1 November, 2023

Android Nougat Vs iOS 10 – Stage is set for the next hypertech war of this fall

Apple Vs Google – the war of the tech giants has always been a scene of pleasure for tech geeks. With the release of Android Nougat slated this month (August’16) we can’t help but put both iOS and Android Nougat on a comparo to single out the best.

For the past few months, Apple and Google have been literally edging each one out with occasional releases of previews and beta announcements. From all of them, what we conceive is that both the companies are approaching the same problems with entirely different approaches (as always).

Until we can lay our hands on the final software, here is what you can look forward from Google and Apple this fall.


A whole lot changes in the upfront

interfaceUI has been a breakpoint for iPhone and Android devices. If the current UI seems a bit habitual for you, the new releases will immerse you in a refreshing UI that is both engaging and utilitarian.

From what we learn from beta releases, Google and Apple have adopted entirely different approaches to UI designing. However, in the end, both of them score amply in aesthetics. Here is how the new releases will fare against each other in UI designing.

iOS 10

Android Nougat

Raise to Wake Feature that will display lock screen with clock, alerts and notifications. Users will no longer have to press on the unlock/home button.Multi-window screen support – or operating two apps side-by-side, earlier restricted to tablet devices will now become available on Android phones.


See, Read & Reply without hopping from app to app

notificationWith a slight cosmetic surgery to its notification banners, Google with Android Nougat is making notifications far easier to read and manage. Android Nougat users can block completely or group notifications from a single app for prioritization of notifications. The minimalist design of the notification bar will also facilitate comfortable reading of the entire notification.

As for Apple, it is bringing the beauty of 3-D touch support to render users with ‘Peek and Pop’ feature. With iOS 10, users on getting a notification, will be able to preview, view wholly and respond to the notifications without having to open the corresponding app. (No, it is not WhatsApp did. There is way lot more to Apple’s 3D touch).

iOS 10

Android Nougat

3D Touch enabled ‘Peek and Pop’ for quick responses to messages, actions for notifications or to expand the entire notification as a whole window. A much needed ‘Clear all’ option for notifications is also added.Refined minimalist design for notifications drawer which makes notifications easier to read and respond to. Notifications can also be clubbed together or customized as per user preferences.


Face-off: Allo, Duo, iMessage and rest of the world

MessagingFact: Google is yet to get it straight with messaging. With WhatsApp and Facebook messenger becoming runaway successes, Google Hangouts and Messenger are literally forgotten. And, Google wants to change that with the onset release of Allo and Duo. Allo will be a reengineered messaging app which Google claims to be a ‘messaging app on steroids’. Duo is released with the dual motive of upgrading video conferencing experience of Hangouts and to rival iOS Facetime (or even Skype!).

On the other side, Apple is blending in more fun factor to chatting by including stickers, 3rd party emoji support and a long list of other features which are yet to surface. After notifications and the introduction of widgets, we believe the improvised messaging to be a game changer in iOS mobile app development.

iOS 10

Android Nougat

iMessages to feature stickers, 3rd party emojis and several enhancements that will make chatting hyper-fun than choreful.Appo for instant messaging and Duo for video conferencing to take on the shortcomings of erstwhile messaging in Android devices.


Creating memories and managing them; simplified

GalleryApple has positioned iPhone as the world’s most used camera next only to professional cameras. With iOS 10, gallery management in Apple devices will become a breather with the Photos app. Users will be able to search for images using parameters like lake, oceans, etc. to find related images. Similarly, the app will also generate automatic slideshows of user’s best images and videos.

Google has tied Apple in gallery management feature-to-feature with its stock album management. Furthermore, Android mobile app development Nougat will be armed with machine learning which will enable users to sort their images by several parameters including location, people, object, etc. Slideshows and smart search were already included in the previous versions.

iOS 10

Android Nougat

Photos app undergoes rejig to resurface as a cloud based smart tool that will do image sorting and processing when the device is idle or when connected to a power point.Android Nougat resorts to machine learning and cloud to group images based on location, objects or people. Users will be able to create instant slideshows/videos of chosen images.


Virtual assistant with smartness overload

Smartfone assistancengSiri will become a lot more human friendly and ready to take on voice commands for phone calling, starting fitness routines, ordering food, cab, etc. Siri will also quicken communication by contributing suggestions for email addresses, contact, location details, etc. through machine learning of the user’s phone usage.

On the other hand, Google Now will become more conversational, more like Amazon’s Alexa. In fact, there are rumors which cite that Google Now is being placed as a chatbot to take on Amazon’s Echo. Post Android Nougat launch, Google Now will become the standard virtual assistant for Google Home and other products from the world’s search engine.

iOS 10

Android Nougat

Siri becomes more understanding. Can do humane things like ordering pizzas, hailing cabs, taking voice commands, etc. and even quickening typing through proactive suggestions.Google Now will become smarter enough to position itself as a rival to Amazon Alexa. The virtual assistant will become default for all Google products.

So, there it is. Everything between two tech giants going head to head about a new official release. Until they are officially released, keep your fingers crossed and wait for more updates.

As a leading mobile app development company in Atlanta, Contus can help you accelerate your digital transformation journey with mobile apps in latest versions of iOS or Android.


Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


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