2 November, 2023
Trim & Tone - The Ringtone Maker android application development

New Version Of Trim &Tone V 2.1 – UI And Functionality Updates!!

Contus, with a view to deliver apps that meets the requirements of the modern-age mobile users, focuses on incorporating latest technologies in its upcoming products and refining its existing mobile app portfolio. Following its recent creations on evolving technologies, Contus has updated one of its widely popular fun-to-use Android app, Trim and Tone Version 2.1.

UX and UI enhancements:

Swipe: The swipe feature allows users to share the tones, delete it and set it as ringtone, alarms or notifications. Using the share button, the new sound files can be shared via Bluetooth, Email and the widely preferred messaging application, Whats App.

The delete option can be used to delete the new sound tracks and also the files saved in the memory card of a smartphone. Using the settings button tracks saved in the SD card or the tones created suing the app saved in the ‘My Tones’ menu can be set as ringtones.

This time the Android based application has got a lot more than you might guess. With a unique functionality being updated, the 2.1 version of this app has also taken a major step ahead in terms of UX and UI design compared to its previous version Trim & Tone Version 2.0.

Multiple song mix:

The multiple songs mixing feature allows you to append any number of your favorite tracks together. Firstly two tracks have to be selected and mixed using the mixer button. In order to append another track with it, the third track has to be selected along with the newly created sound mixture and mixed again. By repeating this process any number of tracks can be bonded together.

Moreover, this mixture of multiple tracks can be edited by placing it in the trimmer and any desired portion can be cut.

Fade in and fade out feature:

With a view to improve the quality of the sound files created, Trim and Tone app has been bestowed with the fade in and fade out audio feature. This will capture the exact audio fade in and fade out effect of the original track and deliver it into the files created using the app.

File Formats supported:



Compatible with Ice cream sandwich (4.0) and above versions of Android

We wire-framed the minor features with the start of Trim & Tone Version 2.0, now enhanced to Trim and Tone Version 2.2 with sound cloud as new face lift.Get more updates on your ringtone maker!

Download the Android app Trim and Tone, the Ringtone Maker from Google playstore for free.

Alex Sam is a mobility, IoT & chat app specialist and I would like to spend most of my time in reading and analyzing the latest happenings in the technology and how they fit into our daily lives. I always endeavor to identify more ideas and concepts, and develop user-friendly apps through leveraging technology.


  1. Charley Reply

    Hi, thanks for the post.Among all the feature swipe feature was very intresting and useful and i understood about the enhancement of ux and ui clearly thanks for the post .

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