1 November, 2023

Vote For a Better India

As the 2014 general elections are underway it is time for every India citizen to perform the duty of casting their vote. At Contus, we firmly believe voting to be the best medium to drive in change and urge everyone to take part in the country’s biggest democratic exercise.

Contus speaks on 2014 elections:

A fingertip contribution of yours will drive India towards betterment for the next 5 years. All we have to do is just perform our duty and one needs no encouragement or motivation to do it. It is the responsibility of every single individual to cast the vote.

As Indian citizens, voting is our right to claim and duty to perform. Next to paying taxes, casting our vote is the best contribution which we can do to the country in which we live in. Travelling miles together to cast your vote is no waste of time.

Cast your vote to elect the leader you believe in. It is the only chance given for us in every 5 years to decide our leader and making a mess of it is of no use. Take your time in choosing the party to vote but make no mistake while voting.

It is time to register our voice for the much needed change. Our country is becoming deficient of certain important things such as its citizens’ interest towards taking part in elections which are believed to be the existing proof of democratic system.

It’s the day where there is nothing else much important to do than to cast your vote. Automations in the regular work what we do like paying bills and making purchases have instilled a sort of laziness among our citizens. Brush it off and be the first at the polling booth to cast your vote.

Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.


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