About Reddy's Lab

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories is a 36-yr-old Indian multinational pharmaceutical company with global presence in more than 100 countries, with subsidiaries in the US, UK, Russia, Germany and Brazil; joint ventures in China, South Africa and Australia; representative offices in 16 countries and third-party distribution set ups in 21 countries.

With assets worth 3 Billion USD and equity funds evaluated at 12 million USD. the company has pioneered research in finding groundbreaking anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, cardiovascular and anti-infection drugs.

Reddy's Lab's Requirements

Dr Reddy's wanted a collaborative mobile interface for its 20,000+ employees including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and therapists to stay updated about the latest organizational news and important external news curated from across the web. The app was expected to provide access to news and research information based on the departments an employee belongs to.

The Challenge

Contus' first challenge was to create a universal login (Active Directory login) for employees to stay signed in on multiple other enterprise-level social networking mediums like Yammer, Kndling etc.

Fortifying AD login was another challenge, as it demanded a security system for authenticating the activeness of an employee whenever a signing in attempt is made. The backend coding challenge in order to extract news feeds subscribed through RSS feed was also a demanding task.

Contus' Solutions

Admin interface - Web backend

In order to make sure employees are provided access only to the news appropriate to them, Contus created a hierarchical structure which grouped employees with various designations and from departments.

App user -> Department -> Group -> Category

At A Glance

Dr. Reddy's, a multinational pharmaceutical company with its presence in more than 100 countries. wanted to create a mobile app through which its employees can be informed of everything happening within the organization, on-the-go with additional security features and preference based news feeds.

Contus' iOS and Android app development experts stepped up to the situation, by creating a apps which powered the organization to link its employees to latest organizational happenings and trending news.



Key Results

The app found a warm welcome among the Reddy's lab employee circle and soon gained popularity to the extent that it reached the smartphones of every single member of the Reddy's lab fraternity.

Technologies Involved

  • OS - iOS
  • Language - Objective C
  • Database - SQLite
  • Integrated Development Platform - Xcode

The structure was provided in such a way that each app user will be assigned into a department. 'Departments' will be grouped together under a common criteria and each group will be provided access to 'Categories' in which the organization news will be published.

SSO - AD Login

Contus chose the user authentication service SSO (Single Sign-on) to overcome the roadblock in providing an AD login for the app. The restrictions in the API and libraries of SSO hindered the usage of the authentication service. Additionally SSO rendered support only AD login only in a LAN environment.

Contus' developers solved these complexities by overwriting default codes of SSO to customize it and make it usable in a cloud server environment used by Reddy's lab ap.

Using SSO, Contus powered the app with the ability to check the end user for all the application she/he has been given rights to which helped every user to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications like Yammer and Kndling by signing in just once through the app.

User Authentication

The necessity for login authentication was met by Contus by creating a security layer which helps the app to interact with the web interface, whenever a login attempt is made, by generating a token to check whether the user requesting to log in is an active user or not. This security measure made sure inactive employees or those who are not a part of Dr Reddy's organization were denied access to the app.

Reddy's Lab app developed on iOS and Android platforms were provided with a few user-friendly features for personalization. Here they are.


Every user can set preferences and choose topic from which they want feeds to be delivered from using the 'Interests' option. These interests can be set for the topics which are accessible for a user.

News Feeds

Apart from internal news selection, users will be able to receive research news from external health portals and magazines through RSS feed settings. The app delivers both video and textual news feeds.

Interactive Options

To make the app more lively, Contus provided a few options that creates a chance for users to interact. Likes for favourite articles, commenting provision to provide feedback and appreciation to the author, bookmark feature to save it for a future read are some of the user-friendly options provided.

Organizational Channels

The app allows users to create channels of news or stories which are relevant to the entire organization or a specific group of employees. Operational wings like manufacturing units or laboratory research scientists can create own channels, publish news to engage within the group.

News Feeds

High level Architecture


The Reddy's lab app caught the interest of the employees and and when it was launched. The app proved as a collaborative platform for 20,000+ employees through which they were able to stay informed about the latest advancements and organizational happenings.

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