1 November, 2023
Call center APIs to compose modern customer experiences Blog Image Resize

How Contact Center APIs Transform the Customer Experience

Let’s not underestimate how dreaded customer calls can get. The amount of cortisol released during the eternal click-1-2-3 responses of consumer support service number can never be expressed in words. It is long. It is futile. And moreover, it’s archaic! But there are solutions in the modern day to save you from those traditionally-technical mazes. From a customer point-of-view, they don’t need to do anything. But as a company, you have some easy work to put in. Fast-forward to the good news…

Today, contacting technical support has become easier. Call centers have changed the way they function. Aiming for better and improved customer experience, systems and operations have shifted from traditional to multi-channel technical support. The agents and customers both now have the upper hand to prefer the mode of communication.

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This has moved on from traditional infrastructure that companies now have their technical footing to solve and answer customer queries. Using a call center chat API, businesses can now leverage the benefit of close communication with customers. Equipping yourself with APIs made to support and build contact-call centers from square one including the features of your brand is smart. APIs have been the foundation of the digital revolution. It’s only obvious to think of the benefits it offers as a custom solution to companies. But what are the benefits of building a multi channel contact center software?

1. Superior Customer Experiences

Whenever a customer tries to contact you for a query or problem to be solved, it’s natural to not expect furthermore friction. In many cases where companies redirect people to infinite IVR loops, they end up frustrated. To take action on the problem occurred, it is imperative to create a frictionless customer contact. Helping to get in touch with someone for problem-solving is an immediate requirement for both you and them. When there is a lag or delay, or in almost every case – a never-ending loop of voice responses or Hold, the customer is already frustrated beyond mountains.

Even though it’s understandable that every company tries to rise above complexities and tries to create an effortless customer experience – but there is still the strain. Here is where APIs work their magic. Using a video contact center software is the best solution for customer retention. It is a powerful tool to anticipate and provide what the person needs according to the data collected and analyzed at various stages. It is super effective in providing the right service according to the preferences of the specific customer. On the technological side, it creates a pathway for smoother routing. The multi channel contact center solutions using API approach is wise for any company targeting automation on some levels of communication and prioritization of tasks. APIs can also help in creating analytics for a deeper understanding of your customers. It can use sentiment analysis, keyword spotting, voice call recording and other information for anticipating customer wants and queries.

2. Building new channels become easier

The foundation for call center with video chat is to build a video chat app. The same lets customer engagement through multi-channel for better convenience. Building your Omni-Channel Contact Center Solution lets you communicate through voice call api, chat api, video call api, sync, notify, and TaskRouter. This software ecosystem supported by complex codes provides customizable solutions. They can further be backed by cloud solutions too. It all forms together to create one seamless communication experience for the user. The channels you can implement are

Call Center APIs

Voice – Instead of a voice responsive system, introduce voice calling where the users or clients can reach you directly in real-time.

Video – Let customers reach you through video as well. Video-calling ensures more trust and friendly experience. It can even be used for identification or resolving problems visually. A video call center solution is the perfect go-to software establishment.
SMS – Short messaging is quick and easy. It will help in quick fixes for them.

Chat – Real-time customer care chat is an effective solution for fixing a lot of problems that require intrinsic details of a problem. (for eg sharing account numbers, or Identification details)

Routing – Regulating channels with intelligent routing and prioritize tasks from every source sending them to the right agent.

3. Enhancing the productivity of Agents

Agents are often flooded by customer calls. Providing accurate information according to customers will give them more insights during the problem-solving phase. They can meet consumer needs through multiple channels too. To build a contact center solution using APIs means better integration of agent communication. This results in faster resolution. Agents would not have to scramble to find valuable customer information which can bridge the gap between problem and solution. Inclusion of WebRTC video chat app Gateway enables agents to communicate from any browser and any location. Especially relevant during the pandemic, the working-from-home agents can make the perfect use of this. Using a customer dashboard and CRM support, there can be a smooth flow of information back and forth. You can even regulate the calls by an outbound dialer.

