1 November, 2023
Contus CCavenue Integration

Contus Contributes CCAvenue Integration Kit Component for Xamarin Libraries

Contus solves a pressing need for CCAvenue payment gateway integration kit with a finely crafted Xamarin component.

Contus is an experienced hand in developing native platforms apps using Xamarin.

The company established itself as an Xamarin mobile app development company since the inception of the cross-platform.

Contus leverages the complete utility of Xamarin, including native API access, native Android & iOS UI controls, SDK integrations and latest APIs for developing state-of-the-art native apps. Over our years of Xamarin app development experience, we have seen and confronted several challenges that app development in a young cross-platform like Xamarin posed.

One of the challenges we constantly felt was the lack of components. Xamarin component library has an extensive collection of components that make the lives of developers easier by readily downloadable components for various utilities. However, not all components as is available in native mobile platforms are available for cross platform mobile app development using xamarin

Recently, our app developers confronted a similar void in the Xamarin component store relating to payment integrations. There was no CCAvenue Integration Kit readily available for download from the Xamarin Component store.

Factoring the swelling demand and inherent development expertise in Xamarin, Contus got into the works and developed a full-fledged CC Avenue Integration Kit. The component is now approved and published in the official Xamarin Component Library as a free to download component to be used while developing xamarin.android and xamarin.iOS Applications..

The component is tailor-made to make CCAvenue payment gateway integration seamless for Android and iOS app development using Xamarin.


Masilamani Murugan leads the Digital Marketing team at CONTUS. He is interested in strategic planning for digital marketing initiatives. He loves to be fit and is a workout freak.

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