(s) who in turn can perform mobile and easy check out to their customers.
  • The POS system will have software based on the OS present in the tablet viz. iOS, Android or Windows.
  • The software acts as the front end in providing the complete check out process where in the users will be able to check out without waiting in the queue.

The tablet as aforementioned can be an android based one, windows, iPad or even an iPhone. However the software developed currently was as an android app. POS software solution can’t be completely considered as apps although they are kind of similar.

POS is a fresh phenomenon which is going viral. This is a convenient for both the shop owners as well as the users. The shop owners can be benefited as follows;

  • No need of complete management of the stock. Separate POS can be used for each and every counter thus management can be split.
  • Excellent dashboard is embedded inside the POS solution created by Contus wherein the shop owners can get every possible and detailed reporting and analytics.

While the shop owners are blessed this way the users can be very in high spirits because;

  • No need to wait in long queues anymore.
  • Check out at the exit also is possible.
  • Faster checkout process due to single hardware for all the steps like scanning, billing and paying.

Contus’ Point of Sale (POS) Solution for our Canadian client is a successfully delivered software system which is beneficial and which is going to be a amalgamation of retail shopping with smart phone technology. Now, shop at ease with POS enabled stores.

Why not ? You could also leverage smartphones for better customers and sales management which gives more conversion to you through retail mobile POS 


Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.


  1. sybiloharan Reply

    I do not even know how I ended up here, the way you expressed the new technology of Point of Sale in mobile applications was highly impressive and learnt much.Cheers!

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