2 November, 2023

How to Boost Sales of your Magento Store

Magento platform is rapidly rising to the top and has evolved as an ecommerce leader in just three years since its release. The open source CMS developed using PHP5 Zend Framework fits best for setting up a web store to conduct commerce online. The online shopping cart developed using Magento CMS is flexible and has an incredible features list which enables to have an online store up and running in record time. The scalable architecture and multi-store strategy are significant features that makes the magento CMS the most sophisticated solution for the online shoppers. In fact magento is the most preferable open source platform by most of the experts. To focus on customization go ahead and tie up with Certified Magento web developer for estore with your preferred outlook.

Running a successful ecommerce business a big challenge

With thousands of vendors entering the online world the competition gets fierce. To stay ahead of the competitors, one should keep scratching for the ‘extra factor’ that can raise a ‘WOW’ expression which will eventually brand the business as a leader and make it stand out from the rest. The huge list of magento extensions, counting 4000+ is a great resource which when chosen suitably and installed enables to tune your business with maximum efficiency.

Outstanding user experience will truly differentiate your brand from competitors. To excel in customer experience, enhance the shopping cart feature.The open source extension providers has come out with several add to cart extension that improves the shopping experience, like the Easy Ajax Cart , a Magento Ajax extension, which on incorporated with the magento shopping cart removes the unnecessary page reloads while adding/delete products in the shopping cart. Such extension is packed with many utile features such as erase the whole page refresh for every action, allow customers to decide whether to continue shopping or checkout by opening a pop-up without any page reloads, can enable the Ajax feature in the product list page/ view page or in both, etc.

Veterans in the Analyst space emphasizes that online shoppers leave the shopping cart because of complicated multi step checkout process. The long filling forms asking for repeated information irritates the consumers, finally pursuing them to leave the cart and shop from the next store. To tackle the challenge, use a third party extension like the One Step CheckOut. This checkout extension enables a quick checkout process with all six steps reduced to single step, thus elating everyone’s online shopping experience.

The enormous audience of Facebook actuates the necessity of Facebook integration with the ecommerce store. Giving the target consumers the facility to shop completely from your Facebook store is a smart move. Innovative extension such as the Magento Facebook App will help you bring the entire magento store to Facebook, letting the Facebook Savvies to shop from your store through their Facebook login itself. This magento extension also provides wondrous promotion for your shop by showing the purchase information on the consumers’ wall, thus reaching the consumers network in no time and zero effort.

Making use of a powerful extension such as the Magento FB Referral which auto-generates the code for f Recommend Button to appear on the product page is a brilliant way of facebook promotion for your magento store. Providing an admirable discount for the recommended product, you felicitate the consumers as well as get displayed on your consumers’ Facebook wall with the purchase information and achieve viral marketing.

In summary, these are few significant products to looks out for. Embrace the best solutions and improve your offerings. These Magento extensions certainly help you boost your store’s sales and generate maximum revenue.

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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