1 November, 2023
video content management system

Comparison Of The Best Video Content Management Systems 2023

Explore More About Video CMS

When it comes to video content management systems, the essence of effective organization cannot be overstated. Picture a dynamic setting where visual masterpieces come to life. Ideas scatter in every direction, substantial equipment stands at the center, and a whirlwind of activity ensues. Post-production introduces its own layer of complexity.

However, the journey does not conclude there at all. Your video content, a product of determination and immense hard work, deserves meticulous management. This is where a robust video CMS platform comes into play. 

It ensures your content’s organized distribution and oversight in the digital landscape. In this article, we explore the best video CMS platforms of 2023 to assist you in making an informed choice for your video-related endeavors.

What Is Video CMS?

A Video CMS or video content management system (VCMS) is a web-based software solution that helps businesses manage, store, and share digital video content. It allows users to easily upload, store, and manage their digital video content in a secure, centralized location.

Video content management system allows businesses to streamline their video content management process and make it easier to share their digital media with customers, prospects, and colleagues. Video content management system provides users with the ability to create playlists, share videos, and add metadata. This helps businesses effectively organize and manage their digital media library. Additionally, best video CMS provides users with features such as analytics, reporting, and search capabilities to help them better understand how their videos are performing.

Want To Choose The Best Video Content Management Platform? Share Your Requirement!

Why Do You Need A Video Content Management Platform?

If you are wondering what might be good in going for a video content management software, then you must not skip these benefits of working with a video CMS. Assuredly, there are more to a CMS than just the significant few benefits mentioned below.

video CMS platforms

1. Storage Facilitation Of Large Video Files

Heavy videos translate to large files, and files of such extreme volume cannot be contained in the common spaces, rather, they ought to find suitable shelter in a well-assigned storage space. A video CMS attentively takes care of this aspect amongst others.

2. Good Streaming Conditions

Any content creator would yearn for their videos to be streamed right at the sweet spot of high clarity with an adaptive stream rate, so will the platform endorsing the creator. This definitely takes help of a supportive system as a video content management system so as to ensure the right note of content delivery.

3. Provision Of Privacy & Security

The authenticity of a video streaming business lies in the empowerment of its video security system. That being said, appropriate technology must be fostered to realize the backing of such high-powered security. Essentially, plugging in effective privacy controls into the platform shall attain the discussed security. Well, again, a CMS shall handle these tasks for the platform provider.

4. Dynamic Searchability

In the circumstance of having a huge library of video content, there will arise a necessity for an indexing and recalling system. This system must also have the additional ability of dynamically engaging with the search activity of the user- bringing up relevant, possible suggestions for essentially cutting down the efforts made at the user’s end.

5. Organizational Facility For Content

This particular aspect shall not need more emphasis than our collective imagination. We can go far as to say that organization is the left arm of time management. Not just that, organization is a must for that progressive rush of any business. Likewise, a video CMS will store, safeguard, index, retrieve and follow all other actions of motion of a video streaming.

How To Choose The Best Video CMS Platform For Your Streaming Business?

Now that we have sorted out where a CMS belongs and its place of importance in the business of video streaming. It is time to look at what is essential in video content management software. Please also be aware that the following list is not restricted to all of the essential features to look for in a CMS. They, rather, propose to give you initiatory support in a video content management system comparison. Let us go.

video content management system

The Trustworthiness of A Good Video CMS As Features,

1. Platform API

Is a necessity in case of a range of customizations being offered by the platform provider. And in order to visibly line the platform with these variegated features, an api’s service is involved. That way, users can effortlessly navigate through the extensive featurization of the best online video platforms. 

2. Video Library Migration

Assists with transferring the entire library of multitudinous contents on one platform to another. Imagine together, the enormity with the tediousness of it. A CMS is adept at seamlessly transferring the library over to the next. 

3. Video Content Syndication

It is the feature that enables the publication of a video of one platform on other platforms for expansion of its viewership. The syndication is in an effort to propagate your enterprise video content to other platforms’ audience base.  

4. Live Streaming

To stream your content live on a platform, the platform still needs to have a collection of inbuilt capabilities such as DVR support, adaptive bitrate streaming, support for HLS protocol and effortless embedding.

