1 November, 2023

Contus Joins Hands with Shakti Foundation for Social Cause

“Contus Employees join hands with The Shakti Foundation as part of its social responsibility to support 1000+ physically challenged kids at Chennai.”

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Everyone in this world has the ability to put forward our rights and has been given equal opportunities to fully participate with the society. But, does this rule hold good for everyone? Of course not! According to a popular survey, one out of ten is disabled by physical or mental impairments. Approximately 25% world’s population falls under this category and they have been hampered to participate with society due to social and physical barriers. However thanks to some organizations which step up to the occasion to encourage and entertain the people with disabilities of all forms to help them interact with the society. 

One such organization is the Shakti Foundation, Chennai. It supports 1000+ physically challenged kids. The role of this foundation includes meeting out the needs, offering services, and creating public awareness of physically challenged kids and to help them participate with the society for staying motivated and encouraged. One such event organized by this foundation recently is the “Corporate Commitment.”

As the name suggests the ultimate idea behind this is persuading the corporate to rise to the occasion to show their unanimous interest in creating awareness and improving the lifestyles of these people. The Shakti Foundation invited corporate, and we from Contus witnessed and offered 100% solidarity to this social cause. As the event is scheduled as a funfair event employees from Contus, participated and supported to help the kids interact and stay engaged.

Though, this isn’t the first time we participate in an event like this, it really was an unforgettable as well as amazing experience as we played our role in the process of helping a lot of kids’ for social cause and assuring them better opportunities and growth.


Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.

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