2 November, 2023

The Best Groupon Clone Script Provider

What makes Group Clone from Contus Support the best groupon clone script to buy? Not just the efficient features and excellent post sales support, Contus has explored all possible scopes in the web space to promote and thrive the group buying business and innovated around half a dozen of strategies to help the group buying owners achieve greater heights in this competitive E-commerce branch.

First To Release A Dedicated And End To End Facebook App:

Not just a Facebook Fan Page for promotion, Contus Support took a few steps ahead and dared to experiment by creating a complete end- end group buying Facebook app(which contained all the essential options to view deals and buy them, without having the necessity to go to their actual website) which proved to be a great success.

The concept of posting and sharing in Facebook has paved way for enormous viral marketing thus helping to spread group buying deals to more users in very less time. 7 out of 10 users online prefer to spend more time in Facebook, which indirectly means Facebook has explosive visibility than any other social networking platform.

Group Clone As iPhone App

Soon before we could stop admiring the wonders of the internet possibilities, the latter faced the biggest threat of its competitor platform: smart phones. People loved the way they could communicate with the whole of globe through a device just in the size of their palm. The brilliant e-commerce practice of group buying is at its best advantage when it is accessed through a easier device like this which is accessed more frequently than the conventional desktop PC. An average user accesses his smart phone at least 25 times a day which means, the probability of deals getting to be seen by more users is pretty high.

First To Release Group Buying App For Android

Analyzing the smart phone market well, Contus found out the increasing number of Android users and decided to be the first to launch Groupon Clone script for Android. Exploring the enormous scope and advantages of the smart phone platform has helped Contus Support to  create successful groupon clone script for these smart phone OSs and thus we are able to sustain all our qualifications in being the provider of the best groupon clone script.

Close watching of the E-commerce arena and the emerging trends in it have helped Contus to get an expert outlook on futuristic possibilities which leads us in sustaining Group Clone as the best Groupon Clone Script.

Innovation through QR Code

This is the new innovative idea we are working on: the customer who has acquired coupon (consisting of QR code) from a deal site goes to the respective shop to buy the product.  The shopkeeper can scan the QR code in the coupon, by which the database will be updated with this coupon number and hence fraud re-using of the coupon can be easily detected. This innovative usage of the QR code helps to avoid errors and also save time in making sure that coupons are not re-used.

Other Essential Features In Groupon Clone Script

–          Merchant Login
–          Refer a friend
–          Google Chrome Browser Extension

Excellent Post Sales Support

Customer satisfaction has always topped Contus Support’s list of business strategies. Our dedicated post sales support team takes care of all the after-sales issues and makes sure the client is completely happy with their appropriate help on time.

Hence not just one, but the several of the above points are the building blocks of Contus’ Group Clone which is the most sought after and is considered to be the best groupon clone script today in the market by numerous group buying owners.

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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