5. Video-Specific Analytics

Video analytics feature allows you to get an overview of the performance of each of the videos in the library. The performance analysis is quantitatively based on key metrics related to the viewing count and time besides quite more. This will help platform providers have a strong grasp of their assets’ placement in the market.

6. Video Encoding and Transcoding

These two functional abilities of an online video content management system will help with actions at the user’s end, such as streaming playback of any video but especially bulk ones. There is also assistance with turning raw video footage into a usable version for the ultimate user experience.

7. White-Label Player

Just as a clean slate is important for a good go at life. A white label helps in presenting the brand name of the online video platform, devoid of interferences from representative name tags of allied services. Additionally, if you are looking to customize your platform in line with your brand, a white-label OTT CMS has got it.

Top 8 Best Video Content Management Systems For 2023

Here, we have discussed the top video CMS platforms among the competitors in the market. Some of the best video content management systems are VPlayed, Dacast, Panopto, Brightcove, Wistia, IBM Cloud, etc…

1. VPlayed

Create, manage, and deliver engaging videos with video CMS

video content management system

CONTUS VPlayed is a globally the best video streaming platforms provider whose very motto is to provide enterprise video content management systems to businesses coming from various industries. Its CMS tackles diverse support functions. From Bulk Import & Export to Multi Currency, a whole range is covered. 

Key Features Of VPlayed’s Video Content Management System 

  • A HTML video player for streaming of commendable quality.
  • 6 models of video monetization are offered for revenue generation.
  • Marketing tools for getting the content further across.
  • A provision for analysis of performance stats of every video.

For quote-based plans, fill out this inquiry form, You may also opt for Free Demo Here

request demo

2. Panopto

Ultimate video content management software for your business

video content management

Panopto’s CMS serves to manage content with security and at scale. Its video content management system is built to surpass the setback in case of use of a CRM, CMS or LMS. It is designed for being easily integrable with three of the systems just mentioned as well as internal IT systems.

Primary Components Of Panopto’s Video CMS Platform

  • Video cloud hosting for security that comes with it.
  • Video transcoding for automatic adaption of video format to user’s device.
  • Video analytics data collection for reviewing content performance.
  • Adaptive bit-rate streaming technology for a non-sluggish video delivery.


A premium video content management platforms


GUDSHO is a scalable video monetization platform which facilitates video publishers, content creators or influencers to generate potential income with their curative content and deliver them across the globe.

With the professional-grade and creative online space of GudSho, independent content aggregators can upload and stream their branded videos and earn recurrent revenue on a large scale. It is the cornerstone for streaming on-demand or live content and gain the right value for their work, empowering their passion.

Here are some of its highlighting features:

  • HD HLS video player to deliver a quality video experience
  • All-in-1 video & customer management dashboard
  • Multiple monetization models for 5x revenue
  • Seamless international transactions with easy payouts
  • In-depth analytics and video performance data

4. Brightcove

Easy-to-use to manage your video library with content management.

enterprise video content management

Brightcove is an industry-grade video streaming solutions provider. Their offerings see two custom services unique to this provider. They are ‘editing by batch’ and ‘pin and drop playlist.’ Their CMS lets customers create what is known as ‘smart playlists’ that is compiled on the basis of data as metatags. This list also continually feeds on new data.

Primary Components Of ​Brightcove’s Video Content Management Software

  • Video schedulability based on the specific geographic location.
  • Quick Publish’ that gets a video live anywhere in just one easy step.
  • An automated approach for syndicating contents of this platform.
  • Video Cloud’ model is custom-oriented for extraction of any data of interest. 

5. IBM Cloud Video

Fully integrated, scalable platform for video content management

video content management system comparison

IBM Cloud Video is a video streaming partner capable of live streaming and on-demand video streaming services. Its conceptualization employs recent technologies like AI and machine learning for advanced and accurate services. It renders a cloud-based platform for its customers.

Primary Components Of IBM Cloud Video Content Management

  • It enables auto-captioning via Artificial Intelligence.
  • It is built to take on upscaling audience bases for streaming to.
  • There is a scope of solid support with video marketing.
  • It offers numerous ways to monetize content for its customers.

