1 November, 2023

How does groupon clone script work?

Group buying has unbelievably revolutionarized in the market with its highly welcomed win-win advantage for the buyer-seller. Buyers group together with the help of group buying providers to buy products for great price deals. In this way each individual buyer gets a lessened price and the seller enjoys the advantage of reduction in keeping costs.groupon clone demo

Numerous sites have been started to facilitate group buying and the sector has seen a drastic growth in business. The most significant among them is the Groupon.com the pioneer group buying website. Groupon has seen excellent business as it grew since inception. So many new steppers want to clone Groupon and create their own group buying website. Hence they have got into hot search for the Groupon website’s script. And web developers such as Contus Support have been giving readymade and complete facility to clone Groupon with all its features.

The Groupon script lets the customer to choose his deals or products easily. Additional features like coupons with starting and ending time and date, options for multiple gateways and option to integrate other payment gateway sites are also provided. It can also be linked to social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.

The site also allows you to create multiple administration accounts and set diverse privileges for each of them. To increase flexibility to administrator he can also visit central control panel that allows him to see the personal contact details of all customers and business associates who have registered at the site. You can create multiple cities and different coupons for each city. It is multilingual site, which lets customers from all over the world to access the site.

Having all these features, Groupon’s site for sure is the best website pattern for a successful group buying site.  One of the best similar scripts available is the Groupon Clone script provided by Contus Support, which has released a demo site dedicated for the Groupon Clone itself – groupclone.net.
This one touch install site software is developed on Zend Framework that is built on the Magneto E-commerce Platform. And the user is provided intact code with 100% transparency, without any type of code encryption. This lets the user to modify the code as his convenience. The Groupon Clone script has dominated the shopping cart software on the web.

The reason for developing Group on clone as a product with readily available features is to reduce the burden of customers to pay too much ,as the cost for developing a Groupon clone from scratch would be enormous. Now, it has become easy to get the groupon clone and go live in the internet within the shortest span of time.

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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