1 November, 2023
alternative to muvi

The 7 Best Muvi Alternatives For Your OTT Video Streaming Business

Learn About Muvi Alternative

This article dedicatedly talks about Muvi, a solid video monetization platform, rising in popularity. 

While it is important for a content creator to make a well-educated decision whilst choosing the platform right for their video enterprise. I believe it is essential to look at all the worthy competitors of this platform.

This might also help with the understudy taken up, in general, in advance of making a deal with a platform. 

So let’s dive in then,

We will be discussing 7 platforms deemed as Muvi OTT alternatives in this chronicle. 

Top 7 Muvi Alternatives in 2023

  • VPlayed – A Premium Alternative to Muvi For Your Streaming Platform
  • Dacast – Well Rounded Video Streaming for Business
  • Uscreen – A Singular Point of Video Streaming Services
  • Brightcove – A Carrier Grade Video Streaming Platform
  • Kaltura – A Cloud-Based Fine Streaming Platform
  • IBM Cloud – A High Quality Streaming Brand
  • Vimeo OTT – A Long-standing Video Hosting Platform

List Of Top 7 Best Alternatives To Muvi For Your Video Platform

Want to know some of the best Muvi alternatives for your video platforms are VPlayed, Dacast, Uscreen, Brightcove, Kaltura, IBM Cloud, etc

1. VPlayed

A Premium Alternative to Muvi For Your Streaming Platform

muvi competitors

The platform of CONTUS VPlayed offers a unified video streaming solution to all levels of businesses. The platform is also known to be highly scalable, customizable and flexible. And it caters equitably to a variegated set of industries from Entertainment, Edutech to Religion. It also renders a well-rounded solution that touches upon every operation imaginable within the scope of a video enterprise (streaming, librarization, storage, security, marketing and monetization.)

Some of The Features Of CONTUS VPlayed Are:

  • It provides a white-label video solution to its customers.
  • It helps creators organize their video platform with the support of built-in CMS tools at their disposal.
  • It extends the possibility of multiple monetization models to its customers.
  • It assures well furnished security for the assets aboard its platform based on the DRM tools set in place on the platform.
  • It presents the creators with sufficient analytical data on the performance of the videos of the creator.

Pricing Resonant With CONTUS VPlayed:

The pricing for the offer of its online video platform is not mentioned on its website and must be requested as a quote based on the specific customizations in request.

Want To Find The Best Muvi Alternative For your OTT platform

2. Dacast

Well Rounded Video Streaming for Business

muvi video platform

Dacast offers a video streaming platform that touches upon both on-demand and live streaming possibilities. The capabilities and resources that underlie the platform aim toward a globally visible streaming. This is brought about with the specific reality of the platform’s tie-up with CDNs (Content Delivery Network) spread across the world. 

Some of The Features Characteristic To Dacast:

  • It has a video player with an adaptive streaming capability
  • It has globally situated content delivery networks in tie-up
  • It extends a video streaming that is devoid of ads
  • It makes white-label streaming a possibility
  • It renders enhanced security enabled by detailed featurization

Pricing Resonant With Dacast:

Dacast offers a range of streaming package plans that mostly varies on the bifactor differentiation of storage and bandwidth accommodative of each of these packages.

The platform mainly offers three standardized plans: Starter, Event and Scale in the same order of ascension. Besides these, a completely customized package for customers is possible.

3. Uscreen

A Singular Point of Video Streaming Services

muvi pricing

The platform of Uscreen offers a unified video streaming solution for live streaming and on-demand video requirements. It lets content creators launch their own brand of video website that can be suited to their desired style or narrative. Beyond the variety of templates and customization possibilities available with the platform, it also lets the creator/broadcaster directly livestream videos through their website, mobile or tv app.