6. Wistia

Most powerful and easiest way to organize videos with CMS

online video content management system

Wistia is a designated name for the alliance of a video hosting platform with a bigger focus on better marketing. It employs cloud-based storage for sharing video files to collect feedback or other to-dos for improvisation. The replacement of videos even, is not a code level task here.

Primary components of a Wistia’s Enterprise Video Content Management

  • Its video player is fully customizable for complete control of the customer.
  • The embedding process it follows results in quicker and lighter upload.
  • It proposes to optimize your videos for seo benefits without asking.
  • It presents analytics for content performance evaluation.

7. Vimeo OTT

The leading video content management system software

video cms platform

Vimeo OTT is an OTT-specific video streaming service provider. It suits customers with on-demand needs as well as that of live streaming ones. Its services mainly focus on creating a video streaming apps for every platform in request. There is a flexibility which extends beyond launch of the app that sees to adding on more services to the customer’s liking.

Primary Components Of a Vimeo OTT Best Video CMS Platform

  • It gives access to video analytics for optimization.
  • It provides upto 4 models of monetization.
  • It promises to lend subscriber data and control to its customers.
  • ‘Time Windowing’ option lets customers schedule a video release in advance.

8. Kaltura

Next-generation video CMS software from the creators of Kaltura

enterprise video content

Kaltura addresses all kinds of video streaming needs of its customers. It is a globally present enterprise video content management system. Its video CMS is designed to be all-sensing and all-inclusive in a single form. In order to extend utmost convenience to its customers, it is open to configuration and customization of the player whilst making possible a swift and optimal video experience.

Primary Components Of Kaltura Video Content Management System

  • It provides varied literacy aids concerning a video such as captioning, transcription, translation and audio description.
  • The ‘Advanced video analytics dashboard’, gives customers an entry into the data picture of viewer behavior, content performance and delivery.
  • It provides the necessary security attached to protecting content authenticity.
  • It is capacitated for bulk upload and transcoding functions.


We are at the end of our long and, hopefully, informative discussion on video CMS. We dove into what they do and how they do it, not to mention why at all. But if you are exploring to spot just the right video CMS platform for you, then you are advised to further make a personalized analysis. Sure, they are all best CMS softwares in specific ways of their significance. Though, you will be the one to take a bet in the end.

Do you want to start your video streaming business today? CONTUS VPlayed offers an enterprise video content management system to launch your business on.

If You Already Have An Idea To Integrate Video Content Management In Your Platform, Schedule A Free Demo And We’ll Get You On The Road To Video Streaming Success
request demo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. What is a video content management system?

A video content management system (CMS) is a software platform specifically designed for organizing, managing, and delivering video content. It provides a centralized system for uploading, encoding, categorizing, and distributing videos across various channels.

2. Why do businesses need a video CMS platform?

A video content management system allows businesses to efficiently manage and distribute video content, improve content security, reduce costs associated with video storage and delivery, and gain valuable insights into how their audience interacts with their video content.

3. What are the key features of a video CMS?

The key features of a video CMS includes video hosting, metadata management, video search capabilities, content security features, analytics and reporting, and integrations with other software applications.

4. How much does a video content management system cost?

The cost of a video content management system can vary depending on factors such as the size of the organization, the number of videos being managed, and the specific features needed. Some systems may offer pricing based on the number of videos uploaded or the amount of storage used, while others may offer tiered pricing based on the number of users or the specific features included.

5. What are some examples of popular CMS platforms?

Some of the popular CMS platforms include WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Magento for website management. For online video content, notable choices are VPlayed, Panopto, GUDSHO, and Brightcove. Apart from that, IBM Cloud, Wistia, Vimeo OTT, and Kaltura are leading solutions for video content management.

6. What are the benefits of video content management software?

One of the most benefits informs us with its ability to streamline all business needs under a one-stop solution with 100% customizability, the capability to manage & store large files in cloud streaming infrastructure, get complete control over the streaming path via advanced technologies integrated into customized & best video CMS.

