1 November, 2023
Protect eCommerce Website From Hackers

How to Protect eCommerce Website From Hackers

According to Forbes, on an average 30,000 websites are being hacked every day. Of late hackers have set their sights on eCommerce websites. That is because access to information such as customer’s credentials stored in servers or company’s database, could earn the hackers many dollars. Also DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are being carried out to make the network inaccessible to the users.

Such types of attacks are primarily carried out to tarnish the reputation of eCommerce websites.Such cyber attacks aren’t confined to large organizations alone. Nowadays even startup eCommerce firms aren’t spared. So protecting your eCommerce sites and your customer’s credentials from such security threats is crucial to your business’ success as a highly layered secured plays a vital role in improving your eCommerce website’s conversion rates. Now let us explore the common security threats and ways to ward them off.

Use a secure eCommerce platform

secure ecommerce siteThere are many open source platform for developing your eCommerce website. You need to choose the platform that uses the most advanced object oriented programming language. Also use a very complex password for logging in to the admin panel so that it keeps hackers at bay. Also change the admin path because a default admin path makes it easy for the hackers to barge in.

Employ Two Factor Authentications

One of the advantages of using two factor authentication is that only trusted device can access the store owner/admin’s backend. Apart from entering username and password, you will need to enter a randomly generated security code. This makes it literally impossible for the hackers to gain access to the admin’s backend.

Use SSL for Checkout

ssl security
To make online transaction foolproof against any malicious attacks use SSL (Secure Socket Layer). SSL establishes a secure connection between the eCommerce company’s server and a customer’s web browser. Having a HTTPS certificate for your website is very useful encrypts your customer’s credentials and makes it tough to be intercepted. Another advantage of HTTPS certificate is that it you can win over your customer’s trust instantly.

Beef up Security

Make sure you deploy firewalls so that attackers cannot trespass in to your network and access vital information. Add additional layers of security to the applications such as contact form, login tables, etc. Such actions will prevent SQL injection and cross site scripting.

Refrain from Storing Sensitive Data

Storing tons and tons of customer data does more harm than good to you. Especially it is strictly advised not to store customer’s information like credit card number, its expiry data and CVV (Card Verification Value). Make sure you store minimal data for processing refunds.

Create Strong Criteria for Passwords

Customers might not be aware of the security threats staring at them. So make sure your customers use a complex password. For this purpose create special password criteria such as minimum length, usage of numerals and special characters with one mandatory upper case letter. Such passwords are hard to break.

Update Your eCommerce Software Regularly

Make sure your eCommerce store is updated with the latest version of the eCommerce software. The latest version release fixes the security issues that were available in the previous versions. Firms like Magento inform their customers about the recent version releases and also send personalized mail to customers advising them to install the latest security patch.

Use Trusted Extensions

When you use eCommerce software like Magento to build your eCommerce site you would be lured to install third party extensions as there are innumerable free extensions available online. Hackers could try to permeate in to your site through such unauthorized extensions. So make a thorough research of an extension before integrating to your eCommerce site.

Set up Perimeter Defense Using Firewall

A firewall is a turnkey software that regulates the flow of information in and out of the network. It can be rightfully called as a perimeter defense that stalls hackers and other cyber criminals from infiltrating the network. Furthermore, a firewall will also help thwart ransomware, spyware and other virus programs from making away with sensitive information from your website.

Strengthen Admin Credentials

‘Admin’ is probably the most commonly used username for admin account. Unfortunately, in most cases the password is also something that lists in the world’s most easily guessable passwords. When your admin login credentials are so easy to crack into, don’t be surprised in the event of a security breach. Change admin credentials to an username and password that is alphanumeric which cannot be easily guessed or stolen.


Masilamani Murugan leads the Digital Marketing team at CONTUS. He is interested in strategic planning for digital marketing initiatives. He loves to be fit and is a workout freak.

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