Some of The Features Characteristic To Uscreen:

  • It is a one-stop avenue for executing all operations pertaining to a video enterprise (streaming, content monetization, marketing…)
  • It promises extensive featurization that is rigorously ideated, tested and executed.
  • It gives an easy way to construct landing pages befitting the visions of the content creator.
  • It allows a multitude of integrations with external platforms such as MailChimp, Salesforce and more.
  • It ensures smooth transition of content creators onto the platform using webinars, workshops and other training needed.

Pricing Resonant With Uscreen:

Uscreen offers three packages of video streaming services: Basic, Growth and Enterprise. So that it caters to every size of business, from small-scale ventures to large corporations. 

Also in the offer of services from Uscreen is the most thoughtful service of low-cost live streaming services for beginners.

4. Brightcove

Carrier Grade Video Streaming Platform

muvi revenue

The platform of Brightcove is a SaaS-based one that offers content creators, services of video hosting and video content management system for all genres of content. It is a globally accessible platform thereby providing content creators and broadcasters aboard its platform, a global access to their contents. The cloud video streaming platform lets its contents reach far & wide without lags but best of all it makes live-streaming analytics possible.

Some of The Features Characteristic To Brightcove:

  • It provides extensive monetization capabilities made possible by 3 models of monetization
  • It has an auxiliary product known as Brightcove live to enable live streaming.
  • It makes possible the realities of embedding your video, creating a video gallery of your own brand or just a video hls player.
  • It extends an option to stream shoppable videos by its virtue of integration. 
  • It lets creators host videos of quality as high as 1080p without a limitation on file size.

Pricing Resonant With Brightcove:

Brightcove’s pricing details are not readily available for perusal on their website, rather they encourage us to reach out to their team for figuring out the pricing details.

5. Kaltura

A Cloud-Based Fine Streaming Platform

alternative to muvi

The platform of Kaltura is on a mission to “power any sort of video streaming requirement.” The offerings of their SaaS-based platform are classified as off-the-shelf, connoting the standardization of their technology. They are a global platform as well that cater to clients round the globe and clients of the edutech and communications background, majorly.

Some of The Features Characteristic of Kaltura:

  • It extends monetization capabilities through strategies of best pay-per-view video platforms, Ad Servers and SVOD models.
  • It lets creators integrate the platform with the payment gateway of their choice that shall enable a paywall on their contents.
  • It lets the creators in on the performance of their videos through the analytical data picked up by the platform on their behalf.
  • It also lets creators view and practically refer to their list of subscribers for further engagement.
  • It lets creators use their own website as the venue of streaming in order to higher the chances of video monetization with eCommerce.

Pricing Resonant With Kaltura:

The pricing details of Kaltura are not apparent on generally viewing their website. Though, there is a possibility of a month’s worth of free trial but not without being offered a quote first.

6. IBM Cloud

A High Quality Streaming Brand

muvi cost

The video solution offered by IBM Watson Media that was previously known as IBM Cloud, is an enterprise solution powered by Watson AI to attend to each operation of the video enterprise from creation to evaluation of a live-streamed or pre-recorded video. It extends two editions as IBM enterprise video streaming that is suitable for internal communications taking place within a corporation; and IBM Video Streaming that supports any regular requirement of video streaming.

Some of The Features Characteristic of IBM Cloud:

  • It makes possible high definition live broadcasting for creators coming to its platform.
  • It makes best video streaming platforms that is compatible with mobile devices running on any software a possibility.
  • It offers a scalable cloud-based video solution that can cater to both live streaming and on-demand requirements.
  • It provides a solution that can be used by public service providers, corporate communications, media, edutech sector, religious communities, weddings and funerals.
  • It offers insightful analytical data based on the performance of the videos streamed.

Pricing Resonant With IBM Cloud:

The platform comes up with three price packages that might encompass the same set of services except for differences in the extent of storage, channels and users.

These packages are Silver, Gold and Platinum besides which the platform also lets creators order for a custom video solution whose price can be known at the moment only. 