Brindalakshmi Rajkumar is a blogger & Digital marketer in CONTUS VPlayed. I'm enthusiastic about learning about new advancements on the video streaming platform. I collaborate with various organizations and help analyze their competitors to provide them with better strategies to improve and keep their businesses up to date.


  1. Bert Barnett Reply

    Hi there, We are interested in building our video cms platform for vod and streaming, also monetizing with ads. Are interested in the price quota and how cms works, can be installed in our server or how it works? Many thanks

  2. Levi Pratt Reply

    Hi, I’m interested in your video player (with CDN or video content management platform). Does it support 24/7 live streaming? Best regards

  3. Ted Jenkins Reply

    Dear Sir, We would like to start a Mobile TV App & OTT Platform in our brand name. We don’t have a CMS for video content. Can your company provide all the solutions for us ? Kindly give us your reply. Regards

  4. Cecil Hamilton Reply

    Hi there, I’m interested in your platform. Can you please send me information about the pricing models for enterprise video content management? Do you have a showcase of sites that are online? Is there a possibility to test drive the cms backend? Thanks in advance, all the best.

  5. Edna Quinn Reply

    Hello, We are looking for a solution that includes a content management software, dynamic video encoding and delivery with a CDN and a player compatible with it. I’m very interested in your online video platform and was wondering if it is possible to test it. Thanks

  6. Dana Cunningham Reply

    Hello, We are looking for an OTT and self-hosted video CMS platform. We have a few verticals that we will independently create but that must be integrated with the CMS. It would be preferable if our team was capable of performing the integrations.

  7. Annette Brady Reply

    Hello, we are searching for video CMS software that can deliver the following: • Partner On-boarding; Subscription lifecycle; Payments; Headless APIs; Smart Search; CMS Features;

  8. Erin Silva Reply

    Greetings, We want to update our mobile app because we were dissatisfied with our previous vendor. We’re seeking for a team to help us update our mobile application so it can: 1) Having our livestream available on iOS and Android all the time. Ideally, the stream should begin playing as soon as the app starts. 2) Offer a standard video CMS platform with direct messaging and push notifications for listeners. If your platform can do it, we would be pleased to schedule a demo with you. I appreciate your time.

  9. Everett Diaz Reply

    Hi, We are searching for a good video CMS. Although we have a website of our own, we anticipate that the videos will be posted elsewhere. Now that we have 200 training videos (each weighing in at around 500MB), we need to find a CMS partner.

  10. Eva Kelly Reply

    Hello, AWS and Cleeng will both be used for monetization because they are Pay as you go programmes. This is perfect for me as a business because I’m seeking for a platform and apps for managing enterprise video content that I can broadcast to connected devices like Roku, Smart TVs, Amazon Fire TVs, and other similar ones. how can you be of assistance.

  11. Johanna Salazar Reply

    hello there, For our client’s white-labeled CMS application backend, we require an OTT platform with mobile apps for iOS and Android, smart TV apps, and the web. This platform should also provide on-demand video with payment gateway integration. In order to directly promote, they wish to integrate both their own panel and Google Ads. What will it cost and when will it be completed? Are you willing to offer white labelling?

  12. Craig Tate Reply

    HI, For a small firm that has been severely impacted by COVID-19, we are searching for our first video content management solution. We want to expand our business by offering live classes, monetized video material, and a subdomain buildout. Please get in touch with me for price and more details.

  13. Miriam Reed Reply

    Hello, We are searching for DRM-encrypted video hosting solutions that permit video upload utilising APIs and playback with the best video CMS platforms.

  14. Rickey Roberson Reply

    Hi, I am creating an APP that hosts a video library with a rich and complex filtering search system. Hope VPlayed can be my video CMS.

  15. Amber Barnett Reply

    Hi, VPlayed has commercial representation in South America (Brazil)? I would like to talk about best video CMS platforms, monetization, integration and distribution of video content on multi platforms.

  16. Eloise Ramos Reply

    Hello, Mainly need cms for vod videos for sale as individual, package, and grouping. Should have around 200 videos (150 5-7min, 50 60-120min) to start. Hope to build up to 1000 in several years. Live stream ability would be great as well. Concerned about security as well as ownership and usage of our videos by the host and need for a video content management system. What will be the cost?

