2 November, 2023

Augmented Reality: Transform the Way You Shop Online and Offline

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality is a real to reel world connection in which an object or an element which is not physically present is being viewed through an input from an electronic device like a computer. This input may be a video or a graphics or in any other form.

Are you a shopping freak? Well, then this great piece of information is for you! For people who are anxious over buying and bothered about the poor quality of the products can now heave a sigh of relief, as the recent technology sensation Augmented Reality, crisply called as AR, has started to inspire the users by providing a different dimension to the shopping. With the help of this technology, customers can buy any product by completely accumulating the details of the product, irrespective of the type of shopping, either online or offline. Though it is believed that this technology is rooted to 2008, the significance of this fascinating technology has started to spread across all over the world just recently. The following examples provided in this article could help you better understand how beneficial this technology can be for shoppers. I’ve compiled this post with examples which could help realize the complete potential of this emerging technology.

Before having a peek at the examples, I’d like to put forward some of the benefits of using this fantastic technology for your business as well as individual use.

For business:

  • Drastic improvement in conversion rate
  • Tremendous customer engagement
  • Direct sales
  • Easy branding
  • Refund-free business

For customers:

  • Ability to realize product better
  • Ambiguous-free purchase with 100% satisfaction
  • Easy to compare prices and reviews
  • Virtual options to try the product before purchase
  • Find the best product with ease

Example 1: Supermarket shopping experience with augmented reality

Most often, the customers may find it difficult to buy the best products as a few information like cost, ingredients, use by date, etc. mayn’t available with the items. But, with the help of AR technology, the users can easily track down the complete details in a few minutes. Also, you don’t have take a food product and turn it upside down to check out the details, by simply capturing the image of the food product on your AR-enabled mobile, you’d be able to find the additional details with ease. So, you don’t have to fear about the product that you buy will be of low quality.

Example 2: Ecommerce shopping experience with augmented reality

Well, often confusions arise on the minds of customers, whenever they plan to add something large product or furniture to their houses. Say, for instance, if you plan to a king size sofa to your house, you would be in a dilemma whether the particular product will fit to the room size or not! However, with the help of the AR-enabled mobiles in your hands, it’ll be easy to check whether that particular product can fit to which part of the space of your house. With the visual images of your house, you can just overlay the sofa and find out whether it fits or not. By this way, you can add new furniture to your home without any doubts over the fitting criteria.

Example #3: Retail shopping experience with augmented reality

Say, if you plan to buy a game for the first time, obviously you won’t have any idea on how to play it and what facilities are incorporated in it! There are two choices if you are caught in such kind of situation: you might either ask a person who possesses a great deal of knowledge over the deal or can just simply place it there and return home. However, you do have a third option now, via AR solutions, using which you can realize the game performance, components, facilities, demo, etc. Of course, it is very possible. The AR signage on the shop will demonstrate how the entire game is set up and how to play it as well. So, you can just bag the best game for your home with 100% satisfaction.

Augmented reality future:

From the data provided here, it is quite obvious that augmented reality has the ability to take shopping to a new level. With said that, it is easy to unfold that this technology has a fabulous future as the benefits associated with it is stunning.  So, if embracing to this technology on your mobiles can be a great idea as you can shop your favorite products with complete satisfaction by realizing the potential of it.

Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


  1. Valarmathi Reply

    AR Was an excellent technology, but still find some lagging in
    implementation on shops and mobile. Why not an app for this be a solution?

  2. Jack Reply

    I completely agree. That too with the rapid growth of eCommerce augmented reality has become a must. But it is still in the latent stage. It needs to be refined.

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