2 November, 2023
Contus Team at the Mobile Show Conference, Dubai

Contus Witnesses 2-Day International “Mobile Show” Conference at Dubai

Contus constantly focuses on delivering the best-in-breed solutions to customers worldwide. Our quench for knowledge is incessant, and it is the force that drives and motivates us to reach goals. Our adventurous attitude and exploring innovative technology to offer customers a better experience has prompted us to look out for multiple resources, from wherein we will be flooded with ideas which can be transformed to customer beneficial attributes. This time, we had a great opportunity to be a part of “The Mobile Show,” a 2-day conference recently held at “Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center, Dubai, UAE.” And we wanted to make the most of it!

We were extremely pleased with the invitation and spent some quality time out there. Our team experienced a great deal of knowledge sharing from the mobile tech giants that organized this fantabulous event, and were jubilant as every session was witty and worthy.

Conference Extract:

Contus was not the only company that participated in the event; in fact there were more than 200+ organizations that participated and exhibited the most recent mobile app technology-related updates and upgrades in front of the huge mass of audiences.  I have just named a few topics below which were highly beneficial as they were connected to mobile media solutions.

Some special screenings and sessions hashed out are:

Day 1

  • Servicing Customer – Creating User-Friendly Mobile Payment System
  • How to Choose Between Storing Customer Data on the Sim or Cloud?
  • Driving Customer Uptake by Marketing Safe, Secure, and Speedy Transactions
  • Future of M-Payment Security – What Should We Expect Next for Mbiometrics?

Day 2

  • Ask the Experts
  • Are Location Based Services a Challenge or Opportunity for NFC?
  • Replacing Traditional Lock and Key with NFC
  • Panel Debate: QR Code Vs. NFC tags

How beneficial was it? – Ask our team:

Our 3-member team headed by 2 Managing Directors, Mr. Balamurugan and Mr. Dinesh Kumar, attended the conference and they felt the entire discussions and screenings were just fantastic. When enquired about more details, one of the MDs, Mr. Bala Murugan revealed “Mobile app development is exploding fast and conferences like these are the tools to develop ingenious solutions for better user experience. Events like this improve the social networking as well as help enhance business standards. To sum up, it was a splendid conference with plenty of inputs. And hopefully, we are planning to transform the fresh and brilliant inputs amassed to outputs for customer betterment.”

And when the same question was raised to our team members, Mr. Saravanan, Mr. Vijay, and Mr. Nirmal who appeared in the event, they disclosed “As it was our first conference appearances outside India, we had a lot of expectations and in fact we’ve been provided with a lot more than we originally imagined. It was just amazing to be out there with tech giants, and cumulating vital details on the hottest topic like mobile app development. It would help us think globally and come up with customer-friendly mobile app solutions. Eventually, we’d like to thank our Managing Directors, Contus, for creating such a wonderful opportunity to get exposed to new trends and techniques.”

Hopefully, we at Contus are planning to transform the insights gained from the conference on mobile development to substantial mobile media solutions, which could eventually provide customers superior user experience.

Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.

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