  17. Ora Henderson Reply

    Hi team, I’d like to see a demo of your platform and its capabilities in terms of video content management with 3rd party partners uploading their contents onto our VOD + using mobile payment billing.

  18. Sharon Kim Reply

    Hi We would like to know more in detail about your product that needs to interface our existing best video CMS and we need quotation also. Thanks

  19. Ernesto Jordan Reply

    Hi there, We are interested in building our video cms for vod and streaming, also monetizing with ads. Are interested in the price quota and how video cms software works, can be installed in our server or how it works? Many thanks

  20. Bertha Montgomery Reply

    Hi, We need a best cms for video content that can distribute an MRSS feed to 3 places each with a unique MRSS specification. Our team can configure the MRSS integration if you have that capability. Is that something you can support?

  21. Mildred Hunt Reply

    We currently already exist on Roku, Apple TV, Fire Stick, etc and exist on 3 FAST Networks. We are with a video streaming cms now but have had a lot of problems and need to switch. Our biggest need is a playout system to our OTT FAST Network partners with SCTE 35 Marker capabilities.

  22. Sidney Walton Reply

    Hello, Currently, We have 3 TV Channels and we want to improve our OTT services. We need storage for 2.000 videos and about 10TB. Also, we need video hosting cms , Google Tag Manager and Analytics integration. Could we get a simulation and price for your tools? Thank you so much. Best Regards.

  23. Shelly Jordan Reply

    Hi, We are a system integrator in Broadcast, Media & Entertainment and Education industry, need a cloud OTT with content managment system for existing clients, kindly connect with us asap. Thanks

  24. Maxine Mendez Reply

    Hello Dear , We are in situation for launch a new VOD Business in our area and therefore consider some best video CMS platforms to make best decision to pay money for the best product, then we need to get quote from you for VPlayed CMS product. Regards

  25. Ed Olson Reply

    HI, I am creating an APP that hosts a video library with rich and complex filtering search system. Hope VPlayed can be my content management software

  26. Randall Flowers Reply

    Hi, VPlayed has commercial representation in South America (Brazil)? I would like to talk about video content management systems, monetization, integration, and distribution of video content on multiplatform.

  27. Leah Hogan Reply

    Hello, would like to use a free trail of vplayed cms software and further if looks good would like to use it with a subscription service

  28. Nick Bowers Reply

    Hi, Am looking for best cms software that I would like to use an OTT platform that will take care of video hosting, payment processing, and user management. Customer support for each of those parts. I would also like to be able to completely customize my frontend and personalize content based on the logged in user. I am ok if the login and payment processing pages are not as customizable, but I would like to be able to provide my own landing page/ browse page/ and video details page.

  29. Tracy Bryant Reply

    Hi, Mainly need enterprise video content management for vod videos for sale as individual, package, and grouping. Should have around 200 videos (150 5-7min, 50 60-120min) to start. Hope to build up to 1000 in several years. Live stream ability would be great as well. Concerned about security as well as ownership and usage of our videos by host.

  30. Jenny Poole Reply

    Hello, I’d like to see a demo of your platform and its capabilities in terms of cloud content management with 3rd party partners uploading their contents onto our VOD + using mobile payment billing.

  31. Ana Davis Reply

    Hi We would like to know more in detail about your product that need to interface our existing list of content management systems and we quotation also. Thanks

  32. Pauline Mcdonald Reply

    Hi there, We are interested to build our video cms for vod and streaming, also monetizing with ads. Are you interested in price quota and how cms work, can be installed on our server, or how it works? Many thanks

  33. Myra Leonard Reply

    Hello Team, I would like to know if your platform can be used like a cms for video to build my own platform. If yes, what would be your pricing? Warm regards

  34. Shannon Allen Reply

    Hello, Our company is looking for a video CMS and video streaming platform that we can host ourselves. Some verticals we will develop on our own need to be integrated into our CMS. Integration should be possible for our team

  35. Annie Bryan Reply

    We simply don’t have enough time in a day to post videos on the site, and I am sure you know if an article is on one page and you click on it to read it, it takes a while to read. Therefore, we are considering creating separate video content management systems with multiple subcategories or having separate video content management software.

