2 November, 2023

Grow Your Business with QR Codes

Online marketers and Search Engine Optimizers always engage their business with maximum marketing niche in all possible way to get the highest ranking and drive huge traffic to generate more sales. This impelling attitude of the marketing giants resulted in the emergence of QR Codes to the ecommerce store. QR Codes are gaining popularity and are now being used widely as a marketing tool in the ecommerce industry.
How does the QR Code benefit the ecommerce business?

The growth plight of QR Code- the scanable white and black graphic image for products is one a rise. The increasing reliance on the mobile commerce eventually makes the QR Code marketing a successful trend. The capability of this two-dimensional barcode to store numerous data like website URL, product details etc. makes this a favorite choice among mcommerce business so as to connect with the mobile audience. The QR code helps you to captivate your target audience and brand your stores by keeping in pace with the newer technologies.
The QR code helps you to explore the market place by distributing its use in multiple ways. Like,
– Print Medium – Providing the scanable QR Code for your products to the print media and connect with the off-line customers
– Take the customer directly to the product page by placing the QR code of the favorite product in Front end
– Publish the QR code print of specific product in the storefront for easy access to the busy consumers and allow them to simply scan the code and shop while on the go.
– Circulate the QR Code print as marketing publications such as poster ads, mail campaigning etc.
Decided to generate QR code for your products? It’s simple for CMS based web stores with QR Code extensions. The QR Code for Virtuemart Joomla extension when installed will help you generate QR codes for your products and optimize the search marketing. The Magento QR Code is an add-on for magento CMS, empowering you to generate QR codes for your products of your magento ecommerce  without any difficulty.
The traction of QR codes in the ecommerce industry is well understood by the increasing adoption of the system. Join the race and increase your customer base.

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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