About Lansdowne Pub

Lansdowne, an Irish pub chain located across several hot spots in Boston, USA, is a social hangout destination for millions of pub goers which has so far staged 1000 music bands and served a million Pints of Guinness.

Lansdowne Pub's Requirements

Lansdowne Pub wanted to create a highly interactive social-utility mobile app for augmenting its customer base by providing on-the-go access for customers towards all pub services and make them interact voluntarily by conceptualizing a compelling idea and implementing it.

The pub also wanted the app to provide on-the-go access for customers to the list of utility services provided by the pub and social channels like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc.,

The Challenge

Bringing Augmented Reality concept into the app was a tricky part. Contus had to find the right set of technologies to accommodate the graphics smoothly into the app so that it's delivered to the customers in the way it was intended to.

Geofencing tax was quite complex as specified territories across the length and breadth of Lansdowne Pub's localities had to be geofenced on order to deliver pub deals and offers as and when a user enters the geofenced area.

Location based notification pushes was another challenge which Contus had to achieve. The notification pushes had to happen by exactly sensing that the user had entered a geofenced area of Lansdowne Pub.

Contus' Solutions

Contus leveraged Android SDK's support for smoothly placing Augmented Reality into the Android version of the app. Using the API for interacting with camera and the OpenGL support, Contus created the Pub Scanner feature which shows the augmented graphics revealing surprise deals when customers scan pub related logos, signs and stickers.

For the iOS version, since the platform's SDK doesn't hold support for AR by default, Contus opted to choose a Craft SDK, a toolkit. Using the API of the toolkit, Contus was able to upload the videos and push to the AR environment.

In order to get a user's location information, Contus used core location framework and Android location services so that whenever a user enters the geofenced area, his/her availability within the geofenced region is known and notifications on ongoing deals, special offers are pushed.

At A Glance

Lansdowne, an Irish pub chain located across several locations in Boston wanted to create a highly engaging app for customer augmentation and provide on-the-go access to all pub facilities.

Contus, by bringing augmented reality, geofencing and push notifications into play, delivered an interactive and utile app on iOS and Android platforms to help the pub retain customer base, attract new ones.



Key Results

Lansdowne Pub turned highly successful in retaining its customers and also experienced a substantial increase in user base. With the app offering quick access to pub's services and interactive platform to unlock surprise deals, Lansdowne Pub turned out to be a popular name and a best hangout destination in Boston.

Technologies Involved

  • OS - iOS (supports 7.0 and above)
  • Language - Objective C
  • Database - Core Data
  • Augmented Reality - 3rd party SDK-Metaio SDK
  • Youtube Parser library to parse and view the Youtube channel videos

Contus accommodated the utility features like food, cab booking, table reservation and several other interesting features which are as follows:

Pub scanner

Pub scanner, the best of the app's features, was developed with the backing of augmented-reality. The pub scanner is simply a smartphone camera scanning of an object. Using this users can scan signs, logos and labels of Lansdowne pub to unlock rewards which can be redeemed in the form of discounts on bar menu, food and tickets for music events.

Pub Services - Utility Menus

Apart from deals and discounts, Lansdowne pub offered a list of utility services like booking a cab, booking a party, ticket reservations for music events and much more. In order to create accessibility for pub goers towards these services, separate menus were created under the names of the services along with icons depicting the service.

My Bank

The 'My Bank' menu was developed as a treasure chest for pub goers to save the deals for future use. Any deal or discount earned by the pub's customer can be saved in the bank and redeemed later.

Pub Information

To keep users informed about the key benefits of using the app, an information button was created. This leads to a page where users can find details like contact information, operating hours, tips for using application and interesting facts that speaks of the pub's legacy and achievements.

Social Channels

Lansdowne pub has a great customer base, pub community and fan following. So, to help them stay connected, a feature called 'Social' was created which had all the social channels of the pub integrated with it. Users were provided with share buttons for Facebook and Twitter. The 'Follow' option, apart from FB and Twitter, was extended to other social networking platforms like Instagram, Youtube, Flickr and Spotify.

Push Notification
Augmented Reality

High level Architecture


The mobile apps developed by Contus featuring augmented reality was a cool hit among regular pub goers which resulted in a significant increase the pub's customer retention rate. The pub experienced a 2x increase in customer base as the app's popularity hyped the pub's image turning more people interested about it.

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