  36. Rosie James Reply

    Hello Team, We do not have enough hours in a day just to put videos up on the site and well I am sure you know that if articles are on one page and you click on it reading takes some time because of search engines, so we are looking for ways like creating separate pages for these videos or having separate video content management software with multiple sub-catalogs as in your example: webinars/podcasts/blog; cooking & negotiation etc. Please let me know if you see we can reach this case.

  37. Heidi Watts Reply

    Hello, I’m planning to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Cleng for monetization, since they are both pay-as-you-go programs. What I am looking for is an enterprise video content management platform and apps to stream to connected devices such as Roku, Smart TV, Amazon Fire TV, etc. How can you help?

  38. Homer Osborne Reply

    Hello, We need a central video content management that can distribute an MRSS feed to 3 places each with a unique MRSS specification. Our team can configure the MRSS integration if you have that capability. Is that something you can support?

  39. Wm Perez Reply

    HI, We are seeking a self hosted video CMS & OTT. We have a couple of verticals which we will develop on our own but need to be integrated into the CMS. Would prefer if our team has the ability to do the integrations.

  40. Angel Rowe Reply

    Hi, We are currently looking for a video content management software for our platform and would like to have a quick chat and demo of your product. Can you let us know when you have time for a quick chat and demo this week? Hope to hear from you

  41. Zachary Simon Reply

    Hello, Planning on using AWS and Cleeng for monetization as they are both Pay as you go program. This is ideal for me as a startup, what I am looking for is the enterprise video content management platform and apps to stream to connected devices such as Roku, Smart TV, Amazon fire TV etc. how can you help.

  42. Marta Ross Reply

    HI, We’re looking for our first video content management system for a small business affected highly by COVID-19. We’re looking to add on monetized video content and live classes to our company, including a subdomain buildout. Please contact me with pricing and more information.

  43. Celia Stokes Reply

    Hello, our company is seeking a platform that has the capability of managing a single catalog as well as targeting different types of content, such as cooking and negotiation. It is important that your video CMS integrates well with your player software.

  44. Levi Boyd Reply

    Hi, We are looking for a video CMS solution that can manage and optimize video content across our company’s various platforms. I’d like to learn more about your product.

  45. Ann Hansen Reply

    Hello, We are seeking a self hosted video CMS & OTT. We have a couple of verticals which we will develop on our own but need to be integrated into the CMS. Would prefer if our team has the ability to do the integrations.

  46. Angelo Walsh Reply

    Hello There, we are looking for video cms software to provide the below requirements: • CMS Features • Partner On-boarding • Subscription lifecycle • Payments • Headless APIs • Smart Search

  47. Nathaniel Alexander Reply

    Greetings, We are looking to upgrade our mobile app as we have not been satisfied with our prior provider. We are looking for a group that can upgrade our mobile app that can: 1) Be able to host our livestream 24/7 on IOS and Android. Preferably with the stream opening as soon as the app launches. 2) Provide standard video cms platform – Push notifications, direct messaging with listeners. If that can be accomplished on your platform we’d be happy to book a demo with you. Thanks for your time.

  48. Frederick Norris Reply

    Hi, We are looking for suitable Video CMS. We have our own website, but we hope that the videos will be placed separately. Now we have 200 instructional videos (each about 500MB), our requirement is: we need to find a CMS partner.

  49. Sue Wallace Reply

    Hello guys, We need an OTT platform for our client white labelled CMS application backend with MobileApps both IOS & Android, Smart Tv Apps and Web in which our client willing to earn through advertisements and subscription and on-demand videos with payment gateway integration. Regarding Ads they want to integrate googlr Ads as well as thier own panel to advertise directly. How much it will cost and what is the timeline? will you provide white labelling?

  50. Jamie Lowe Reply

    Hi, I hope you are well. I run a content production unit for a group of Colleges, our department is responsible for the production for all the content that goes into the courses. We are looking for a video content management to help us within our workflow. I would like to get a demo. Thanks,

  51. Mable Greene Reply

    Hi there, I’m interested in your platform. Can you please send me information about the pricing models? Do you have a showcase of sites that are online? Is there a possibility to test drive the enterprise video content management backend? Thanks in advance,

  52. Courtney Mendez Reply

    Hi, we are currently on Uscreen and looking to see what else is on the market. We would like to see the feature set, video cms, and customization options.

