1 November, 2023
M-Commerce infographic 2015

Mobile Commerce Market 2015 – Audience and Usage Statistics

Mobile commerce is the new trend catching up a major share in the eCommerce market. With the rate at which smartphones, tablets and next generation wearable devices are being welcomed, build eCommerce app is absolutely going to be the game changer in the coming decade.

With that said, here is a consolidated data handpicked from latest studies and survey efforts relating to ecommerce growth rate, shopping preferences, mobile commerce usage based on geographical locations etc that shows how rapidly is mobile-commerce trend catching up the globe.

mCommerce Infographic

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Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into OTT Android TV app & business management tools. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


  1. Sandy Stack Reply

    Despite the overwhelming statistics of mobile commerce growth I still feel it will be tough to replace brick and mortar stores.

  2. Elliot Reply

    All along I was under the notion that USA had been dominating in terms of mobile commerce usage. Now only I came to know that it was China. Anyway the post is very insightful.

  3. Benita Peeler Reply

    I do accept that the mobile commerce market has been surging. But I felt you could have also given more info on the website traffic stats and compared it with mobile traffic.

  4. Minton Desmond Reply

    11.3% shoppers under 16 years. That’s phenomenal. But you could have incorporated much more of mobile commerce statistics.

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