1 November, 2023

Iconic trends to drive Ecommerce solutions successfully

Ecommerce has come a long way and the growth factor is marching at an exponential rate these days. Rapid technological growth has enhanced the features of ecommerce store and made online shopping more efficient. It makes sense as the number of internet users are increasing day by day and there are more people who tend to make purchase online. So, how can your ecommerce web store be propelled and ranked atop in this competitive world?Here I have sprinkled a few trends to boost your ecommerce visibility.

Trade Global with Localization:

What is it: It is a key to any ecommerce business to achieve global success. Also it is very common that there is always a high demand for foreign goods online. In simple words, we can mention it as offering globalized product with localized ecommerce solution. Have a look at the statistics below:

“Chinese shoppers spent $210 billion online last year and predicted to have outspent US”.
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What can you do:If you research on the possible ways to reach out global business, the best option would be Marketing campaigns. Try to focus on campaigns that target your right audience at the right place. Secondly, the site language and the payment method are the two important aspects to be taken into consideration. These options would do their part effectively for your site to master global ecommerce market.

Go Deep into Social World:

What it is: Though consumers make their online purchase through your ecommerce websites, social media would probably be the initial point of contact or research for them. Of late social networks play a vital role in providing product information like discounts, offers, loyalty rewards and much more. Nowadays many big brands have started to integrate with social platforms to increase their ecommerce visibility.

What can you do: Go for a deep analysis of ROI on your social activity and concentrate on channels where you get the highest conversion rates. Also look at the channels where your conversion rates have gone bad and work further to set it right.

What is Personalization and Why?

What is it: Going further deep into ecommerce marketing, we will be able to see a tremendous trend called personalization. Right from Facebook ads to landing pages on their websites, retailers are concentrating more into answering specific needs of consumers. You know what,

“74% of people say they get frustrated when they see contents which are not related to their interests”Tweet Now

What can you do: Make use of Big data analytics to collect information on your customers in order to create a personalized experience. Transaction history and Social data are the two useful inputs that would provide enough data to send customized offers as well as product recommendations.

Enhancing Customer Experience:

What is it: Enhancing customer experience is the prominent trend which prevails every year. Beyond focusing only on making customers purchase, retailers should focus more on customer experience. So it is more of designing a service experience that speaks well about your brand value. This in fact helps in building customer loyalty to a greater extent.

What can you do? Providing additional perks and service to your customers throughout the purchase process is the best opted solution here. For example letting customers to save their favorite products and track their order status will play a major role in building customer loyalty as said before.

Improve Your e-store’s Device Adaptability:

What is it: It was stated from a research that ecommerce business is facing major gain through Smart phones and Tablets during holiday season. Smart phone evolution has taken a wider role these days and the percentage of people searching for product information through their mobiles is steadily increasing. Hence your E-commerce website should be designed in such a way that it adapts any mobile device. This is the reason behind the rise of responsive web design in recent days. To highlight the importance of this have a look at the research figure given below:

“89% of customers said it’s important for retailers to allow them to shop in the way that is most convenient for them”Tweet Now

What can you do: Take necessary steps on design aspects of your website to make sure it works fine with all possible browsing devices.

Mobile and More of Mobile:

What it is: It is better to kick start this section by saying we are into the era of mobile phones. Smart phones have become a very common thing among people and the percentage of people making online purchases through smart phones is increasing rapidly. Guess what!!

“Mobile payments totalled $235.4 billion worldwide last year alone”
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What can you do: As I’ve mentioned earlier, create mobile compatible websites. Mobile payments are the other important aspect which retailers have to concentrate on. To get this right, implement secured ad proven third party apps like PayPal.


What is it: There are millions of E commerce sites existing in the market. How you are going to stand out from the crowd? How people will know about your products? This is where branding comes into play.

What can you do? Find your own style in business and start improving on it. Get to know about your ideal customers and try to answer their requirements by improving the features of your products. Persistent efforts on this will help you to make an improvement in your web store’s search results too.

Well, the above are a few points about the ecommerce trends that could help you to improve your business. Just stick to the key points that suit your business type and experience the progress.

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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