  53. Melvin Walters Reply

    Hi, VPlayed support team. I would like to start an OTT business for my students. I want to know more about your pricing for the apps & cdn & video content management system. thank you

  54. Jodi Schwartz Reply

    Hello, I’m looking for a vendor who can acquire live content, dump it into a video content management platform and then deliver it to commercial bars and restaurants, probably through a new set top box.

  55. Everett Schultz Reply

    Hi, I would like to see a demo of your platform. I am looking for a video streaming cms that I could completely white-label for a platform I am looking to build. I am interested in the pricing and functionality of your product.

  56. Wade Quinn Reply

    Hello, We are a system integrator in Broadcast, Media & Entertainment, and Education industries, need video cms software for existing clients, kindly connect with us asap. Thanks

  57. Lorraine Phillips Reply

    Hello Dear, We are in a situation to launch a new VOD Business in our area and therefore considering some best video cms to make the best decision to pay money for the best product. We need to get a quote from you for VPlayed CMS product. Regards

  58. Betty Nash Reply

    Hi, I am creating an APP that hosts a video library with a rich and complex filtering search system. I Hope VPlayed can be my ott content management system.

  59. Casey Pierce Reply

    Hi, VPlayed has commercial representation in south America (Brazil)? I would like to talk about video hosting cms, monetization, integration and distribution of video content on multiplatform.

  60. Estelle Waters Reply

    Hi, I Mainly need top cms platforms for vod videos for sale as individual, package, and grouping. Should have around 200 videos (150 5-7min, 50 60-120min) to start. I hope to build up to 1000 in several years. Live stream ability would be great as well. Concerned about security as well as ownership and usage of our videos by the host.

  61. Gerald Jackson Reply

    Hello, I’d like to see a demo of your platform and its capabilities in terms of a list of content management systems with 3rd party partners uploading their content onto our VOD + using mobile payment billing.

  62. Lynn Berry Reply

    Let me know if you’re interested in talking and seeing your video content management software. Would you be able to provide us with a quick chat and demo this week? Thank you for taking the time to contact me

  63. Muriel Reynolds Reply

    I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. Our current mobile app provider has not satisfied us, so we are in the process of upgrading it. A group that can upgrade our mobile app is needed so that we can stream live on IOS and Android. When the app is launched, the stream should be available immediately. Provide a standard video CMS solution that includes push notifications.

  64. Elaine Carson Reply

    We are looking for a Video CMS that works for us. The videos will be on their own page on our website, but we already have our own website. To manage our instructional videos, we need a CMS partner.

  65. Roxanne Rice Reply

    We are in the market for a Video Content Management capable of managing a single catalog and offering the option to create videos in different genres, such as fitness and religion. It should integrate with an existing video player solution.

  66. Mitchell Johnston Reply

    Hi, We are looking for a video content management system with the capability to manage a single catalog and target different content such as cooking and negotiation. Video CMS should integrate well with your player solution.

  67. Marshall West Reply

    Dear guys, We need an OTT platform built with a white label video CMS platform backend that integrates with Mobile Apps (IOS & Android), Smart TV Apps & Web with on-demand videos and payment gateway integration. In terms of advertising, they plan to integrate Google Ads and their own panel to advertise directly. Can you tell me how much it will cost and when it will be completed? Do you offer white labeling services?

  68. Catherine Brown Reply

    Please help us find a Video CMS that works for us. We already have our own website, but we hope that the videos will be on their own page. Our requirement is to find a CMS partner who can help us manage our instructional videos.

  69. Zachary Greer Reply

    Thank you for your time. We are in the process of upgrading our mobile app since we have not been satisfied with our current provider. In order to host our livestream 24/7 on IOS and Android, we need a group that can upgrade our mobile app. Whenever the app is launched, the stream should be available right away, Provide a standard video CMS solution that includes push notifications and direct messaging with listeners. Please let us know if that can be accomplished on your platform so we can schedule a demo. Thanks for your time.