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One of the most significant tools for better regulation is TaskRouter. It helps in transferring or channelling tasks to skilled agents for quicker resolutions. Your enterprise contact center software can make use of an interactive voice response which directs routine queries while agents can analyse the complex issue at hand. Tools that provide feedback and analytics can also be useful in retrieving crucial information that would be helpful to solve customer issues. Another tool for better customer service is call recording. It carves a way for analysing a user’s wants and needs through sentiment analysis and keyword spotting.

4. Better flexibility

Staying competitive is key to any business. But that word is dull without customer happiness – and the key to that is building the best contact center software solutions using APIs. As you implement a customizable solution at the heart of the contact center, it is extremely easy to adapt to changes. What it means is that using the best contact center API, you can stay ahead of your competitors by creating a customer experience as per situations. These software codes are flexible and scale easily according to the needs of the situation without penalties. These APIs are even financially viable as the oversubscription charges are shrugged right under the carpet. They are cost-effective in structuring and restructuring.

5. Global Reach

Working on a global scale is a task but implementing the best contact center solution completely run on API is the best solution for customer service management. The issue of negotiating with different carriers in different countries is negated if you use this path. As there is the involvement of cloud infrastructure, you can provide a local experience with an uptime exceeding 99.5% SLA. It is better in terms of reliability in comparison to independent implementations. The feature of Global carrier connectivity gives reliability like never before and multi-region connectivity. It uses on-demand phone numbers from one single platform. The example of ING Bank is of prime importance here. They smoothly made the shift from legacy-based systems to a powerful and elastic API-based customer communication system.

6. Easy Iteration

Every organization needs some trial and error. While that keeps going, it is imperative to make sure that your system follows a protocol of acquiring feedback and improving on it. The idea is to eliminate things that don’t work and hold on to the things that do work. Here, APIs are effective as there is greater flexibility. If you compare customer call services with websites, it will fall out of the comparison. Websites are constantly updated and redesigned. Why isn’t the other? Building an API-powered contact center solution, you increase your efficiency dramatically which results in happy customers.

Call Center API

7. Cost-Effective than traditional

One of the crucial benefits API gives you is the jump from capital expenditure to operational expenditure. It uses a cloud-based infrastructure that keeps quality intact. It is a continuous robust system that builds, deploys and quickly iterates. It also requires a modest budget investment to create an omnichannel customer engagement center.

MirrorFly contact center solution provides a progressive multi-channel customer experience by modifying and at the same time simplifying interactions. With high-end features of call queuing, automatic call distribution, CRM integration, and highly interactive voice response model, MirrorFly Contact Center API gives you the opportunity to scale your consumer communication system easily. We provide a constant customer-facing number through which someone can establish communication.

Our APIs are designed to easily integrate with your existing call center tool making it easier for expansion. We also bring you the best of personalization with Customer Choice Interaction – to provide custom and apt solutions to the users. MirroFly API uses AES Encryption, End-to-End Encryption, OMEMO Encryption, and KDF Chain. To save you from the technical soup, it means that you get the best of integration, conversion, encryption, and synchronisation all throughout the system. Contact us to build your Call Center with API hassle-free!

Contact Center API

Vigneshwar is a Performance Marketer, guiding providers of healthcare, education, etc., to elevate their conversation value with the help of powerful communication solutions to drive a better communication experience.


  1. Abuateek Reply

    Would like to know more about mirrorfly chat/group chat and audio chat. How it works Contact Center API and if there is ready codes that we can use and deploy directly. Also we need to know the pricing please

  2. Monil Reply

    We are planning to develope application in .Net with C# which has SIP functionality for Call Recording, Call transfer, Call Waiting, Call receiving, Call barging. Do you proivide SDK or API for this for my Web Based application. and what is the price of it.

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