2 November, 2023

5 Winning Strategies For Mobile Ecommerce Business

1. Supporting innovation with advanced technology at the right time
With so much of free resources and access to information today almost every
entrepreneur is filled with new ideas or atleast hints to possible ideas. There is so much
of innovation in all sectors of industry today. The competitive Mobile Ecommerce arena
is no exception. In fact, there is nothing doing in Mobile Ecommerce App area without
innovation. But, in spite of so much creative energy in innovating new ideas, I see some
of ecommerce business owners fail in making their Mobile Ecommerce App a success.

Two of the several reasons I could figure out is:
a. They fail to perform at the right time (while the sun shines) and try in vain after their
period of advantage has passed. Once your Mobile Ecommerce App has earned a
bad image in the market then it is hard to refresh it for circulation.
b. They don’t equip themselves with the best of content and technology.

When I say content I mean both the content (text, image, video, animation) and the way (like resolution, picture quality, aesthetics) it is presented in. This and the robustness of your Mobile Ecommerce App. These two highly depend, probably depend only on you Mobile Ecommerce App developer. Find the best man to deliver you the best Mobile Ecommerce App so that you could give the best performance in Ecommerce. Always go for a Mobile Ecommerce App developer who holds expertise in every section of the business, i.e., he must provide solutions for all types of platforms and conditions.  By choosing such a provider you could always deal with the same party for all your different future needs, without having to start another hunt.

2. Strategizing with target at economic assurance in future
However creative your strategies might be, make sure you ground all your plans primarily on assuring a level of profitability in future. Be it a new strategy for branding or marketing for the future, it should directly help you in business development, eventually increasing profitability. There is no point in creating strategies that are highly innovative but don’t give a promising sign that they would work out well to earn you bucks more than what you are getting at present. So do not get lost in designing plans that are blind to the current reality. Have you done your research well all these days; you would already know what might possibly go wrong in the Mobile Ecommerce industry in future and how to tackle it.

3. Fine-tuned approach to branding
The meaning of ‘explosive branding’ could be interpreted in many ways by different Mobile Ecommerce players. However, for smart solutions I suggest you take this route: do less, but do strong. More than doing 15 different activities to establish your brand voice and increase brand value of your brand or Mobile Ecommerce App, doing just 3 activities that are so strong enough to get the audience attention like never before and trust your brand for quality is what I mean by a ‘fine-tuned approach to branding. So do not be in a haste, spend lots of time to research your target section’s mindset and think before you lock on the few really beneficial branding activities that you choose to launch.

Do an extensive survey on the current likes and dislikes of your customer communities.
Shortlist the best likes of them and choose one component from that shortlist to place inside your brand campaign message. This is just one conventional way we have been doing for years and yet most of the businesses stick because it ‘clicks’ well.

4. Retaining long time users and turning them into propagators
Figure out the few users who use your Mobile Ecommerce App regularly. Create a list of 10 or 50 or 500 depending on the scale of your audience number. Design an offer for these regular customers, if possible try to mention their names. Once they feel important they respond to your activity and you could use this opportunity to build trust with them and then through an activity similar to but which doesn’t sound like ‘Refer a Friend’ for some small perks. This might encourage them to add people. This is just an example activity I am giving you. Depending on your situation you could innovative with your own variety of ideas.

5. Constantly redesigning your content
Your Mobile Ecommerce App is just another dead installed software on a customer’s mobile,  just waiting to exit via uninstall option very soon, if you don’t convince him it is worth sticking to. But you also cannot irritate him with useless updates just to show the app has a life. Strategize your updates clearly. Based on the characteristics of every season, release updates in a way that convinces customer the best. Though you keep changing your content, be it text or theme or a picture make sure all your periodic updates share a similar characteristic tone, that is in sync with your brand voice. Again, try to derive an equation in which updating your content regularly directly helps your business development.

Perseverance and smart work are inevitable characteristics to win in this super-comeptitive arena of Mobile Ecommerce. See you soon with more strategic ideas. All the best!

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

One Comment

  1. Rebecca Reply

    True. If you are gonna spam in the name of offers then users will definitely uninstall the app. It’s important to strike a balance between useful updates and intentional spamming. Good post.

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