7. Vimeo OTT

A Long-standing Video Hosting Platform

best muvi alternatives

The platform of Vimeo began its journey as a nominally offering video hosting in competition with YouTube. They strove to serve independent content creators, filmmakers and other media enthusiasts, whereas today it has grown into a much bigger form of a video streaming platform that can cater to even larger corporations. Also the platform didn’t initially accommodate requirements for live streaming which came later in 2017 only.

Some of The Features Characteristic of Vimeo OTT:

  • It provides a white-label video solution.
  • It offers a video streaming service that is without the distraction of Ads.
  • It extends more than a single monetization means to creators opting its services.
  • It makes it possible for creators to make an evaluation of the performance of the videos through the analytical data acquired by the platform for the creators.
  • It lets creators take the video and embed it on their website, blog or anywhere else of higher visibility and increased chances of monetization for them.

Pricing Resonant With Vimeo OTT:

Vimeo offers four different packages of services: Basic, Plus, Pro, Premium and Enterprise out of which Basic accounts for the free/trial level of services that might best suit independent creators than professional broadcasters looking for carrier-grade streaming capabilities.

The listed packages rise in their list of offerings in the same order. Though, Enterprise package can be availed for custom streaming requirements.

In Conclusion,

Thus we have been through some of the best Muvi alternatives in this discussion and before we could conclude it is wise to know that though, all of the platforms listed above are effective and credible, the final decision to pick one of them should essentially be based on the closest match of the platform’s offerings to the needs of the customer.

If You Are Looking For An Muvi Alternative For Your Streaming Business Then Schedule A Free Demo With Us
request demo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. What is Muvi OTT?

Muvi is an over-the-top video monetization platform that lets you distribute, manage, and monetize your video content to a global audience. It also offers white-label capabilities to create custom-branded streaming apps or websites for delivering video content to audiences.

2. Can I Migrate My Content From Muvi to an Alternative Platform?

Yes. You can migrate your content from Muvi to an alternative platform. The process involves exporting your videos, metadata, and user data and importing them into the new platform. However, for safe and secure migration, you should consider factors like content compatibility and data transfer capabilities before actually migrating your content. 

3. Why Would I Need Muvi Alternatives?

You may need an alternative to Muvi due to its various limitations. While it is a capable video monetization platform, it suffers from several constraints, such as limited customizations, inadequate scalability, and recurring payments. Muvi may not be the right solution for you if you’re planning for the long term. In that case, you must consider alternatives better suited to your content type, target audience, and monetization goals.

4. How Do I Choose the Right Muvi Alternative for My Needs?

Choosing the right Muvi alternative involves assessing your content type, audience, level of customization, monetization goals, and desired features. You can consider alternatives like VPlayed — evaluate their capabilities, customization options, and pricing to ensure they align with your needs.

5. What Features Should I Consider When Choosing an Alternative to Muvi OTT?

When choosing your Muvi alternative, key features you should consider include content management tools, monetization options (subscription, pay-per-view, ads), analytics, customization options, scalability, security, and support. In other words, you must choose a platform that best meets your content delivery and business objectives.

Brindalakshmi Rajkumar is a blogger & Digital marketer in CONTUS VPlayed. I'm enthusiastic about learning about new advancements on the video streaming platform. I collaborate with various organizations and help analyze their competitors to provide them with better strategies to improve and keep their businesses up to date.


  1. Annette Hill Reply

    Hi, Looking for an alternative to Muvi OTT platform. Our content is currently showing on american stories.tv. I would like a demo of your product.

  2. Fredrick Blake Reply

    Hello, I am looking for some help to go through some Muvi alternatives for developing an app. what the demo looks like for an app and the cost for it.

  3. Leon Wright Reply

    Hi, we are developing a video streaming platform in the Asia market and trying to find a an Muvi alternative. I would like to find out how compatible your product is to Muvi. Also if you have a pricing, please let me know. Thank you,

  4. Marcos Pittman Reply

    Greetings, I was researching your site & it seems pretty interesting. I’m looking for an alternative to Muvi to be honest. What are the additional features VPlayed provides and the cost?

