1 November, 2023

A Zippy Chat App Converges Businesses for Illimitable Monetization

Now, Chat apps are nailing the nature of Communication networks as its versatility in features and Applications is exploded. Here comes the Contus Fly, a Million Dollar lucrative Chat app, a real-time instant messaging solution for enterprises augmented with vanquishing qualities that makes the best befitting of technology for B2B businesses.. But had you ever envisaged on how to leverage this lucrative Contus Fly to generate Sales? Cool, You’re not too far in triggering your revenue with the fascinating features tailored by Contus Fly. Here is the effective business strategy that Contus Fly bear as a result of successful chat app monetization.

The Art of Chat App Business Model

chat app monetization for business
With the use of Pay Per Download mode, each user will have to pay as per the download and installation on their phone. This mode of download payment is managed with an app store platform and Payment Gateways.

In-Chat Pay

A new way to send or receive the amount in a chat application, known as in- chat payment. Its create the major revolution in the Banking industry.

Recommended Reading: Conversational Banking | How To Build A Fintech App?

In-App Payment

It’s a kind of way to enable access to any of your specific content within your instant messaging app monetization. On the other hand, you can offer free to some certain specification like creating an account but charge for unlimited Cloud Storage such as Premium Account.

In-app Purchase

This feature will let users purchase or Download (Freemium) the entire application in order to get access to the complete Features of the Application.

Mobile Advertising

This is one of the uncomplicated ways to monetize your chat platform by displaying advertisements on any specific content of the application.


Application Stickers from app’s own-produced Content such as Logo, Tagline creates a great graphical experience and engage to generate revenue by Monetizing your chat app


App Sponsorship encourages every user to sign-up for a newsletter or any content registration of your Sponsor. This in return allows the sponsor to pay a certain amount to the developer for each registration.


A Subscription lets you sell services, features, content on every app download to the user in order to maximize chat app monetization.

Also Read: Top 11 Best Video Monetization Platforms

Content Merchandising

These content types such as filter, themes, wallpaper etc., can be tailored to the enterprise chat app according to the merchant expectation.

Official Accounts

This feature will allow brands, Celebrities to stay connected with the users in order to share messages and Contents.

White Labelling & Templatization

White Label Chat app solution can also be implemented as a tailored standalone chat app to rebrand to any of the user expectation.

Though Contus Fly has brought real communication in consumer instant messaging application and delivered a great level of Monetization. Now, Let us speculate the successful attribute that Contus Fly can help in protecting the Data Security and Data Privacy for bigger operating companies which incorporates large scale of global base customers (B2B services).

A Proactive Chat App Powered for Businesses

Here comes the Contus Fly, a real-time instant messaging solution for enterprises augmented with vanquishing qualities that makes the best befitting of technology for B2B businesses. Let us speculate the successful attribute of an enterprise real-time messaging solution.
securitySecurity at its Vertex
Data Protection is the topmost concern when it comes to business. So, a cloud-based messenger is not the appropriate platform to build enterprise-level communication like Whatsapp business app survival on Cloud-based. The Privileged information being shared by any Corporate must possesses with a reliable data security policy such as Master Data Management. Contus Fly is encrypted with Virtual Private Cloud to protect and acquit from the Vulnerabilities.

“A proactive relationship can be built with Clients or Partners relying on trust. But, it’s only outstanding to protect the data by technology”

strategyPersistence Strategy
The Persistent chats and messages are saved over the time in order to store the old history of Communication. A Persistent feature helps in protecting the original shared documents, files from being deleted or altered at any time of Circumstance. The data shared through the platform should be accessible at any time in the act of taking decisions and sharing information to generate consequential ideas. This is what Contus Fly is a wizard than some run-of-the-mill instant chat providers.

timely-updateTimely Update and Support
Since Enterprise business is a fast paced Environment that expects regular update is most oughted one. Efficient maintenance and smooth-running of the app help to set the context of the Enterprise Businesses. Although the Internet is brimming in today’s world of technology, it can provide answers at any instant of time. So, having a 24×7 Enterprise Support will enhance the standard of any chat app.

integrationsBusiness Integration Tool
There are few Chat app solutions that don’t allow add-ins which are the weakest Integration strategy that fails to Contribute Enterprise Business. An Enterprise business app must possess integration with other critical software such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Jira etc., This helps in furnishing seamless work process to every enterprise level communication with clients and partners. Thus, Contus Fly is facilitated with seamless Integration to any Platform and Software.

“An Enterprise Growth is Scrutinized on how far integration technology is Manipulated”

So Finally these are the significant Chat app attributes Contus Fly have the potential to tailor according to the work culture demanded.

best chat app for small business


Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


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