1 November, 2023
collaboration software

Collaboration Software: The Answer to Increasing Productivity in Remote Teams

Having spread-out teams of diverse skills and strengths may once have been unheard of. Today, they are fairly common, owing to globalisation and vastly distributed workforces. Regardless of whether teams sit in one office or across the globe, today’s businesses need people working seamlessly and collaboratively.

Effective collaboration can lead to an astronomical rise in productivity. Specifically, the use of social technologies increases productivity by 20 to 25 per cent. The lack of collaboration can throw a wrench in the works of the organisation, especially if teams.

  • Do not share a common goal and vision
  • Misunderstand the length and breadth of their responsibilities
  • Aren’t encouraged to build relationships with team members outside of the current project
  • Can’t weigh in on the progress of a project

New software team management tools help companies extend participation from a mere 20-member team to a behemoth of hundreds, especially when critical goals are in sight. However, the tendency to collaborate seems to decrease as teams get bigger, because of the differences in backgrounds, environments, culture and the lack of familiarity between members.

How, then, can organisations strengthen their ability to be highly productive while building better team communication and collaborating across borders and cultural differences?

The answer lies in collaboration software.

What is Collaboration Software and How Does it Impact Productivity?

Collaboration software is one of those new-age communication tools in the workplace that can effectively breach this gulf. They make it simpler to gather experts who have never met before and encourage them to pool their skills and knowledge. In building a remote team, management system setups lead to productivity and faster completion of organisational goals.

Here is a breakdown of how remote workforce management software can increase your team’s productivity, no matter where they are working from:

Improves efficiency

Using or building team communication management tools help delegate tasks and set processes in place to improve efficiency. They reduce the likelihood of missing emails, unseen calendar invites and bogged-down schedules by ensuring real-time coordination of all team members.

Imbibes accountability:

Each player in the chain can be scrutinised by others, leading to better responsibility over individual work. This is especially useful in keeping track of instructions and responses, leaving nothing to be said over unrecorded phone calls or lost emails.

Reduces misunderstandings:

Allowing all members to communicate at the click of a button reduces the chances of hearsay contributing to misunderstanding. It encourages immediate clarifications and reduces the number of players in the instruction chain so nothing is miscommunicated.

Maintains workloads:

A collaborative product management solution provider better delegates workloads such that each member is playing to their strengths. Managers also have an easier time keeping track of delegations; this helps understand the team strength and whether further recruitments might be required.


Increases transparency:

With all the information being on one platform, the operation chain is made more transparent and auditable, and changes are efficiently monitored. This reduces the chances of assumptions and misinterpretations, and also holds each member accountable for their tasks.

Encourages remote workers:

Using a team collaboration task management solution helps to onboard remote workers, keeps them involved and increases their participation in decision making. This reduces teams working in silos and feeling reluctant to communicate progress with others.

Improves employee engagement:

The best project management tools for software allow employees to actively see how vital their role is and how relevant their skills are. This boosts morale and keeps employees highly engaged with a view of the end goal.

What Features Do The Best Project Management Team Collaboration Tools Have?

Online chats and comments:

To build a culture of communication and feedback, creating a team messaging solution is vital. This allows team members to keep each other in the loop and action feedback or changes as soon as possible.

Task assignment and prioritization:

Team leaders can assign roles within a project for maximum efficiency. They can also design a conveyor belt workflow to ensure strategic progress, thereby avoiding operational bottlenecks.


This handy feature highlights crucial dates and due tasks. It can also be used to keep track of team members on leave or off sick. Both group and personal calendars are useful to avoid rescheduling, overbooking, and lack of date-and-time coordination.

File sharing:

This allows remote workers to access essential task files and share completed work without the hassle of email and external transfer applications. Using this seamless feature reduces the time taken for manual transfer and keeps all files on a single platform.

Project management:

This critical feature allows the planning, controlling, and closing of critical projects by managers in charge. It also keeps all operational processes on one platform for more transparent supply chain setups.

Collaboration Tool

Contact management:

Storage, management, and tracking of contacts can be carried out through this powerful tool. Using it, all team members can save time by asking each other for contacts, using the pooled resources instead.


This tab is vital to analyze team member performances and project progress from a bird’s eye perspective. Actionable insights can be derived to increase productivity and highlight weak links.

Custom fields:

A ‘one size fits all’ approach can’t be adopted across the board because different companies have varying project details and tasks. Custom fields help personalize online project management software.

What Should Be Kept In Mind When Selecting a Collaborative Team Management Software?

There are a few hurdles and pathways to selecting a collaborative enterprise project management software that works for your company.

Collaborative Team Management Software

Current workflows:

Evaluating this will help identify gaps to fill and processes to leave undisturbed when building a digital workplace strategy.

Employee resistance and training:

Change is often viewed negatively, so employees might take time in familiarising themselves with selected project management team collaboration tools. Training is key because it reduces the chances of errors and time spent on learning during operations.


Organisations must evaluate whether, to build a team, messaging software of their choice can be justified in budget allocation, especially if it’s on the pricier side to buy and set up.

Features and support:

To build a remote team management software that is customizable and easily accessible is important. So is technical support from the software company, to offset any operational delays.

Why Do Organisations Use MirrorFly for Team Collaborations?

MirrorFly is a video calling, audio calling, and real-time chat app that is perfect for teams of any size and diversity level. With over 1 billion conversations being relayed over the app at the same time, this is a secure and scalable message solution manager to create a team that’s built on collaboration.

MirrorFly has all the features of an all-in-one messaging app, and then some. The app:

  • Is fully customizable, down to the source code, unlike other collaboration software
  • Can be scaled to accommodate millions of concurrent users
  • Successfully safeguards all conversations with AES 256 and E2E encryption
  • Allows message broadcasts to reach all members at once, and 1-1 chats for more privacy
  • Has built-in auto-translation to overcome language barriers

In short, MirrorFly is more than well-equipped to handle remote collaboration in companies of any size, anywhere in the world. Use MirrorFly to build a remote team management system that encourages collaboration and increases productivity.

collaboration tool for remote teams


Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


  1. Prashanth Reply

    Good morning. I’m working on an ERP solution for a workplace. I found contus on Quora. Someone recommended it for calls and video chat, video conferencing as well. The application is built on Laravel framework. Can this be integrated into it? Also let me know your pricing. Thank you

  2. Bianca Reply

    I think collaboration tools are very important for the team’s productivity. They should give the possibility to see what other people are doing and what they have done when you were absent and they should have a possibility to add comments. I like it when the tool has a time tracking feature as well. The tool that my team uses has all of the things I mentioned. It’s called kanbantool.com and I think it’s worth recommending.

  3. Leena josy Reply

    Oh My God!!! This is a great blog, I am happy that I have come across this one. It’s an amazing blog to read about importance of collaboration tools when working with remote teams . Thanks for this wonderful content. I loved reading your article, will definitely give it a try to store as per your advice. Great blog to share!!

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