1 November, 2023
Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud technology

SMAC Stack – Digital transformation that improves business possibilities and gains

SMAC, is undoubtedly the term which is catching up a new popularity in digital business industry. SMAC stack is considered to be the future upon which enterprises will depend on to leverage their business ideas, expand to new horizons and still improve on the quality of services and deliverables. A briefing on what is SMAC all about is a necessity before elaborating.

What is SMAC?

SMAC is as an acronym for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud services. These support services which were preferred separately based on business needs have now been bonded together as a package considering the influence which they had and going to have in the digital industry.

Companies will have to adopt this new generation technology platform as a package as it churns out the maximum benefit only when used together. Together, these services have become the most essential part for an organization to meet the needs of end-users and improve satisfaction.

Evolution of SMAC

The major reason for the evolution of SMAC as a business eco-system is the drastic increase in the dependency on smartphone. Naturally dependency on digital medium for performing day-to-day tasks has increased the necessity for business owners to uplift the conventional way of service providing, product offering, customer engagement and branding.

To adapt to this transformation, businesses will have to master every single area of the SMAC group. Now let us dig a bit deep into each member of SMAC for realizing their significance better.

Business Challenges that will be addressed by SMAC

Social – Customer management, Branding

Social media has become an integral part of branding. Though the initial impact of social networking platforms on individuals was a different kind, the overwhelming support gained with time has made social media a resourceful area to locate potential customers, build brand value and reputation.

So, for companies, be it a garage startup or a multinational organization, social reputation has become a vital factor. When seen from a wider perspective, business owners can connect to prospective customers and existing customers and improve brand reputation. These help in collecting real-time, genuine feedbacks about the services or products they offer.

Mobility – Smartphones, the most sought after gateway for accessing web

With more smart devices evolving, it is the mobility industry which is going to eat up a handsome share of the web industry by shrinking web pages to the size of palms. Reaching out to the target audience or prospects is unimaginable without mobile phones as laptops and personal computers are not the only way to access web.

Mobiles have become more powerful medium to connect to people as it accompanies people everywhere, right from a private room to a workplace. Having said this, future devices like smart watches and Google glass, which are finding a way to break into day-to-day scenarios will significantly increase the number of devices an individual will carry on a daily basis.

Hence future concepts like Internet-of-things and BYOD (Bring your own device) will become an essential part of workplaces and eventually in businesses as well.

According to latest statistics from Kissmetrics, over 78% of the mobile searches for local businesses result in a purchase. Mobile audiences are more focused in what they want and hence the percentage of conversion is high.

Based on the client base, businesses will have to cleverly choose whether it is going to be a native or hybrid application that is going to serve their purpose.

Analytics – Rebuilding business strategies and being futuristic

Making the best use of the collected data will play a crucial role in deciding the next step to be taken, redefining strategies or planning ahead for the future. Putting analytics to best use will help targeting the right persons and deliver exactly what consumers want.

Cloud – More than just reducing cost

IT Infrastructures consume a chunk of capital and moreover, hosting applications, be it web or mobile, will demand more dedicated technical resources, time and concentration to keep them up and available 24/7. Moving to cloud will not only reduce the cost but also ditch out the security and technical complexities related to it. For small businesses, cloud will be the best way to cut down costs, enhance productivity and improve customer experience.

Influence of SMAC on enterprises

SMAC will influence investment strategies of IT vendors and service providers in India. Operational efficiency, budget optimization, better customer retention, customer reach and satisfaction are a few among the list of advantages, which SMAC will provide for IT vendors.

Virtualized office setups will come into play and remote monitoring will be of assistance in streamlining workflow in such infrastructures.

Market analysis and audience profiling will see a major improvisation. Right from surveying to extracting end-users’ feedback, inputs that flow in will be more accurate. Managing these inputs can be easily done on cloud which paves way to summarize and analyze data in a better way. These conveniences will help in coming up with clever marketing strategies that enforces users to perform actions that are envisioned by the strategists.

SMAC will provide the upstarts, small and medium business enterprises a chance to challenge the big players and set up an open competition in the IT industry. However the challenges of preparing for the SMAC race will be on a high. Overcoming these challenges and getting the best out of the opportunities created by SMAC depends upon the expertise involved.

How well is Contus prepared for the SMAC race?

Being proficient in the field of Social, Mobile, Cloud and Analytics, Contus is looking forward to combine this expertise with the smartness of its workforce to provide world class business solutions for companies ranging from garage startups to multinational corporations.

Emerging as a SMAC company, Contus is aiming to provide complete end-to-end solutions that will prepare every enterprise level contenders and IT service providers for the next-gen expectations and technological demands. However, the architecture of the SMAC solution will be tailor made for every business based on their agendas and audiences.

Personalization has become the ultimate necessity in today’s business scenario. Contus has taken an extensive approach in providing personalized solutions which will keep consumers coming back for more and eventually pave way for cross selling. This will be achieved by sensible data acquisition and analysis which will help in understanding the requirements better.

Partnering with the cloud giants like Amazon Web Services, Contus provides end-to-end cloud solutions that will help businesses in handling scalability, data backup, monitoring and other cloud related necessities. Our 8+ yrs of expertise in mobility gives us the technical edge to develop any challenging application be it native, or cross-platform. All put together Contus strongly believes it is well equipped to contend in the SMAC race.

SMAC Company



Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.


  1. John Mathew Reply

    I hope after Waze, SMAC will help us to fulfill Google’s webmaster guidelines. As Google is rolling out new types of ads to capture the attention of mobile users. Thanks

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