  5. Joanna Mccormick Reply

    Hey Guys, We are looking for Muvi competitors as an alternative to stream our hybrid events. Can we schedule a call?

  6. Terry Coleman Reply

    Hi, We are looking to integrate a new player, streaming CDN and encoding as an alternative to Vimeo, which we are currently using in our platform. We create and produce online and hybrid events for our clients.

  7. Paula Copeland Reply

    Hi – looking for prices for a Muvi alternative web site for content creators to upload to, starting very small and to scale as hopefully takes off.

  8. Eric Lawson Reply

    Hello , I am looking for the best alternative to muvi social media. Here’s some questions for your platform. What’s about the content copyright system? What’s about monetization rules and CPM etc…?

  9. Neal Powell Reply

    Hi team, We’re looking for Muvi competitors to build a streaming platform that will allow us to distribute content to our existing membership along with the ability to distribute, market and monetize markets based on review.

  10. Rachael Grant Reply

    Hi, I’m interested in a good alternative for my video platform. We have our own transcoding backend, streaming servers and CMS. All we need is a good HTML5 player library with support for HLS, subtitles, DRM and playlists.

  11. Sandy Gonzales Reply

    Hi, Live Streaming and Video Content for MeeTube which is a W.I.P. We are looking for a Muvi alternative for starting a business.

  12. Dianna Wells Reply

    Hello, We need an alternative to Muvi for test and long term. Usage will be 4 hours per day per channel, 4 simultaneous channel for live streaming asap.

  13. Julie Butler Reply

    Hi, I have my videos in Vimeo, but my students can download them. I would like protect my videos. Also I have a Woo Commerce integrated with Moodle to sale my courses. I want to know a alternative to Muvi. And know your Lms. Thanks.

  14. Tabitha Miles Reply

    Greetings, We are looking for integrating a new player, streaming CDN and encoding as a muvi competitors based o reviews, which we are currently using in our platform. We create and produce online and hybrid events for our clients.

  15. Antoinette Clark Reply

    Hi – looking for a uscreen pricing on web site for content creators to upload to, starting very small and to scale as hopefully takes off.

  16. Brett Rogers Reply

    Hi, I’m looking to create a web based Muvi OTT service to host creators. A competitors in a market for launching our streaming platform.

  17. Hope Simmons Reply

    Hello, We are a social media platform currently using ibm Watson video system to host and manage our content channels. We want to find a muvi streaming that could better serve our use case.

  18. Felix Jenkins Reply

    Hi, We are currently using Flowplayer. Looking for possible alternative from muvi reviews ,cost effective video player solution – single fee license.

  19. Jose Blake Reply

    Hello, I am looking for alternative of Muvi & cost for video for a local (Bulgaria) publisher with around 2mil video impressions monthly.

  20. Betsy Moran Reply

    Hello , I am looking for best alternative to Muvi OTT and social media. Here’s some questions for your platform. Whats about content copyright system? Whats about monetization rules and CPM etc…?

  21. Kristen Carter Reply

    Hi. I’m interested in VPlayed as Muvi alternatives, a dedicated OTT Platform. Keen to understand integrations. Can I sell subscriptions via Shopify or WooCommerce? Hubspot integration? We have a PDF archive as well and are considering Joomag for this – are there any possibly integrations? Thank you.

  22. Noah Cohen Reply

    Hello, am looking for Muvi competitors for launching our Roku app on May 1st. I need to convince him to launch it through a better OTT partner than tvstartup.com. Their Roku apps are terrible with no features. What is your pricing at Vplayed for an SVOD Roku app?

  23. Harry Palmer Reply

    Hi, I’m interested in learning more about your audio live streaming platform capabilities. I am currently on a free trial for Muvi.com and have encountered some challenges in the buildout so I’m looking for alternative solutions before moving into a paid plan on Muvi. My immediate goal is to set up a simple audio streaming service as an MVP that I can use to demo during the fundraising phase of the project. Thanks

  24. Darin Romero Reply

    Hello, Hey, I am looking for a Muvi alternative for host and distribute videos. My business is a LMS platform

  25. Jo Gibbs Reply

    Hey Guys, I hace a startup OTT however I am still shopping for the best alternative to Muvi. Our content is currently showing on americanstories.tv. We looking at alternative streaming providers and would like a demo of your product.

