1 November, 2023
HTML 5 Mobile applications development

Understanding HTML5 Mobile Apps Development

The Role of HTML5 in Mobile Apps Development
The advent of smartphones and other forms of Net access devices such as tablets has led to an insatiable craze for mobile applications or apps by the users. While in the earlier days, mobile app development was enabled by creating an app on the respective mobile platform environment (also known as native mobile app development) a smart new technology is fast emerging as a choice of mobile app development tool that uses web technologies to create cost-effective and powerful mobile applications.

That is HTML5 for you.

HTML5 mobile app development involves creating web pages that can be easily read from a smaller mobile device screen. The web pages look and feel exactly like a native mobile app but with a very compelling advantage—the web pages created using the HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3 suite can not only be viewed on mobile devices screens but also on desktop PCs, tablets and notebooks.

The Value Proposed by HTML5 Mobile App Development
Mobile app developers worldwide are excited to enable HTML5 mobile app development. Barring one limitation of not matching up with the highly engaging animation of native apps, HTML5 mobile app development scores way ahead of native mobile apps on multiple pointers:

  1. Strong development activities that work in favor of HTML5: There has been on-going and continuous development and release of newer tools that help HTML5 mobile app development achieve cross-browser compatibility. iUI is one such example. The iPhone user interface framework has the same look and feel of apps built using iPhone SDK, but with the added benefit of being usable on any standards compliant browser (be it on phone or on PCs)
  2. Resources: Native apps are deployed as stand-alone application that uses resources of the machine firmware. However HTML5 mobile web app development creates apps that can be downloaded from the Web.
  3. Compatibility: Native app developers have to select one platform to build and deploy apps (either Android, iOS, Blackberry or Symbian). For e.g., an app developed using iOS SDK will be compatible on Apple devices. However an app developed using HTML5 will be compatible on devices using Apple, Android, Blackberry and Windows. Businesses with shrinking margins find this a very formidable factor in choosing HTML5 mobile app development over native mobile app development.
  4. Monetization model: Deployment of the apps using HTML5 mobile app development makes much more business sense than on App Store. As compared to paying 30% as fees to Apple, HTML5 web apps can be distributed using the Internet.
Today’s businesses increasingly favor HTML5 mobile app development when they develop strategies for comprehensive and fully functional mobile solutions. Consistency of the web elements and uniform functionality of the web pages across different mobile computing devices screens is a significant factor that tilts the scales in favor of HTML5. As technology and community support continues to carve out a better technological foundation for HTML5 mobile app development, the future looks brilliant for HTML5.

You will still find some interesting ways to build your mobile apps using  HTML 5 Frameworks – Read here.


Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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