1 November, 2023

Reasons to integrate in-app messaging with your mobile commerce

Why in-app messaging? Because something more than email and push notifications are needed to maintain a constant connect with customers.

44% is the average engagement rate that high-performing apps receive from in-app messaging. For medium-performing apps, the rate hovers around 26%. Push notifications earn a modest 12% average engagement rates. The writing is on the wall. In-app messaging bears far more engagement and conversions than push notifications or other channels of customer interaction.

What does in-app messaging do?

In-app messaging has troves of capabilities that will enhance the converting capacity of a mobile commerce app. Some of the tasks it can get done include:

  • Creating a direct connect with app visitors
  • Seek attention from customers better than push notifications
  • Provide accurate product suggestions, reviews and user assistance
  • Seeks feedback from customers for fine-tuning app performance

Benefits accrued from in-app messaging

Only 35% of global brands are using in-app messaging solutions. And, they are the ones who are winning 3.5x of customer retention rates than rest of the world that doesn’t use in-app messaging.

When combined with other channels of marketing, in-app messaging can compound customer interest in a brand and lead to higher conversions. Directly and indirectly, in-app messaging bestows some benefits that help multiple sales. Below explained are some of the benefits that business owners can reap.

Cements customer relationship

Building a chat app improves customer retention double fold. It keeps a customer in constant contact with the app thus thwarting any possibility of the user being distracted out of the shopping app. Personalized attention also ensures that customers are able to get their queries instantly.

Weaves an intimate shopping experience

In-app messaging makes a customer more connected and attended to in a virtual environment. They can savor the service of a virtual assistant just like in an offline shop with sales assistants. Chatbots or virtual sales assistants can converse with the app customers to deliver a personalized shopping experience across the mobile screen.

Built into the native app experience

In-app messaging helps reach out to the entire app audience without compromising on the native platform’s user experience. The messaging experience is built into the app which further elevates the app experience. Be it iOS, Android, Windows or any other platform, the UX remains consistent and engaging.


In-app messaging can be targeted and tailor-made to suit the preferences of the user. The messages can be authored by the app owner to match the user’s past behaviour and preferences accurately. Chatbots armed with Artificial Intelligence are already used by brands to serve a personalized experience to customers.

In-app messaging can help fill the gap that customers often feel while shopping in online stores. It drops in a personalized ambiance where customers are attended to in a personalized manner attuned to their likes and preferences. From the success stories of in-app messaging, we can conclude it makes all sense to integrate a mobile commerce app with an in-app messaging feature.


Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


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