1 November, 2023
Deep Linking

Mobile App Deep linking in Contus M-Comm- Simplifying navigation within eCommerce apps.

In June 2014, search engine giant Google made an announcement that Google bots will start indexing mobile apps from Google Play Store similar to web pages and display them in search results. This statement created a ripple in the mobile world and the concept of mobile app deep linking started gaining traction since then.

Mobile deep linking is a new terminology in the industry and its concept and importance is not completely understood by many.

Navigation within apps made simple with Mobile app deep linking


With deep Linking

Mobile app deep linking is a link when tapped, directs a mobile user to the specified location on an app instead of directing the user to the app’s homepage.

The methodology of mobile deep linking is very much similar to hyperlinks. Hyperlink takes the users to the specified webpage, whereas mobile deep link takes the users to the specified page in the app.

Let us take an example for a better clarity

Consider a scenario where a mobile user installs a shopping app that has got the deep linking feature. Say for instance, the user searches for a particular product from his mobile browser or gets a mail/ push notification about discounted products from the app. When the user taps the product link or the CTA, the deep linking feature takes him directly to the page in the app where the specified product is available.

In a way, deep linking streamlines the search action in mobile app. However, deep linking is effective only when the user has already installed the mobile app. This shortcoming can be overcome by another feature called deferred deep linking.

Deferred Deep Linking directs users to the specified page once the app is installed

Deferred Deep Linking ConceptDeferred deep linking enables the user to land on the specified page on the app after the user installs the app for the first time.

Say for instance, a user browses a product in his mobile. He taps a product that is located in the app page and let us assume that the app has got the deferred deep linking feature. Since the user hasn’t installed the app he will be asked to install the app first. Meanwhile the user’s intended destination will be saved. Once the app installation is completed, the user will be automatically directed to the specified product page within the app. This feature is the refined version of deep linking and is also known as contextual deep linking.

Structure of Mobile App Deep Linking

As mentioned earlier, the working of mobile app deep linking is similar to hyperlinks in webpages. However the structure differs.

An example of simple deep linking syntax is schemename: //path?query_string.

1) For creating a deep linking in a mobile eCommerce app, a customized URL scheme name will be selected. This URL scheme name should be unique so as to avoid conflicts with other apps. It is advisable to use your brand name for setting the scheme name.

2) The action that needs to be implemented should be defined using the deep link. It is essential to ensure that the actions comply with the URL syntax.

3) The path and the query strings are the routing parameters.

The code for handling the routing parameters of the URL should be developed for executing the intended action.

An example of a link for accessing a particular shopping item on website http://www.mobiledeeplinkingpilotproject.com/Item/xyz

The deep link for accessing same item in a mobile app will be mobiledeeplinkingpilotproject:// item/xyz


Reap rich business dividends through mobile app deep linking



Having the deep linking feature imbibed to your mobile eCommerce app could work out wonders for you business as it eliminates the navigational complexities associated with apps. Let us take a look at the benefits you get to derive from the deep linking feature.


Offers an incredible user experience

Features of Deep Linking

The user need not have to navigate to App Store/Play Store, install the app and search for product once again. With deep linking and deferred deep linking features, products on mobile commerce app can be accessed straightaway. By this way, the user’s search operation is simplified and quickened, thereby redefining the user experience and bettering customer retention.


Improves the visibility

UI of Deep Linking

By including the deep linking feature, your mobile commerce app will no longer be hidden among the exhaustive pile of apps present in the PlayStore. Your mobile eCommerce app will be more visible and accessible to the end user.


Escalates your conversion rates

Deep linking conversion rate

The ultimate aim of any mobile eCommerce app is to sell products effectively and the deep linking feature lets you do exactly the same. Be it through mobile browsing or through advertising campaigns, mobile app deep linking doesn’t give customers a chance to deviate as it drives them to their preferred destination within the app. This aspect reduces bounce rates and drastically scales up the conversions.

The concept of deep linking is sure to take the mobile user’s convenience to a new level and it is going to pave way for many more advancements to come in mobile commerce apps.

Is there an easy way to develop a mobile commerce app with the deep linking feature?

Contus MComm With Deep Linking

Of course there is. Building a mobile commerce app with the deep linking feature is easier than never before using Contus M-Comm. Contus M-Comm is a readily built solution to create mobile commerce apps for eCommerce platforms such as PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Magento, OpenCart and many more. This solution is 100% customizable, compatible with iOS, Android & windows operating systems and comes with an array of features like push notification, location based services, pending order notification, rewards and so on.

Recently this solution has been upgraded with the deep linking and deferred deep linking features. No matter whether you are looking to build a mobile commerce app with the deep linking feature or integrating this feature to your existing eCommerce app, it can be done effortlessly and quickly by using Contus M-Comm.

Build a Mobile Commerce App Integrated with Deep Linking Feature

Create Deep Linking for your App

Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.


  1. soma mridha Reply

    Nice article. I think push notification is a very effective way for brands to engage with the customer.
    Push notification can expand any brand market easily.

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