  26. Terri Rios Reply

    Hi, I am looking for some help to go through what the Muvi demo looks like for an app or two I’m working on to develop.

  27. Sonya Maldonado Reply

    Hello, I was all set to start an educational channel in YouTube but just stumbled upon your article 5 minutes back about Alternative to Muvi monetisation for for educational channels. Am keen to understand your recommendation. Kindly contact ASAP

  28. Jessie Pope Reply

    Hi, I am looking for a potential alternative to Muvi live streaming as I expect to use more than 3TB/month on average.

  29. Randy Malone Reply

    Hello, we are developing a video streaming platform in Asia market and trying to find a best Muvi alternative. I would like to find out how compatible your product. Also if you have a pricing, please let me know. Thank you,

  30. Francisco Klein Reply

    Dear Madam / Sir, We are currently looking for alternatives to Muvi. Our current VOD (TVOD) provider and would like to see a demo of your product. Best,

  31. Raul Carroll Reply

    Hi, Currently we use Muvi to deliver horse racing live streaming to our clients, mostly in Brazil and Europe. Technically we are well served by Muvi, but we are searching for Muvi alternatives. Could you give an idea of pricing? We would need about 50TB in live streaming per month, with a latency of less than 8 seconds. And we have 10 live channels simultaneous.

  32. Pat Ramirez Reply

    Hello, Currently a Brightcove customer, looking at alternatives to Muvi in regards to Hippa Privacy and teh recent OCR Bulletin on Tracking

  33. Theresa Fisher Reply

    Hello, We have a website today where we offer our users e-books and will now start offering audio books. We now need an audio player that we can integrate with our site where we can upload files so users can start listening to audiobooks. Do you have any good Muvi competitor and what is the price like?

  34. Ramon Hughes Reply

    Hello, we’re currently implementing a in-app live-streaming feature (iOS and Android). Works well with but unfortunately their costs seem too high. I am looking for cheaper alternatives to Muvi.

  35. Leigh Miller Reply

    Hi, We are evaluating web video embed alternatives to Muvi for our website, which allows viewing of marketing videos of our products and which allows them to be viewed on any device. The service must be SaaS.

  36. Calvin Morton Reply

    Hello, Right now I am a Muvi OTT customer. I have a lot of issues with the service. My contract will be up in the Spring of 2020 and I’m looking for alternatives.

  37. Jessie Copeland Reply

    Hi, I am an independent filmmaker who currently uses Vimeo On Demand. Looking for Muvi alternatives.

  38. Cecelia Jimenez Reply

    Hello, We are an EdTech company and currently using a combination of Vimeo and HTML5 video players to address our video needs. But we are looking for alternatives to Muvi.

  39. Nettie Massey Reply

    Hi, We’re a long-time Brightcove customer. The pricing and contractual restrictions are getting on my nerves, so I am looking into Muvi Competitor.

  40. Annette Pena Reply

    I’ve been struggling to find the right OTT video streaming platform for my business, and these 7 Muvi alternatives sound really promising!

  41. Gary Holland Reply

    As a small business owner, I’m always on the lookout for affordable OTT solutions and these alternatives to Muvi seem like the perfect fit!

  42. Preston Lindsey Reply

    Hi, I had never heard of these Muvi alternatives before, but after reading this article, I’m excited to try them out for my OTT video streaming business.

  43. Ramona Hughes Reply

    Thank you for sharing these alternatives to Muvi! I’ve been using Muvi for my OTT platform, but I’m definitely considering switching after reading this.

  44. Deborah Houston Reply

    As someone who is new to the world of OTT video streaming, I appreciate the breakdown of these alternatives to Muvi. It makes it easier to choose the best one for my needs

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