2 November, 2023

Apptha’s New Release- One Step Checkout Extension v1.4 with Major Upgrades!!

Apptha’s latest release – New One Step Checkout extension (One Step Checkout v1.4 – Plus Package). Besides the existing features, we have upgraded the one step checkout extension with more valuable features that meets the needs of every Magento store owners. The new One Step Checkout plus package is out at a new price ($99) while the existing one step checkout extension is revamped with a new design and comes as a regular package priced $59. Check the link for more detailshttp://www.apptha.com/category/extension/Magento/OneStepCheckout .

The additive features of the new version are:

Display One Step Checkout below Cart – The store owners can enable the check out process in the shopping cart page itself. This allows the customers to complete the checkout process immediately after adding the products to their cart page.

Geo IP Feature –The Geo IP feature will fetch the country and city by default.

Default Payment Methods – Allows the store owners to set a default payment method in the back-end. The store owners can control which payment method the customer should follow by enabling the respective payment option.

Default Shipping Method – By enabling this feature, the shipping information will be automatically updated in the respective fields (Ajax way) when the customer selects the Country/Zip code/State/City without any page refresh.

Terms and Condition Tab – Show the Terms and Conditions link just above the Place order button in the checkout page, which on clicking opens a pop up with the Terms and Conditions.

Enable Comments – Allows customers to post comments about their shopping experience, which will be displayed under the admin sales order list. Admin has the facility to enable/disable the terms and conditions option and provide title and content for the terms and conditions.

All the unnecessary steps in the default checkout process of the Magento are well addressed in our one step checkout extension. By choosing the Plus package from us, the store owners can even decide which fields to exclude/include in the checkout process. Check the demo of the One Step Checkout Plus package and experience the new version.

The One Step Checkout which enables an easy checkout process for the customers without any page reloads and multiple steps is definitely a must-buy product. Remember, a complicated and annoying checkout process will not make your customers happy and dissatisfied customers never returns!! Hence make use of the best one step checkout extension and drive incredible traffic and sales.

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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