1 November, 2023

Our techie has the secret sauce to stun clients – Know it


Isn’t it great to get your clients excited with your work? Of course it is and will always be. Client satisfaction can be considered as a metric for measuring many good aspects of a company, primarily the attitude of employees when it comes to taking on challenging scenarios and the quality of work.

Very recently we encountered a challenge in one of our US-based mobility projects which had the coding brains on their toes. One of our techies dedicated to the project came up with new approaches to resolve the issues. This initiative got the app right back into the market competition and eventually encouraged our client to write an essay-long appreciation which was actually the inspiration for us to take up this blog.

We believe that this guy, Android Tech Lead Sathish, a Contus Techie Award Winner (2013) knows the knack of getting things done whenever needed.

Now let’s meet him to know what’s exciting about the challenge.

It was a Thursday evening where things were progressing in full swing in our team. I was looking to capture the serious moods and light-hearted gestures of my teammates and by that time a mail barged in and surprised us. It was Mike and the mail read “Sathish and his team are top notch when it comes to improving solutions and doing the right thing whenever we hit a ‘challenging’ time. This is why I stay with Contus.” Well, earning such a word from our client was an honor for our team and company.

When we started off with Life Saver project in 2013,it was one among a few safe driving apps. The ideology was new and especially we loved the way it encourages teenagers to drive safely. It is a complete system perfectly planned to keep the teens driving safely instead of being one-time attempt.

We had to juggle with technologies like geo-fencing and geo positioning and so high level of power consumption was inevitable. Here is where we started looking out for betterments. We reconstructed the coding architecture to overcome the challenge.

In the course of working for the challenge we had invented new coding techniques which will come in handy in our future Android projects when power matters.Shortcomings are a part of projects but it has its better part as well. It actually paves way for improvements, helps us learn faster and these learning have a high recall value. In fact this experience has helped us realize how good our team is in accepting challenges.

Being associated with the project for almost a year now, I’d like to mention the fact that Mike has been a great inspiration as a management professional. He gives the space and time to innovate and his support has catalyzed the refinement of this project at each level. He is clear with what he wants and though it sounds clichéd I’d like to say that his motivation keeps us urging for more perfection.

I’m happy that the project opened up intensive research efforts on new areas. Moreover being a part of a technology that saves lives fulfills your appetite for developing a world class solution.

Challenges like these drive people towards excellence at Contus. Are you a challenge lover? Then try catching up our Careers to find a department for you to get onboard with us.

Keep coming back for more…

Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.


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