1 November, 2023
Mobile applications with Point of Sale technology

Retail Mobile POS: Leverage Smartphones for Better Customer and Sales Management

Running a retail business? Have multiple products? Well, possibly you’d confront a lot of challenges in managing the products and workforce. It is one of the scenarios that often causes severe headaches to most business owners. In fact, many businesses have suffered hefty losses due to the unconventional sales and workforce management. To make things worse, if you’ve more than one retail businesses, obviously, your business can go through a rough phase; even may lead to business debacle in a short period of time. Is there any solution to put an end to this issue? Of course, you have one! Point-of-Sale (POS) system is the solution which could prevent your business from loss and help it grow soothingly and strongly.

What is a POS system?

Point of Sale systems, crisply called as POS, is a technology solution which when implemented on any business could easily simplify the manual or mechanical works carried out human workforce. For instance, it is quite easy to monitor and manage the entire cash registers (for instance) using this POS system rather employing a human workforce to manage it. The ultimate advantage of using it is for cost cutting and time saving. However, these two are the hugest attributes that have the ability to help any business grow outstandingly.

What is mobile POS?

You can define it as mobile Point of Sale (POS) in short. As the name goes, the system which enables the business owners to control the entire functionality of the business workforce and sales via smartphones can be described as mobile POS. In fact, it is the hottest development which is making giant strides in today’s retail market. POS for smartphones is on the raise and majority of retailers are slowly turning their heads towards this latest innovation for experiencing outstanding sales.

Built trustworthy relationship with your customers:

Adapting to the raise and demand of smartphones and leveraging it completely is the best way to force your business stay ahead of others. With the help of mobile retail POS system it is simple for the customers to interact with the sales persons which could eventually create a formidable relationship with your business, and trust as well. Such innovative ideas can help a great deal in improving your clientele in a short period of time.

Manage the inventory and workforce elegantly:

Decades ago, businesses have to strive hard to manage their inventories, stocks, and workforce to emerge successful. But often times they confronted one problem or another, due to lack of management skills, or when the bosses are away. It is quite impractical for any boss to stick to their business environment always. Besides, if there are more than one shop, obviously they would look out for an alternative to manage the entire business. However, the retail business owners can now heave a sigh of relief as the introduction of mobile POS system in the market has eased the management of inventory, stocks, and workforce for better results.


A retailer’s success relies heavily on persuading and attracting customers, by implementing this well-developed POS technology solution, it becomes quite easy to create business relationship with customers and improve your business standards by complete over your workforce and sales.

Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


  1. rajkumar Reply

    Sir., I need to know whether any app can be developed for reselling to grocery shops in tamilnadu. I plan to market stand alone android based app for grocery shops, no need payment gateway etc., just invoicing & credit control., I had gone through few, but i need printing in tamil using unicode for billing. Please share with me if you come across any such app available for sale.

  2. B.Vigneshwaran Reply

    Hello Raj,

    Thank you so much for writing to us. We have recently launched Contalog, a SAAS based POS app. This app is customizable and I am quite that it will fulfill your requirements. You can try a demo and we dont charge for it. For further information please visit https://www.contalog.com/ or mail your queries to info@contalog.com. We will be very happy to help you.

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