  70. Jan Henderson Reply

    Please let me know if you are interested in a quick chat and a demo of your video content management software for our platform. Could you please let us know when you are available for a quick chat and demo this week? I look forward to hearing from you

  71. Beulah Blake Reply

    Hi there, we are looking for a video CMS platform & OTT that we can host ourselves. Our CMS needs to integrate a couple of verticals we will develop on our own. Ideally, our team should be able to integrate.

  72. Ivan Bell Reply

    Hello, we are currently looking for a video content management solution for a fitness video service. In addition to VOD, we also would like to offer live lesson booking (small group classes streamed to people who RSVP) Does VPlayed have this feature?

  73. Sarah Keller Reply

    Hi, Planning on using AWS and Cleeng for monetization as they are both Pay as you go programs. This is ideal for me as a startup. What I am looking for is the best video CMS and apps to stream to connected devices such as Roku, Smart TV, Amazon fire TV etc. how can you help. I am currently in USA but I am a UK resident

  74. Blanche Mccarthy Reply

    Thanks for your help. I want to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Cleng to monetize my site since they are both pay-as-you-go programs. To enable me to stream content to connected devices such as Roku, Smart TV, Amazon Fire TV, etc., I need an enterprise video content management platform and apps. How can you help?

  75. Nichole Poole Reply

    I am seeking a video streaming platform built with a white label video CMS backend. The platform should be capable of integrating with Mobile Apps and Web-based on-demand videos and payment gateways. They will place ads directly through their own panel and Google. What will the cost be and when will it be completed? Do you offer white labeling services?

  76. Violet Ross Reply

    Our company is interested in procuring a Video Content Management system that allows us to create videos in different genres, like fitness and religion, under a single catalog. An existing video player should be able to integrate with it.

  77. Janice Frazier Reply

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, we are in the market for a video CMS that is capable of managing and optimizing video content across the various platforms used by our company. You have an interesting product, I would like to know more about it.

  78. Deanna Shelton Reply

    Hi, We would like to have a brief conversation and a demonstration of your product as we are now seeking for a video content management system for our platform. Please let us know when you have availability this week for a brief chat and demonstration. Awaiting your response

  79. Alma Porter Reply

    Hi, We are seeking a self hosted video CMS & OTT. We have a couple of verticals which we will develop on our own but need to be integrated into the CMS. Would prefer if our team has the ability to do the integrations.

  80. Luis Andrews Reply

    Hi, I have a subscription based website. Users subscribe and watch our videos. I just need to store my videos and get share code to add my website. – I need 20 TB video storage – A video content management to manage my videos such as adding softcore subtitles etc

  81. Devin Phelps Reply

    Hi, I wish to inquire about demo app development for OTT tvOS app and Android TV app, working with our own video content management system. And google AD manager integration

  82. Sarah Holloway Reply

    Hi, we are currently on Uscreen and looking to see what else is on the market. we would like to see the feature set, video cms and customisation options from you?

  83. Kimberly Conner Reply

    Hi vplayed support team i would like to start an OTT business for my students i want to know more about your pricing for the apps & cdn & enterprise video content management thank you previously

  84. Roberta Adkins Reply

    Hi, I’m looking for a vendor who can acquire live content, dump it into a best video cms platforms and then deliver it to commercial bars and restaurants, probably through a new set top box.

  85. Jacqueline Rose Reply

    Hi, I would like to see a demo of your platform. I am looking for a best video CMS that I could completely white label for a platform I am looking to build. I am interested in the pricing and functionality of your product. Thanks,

  86. Kristi Rice Reply

    Hello, We are a system integrator in Broadcast, Media & Entertainment and Education industry, need a cloud OTT with video CMS solution for existing clients, kindly connect with us asap. Thanks

  87. Toney Mooney Reply

    Hi, I have a subscription based website. Users subscribe and watch our videos. I just need to store my videos and get share code to add my website. – I need 20 TB video storage – A video content management system to manage my videos such as adding softcore subtitles etc

  88. Kate Vang Reply

    Hi, wish to inquire about demo app development for OTT tvOS app and Android TV app, working with our own CMS. And google AD manager integration

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