1 November, 2023

Smart your Ecommerce with Mobecommerce – Give A Native Mobile app for Smart Shoppers!!

Statistics on accessing internet whilst outdoor on mobiles keep changing with the rising trend. The growth in mobile use and mobile web access on a daily basis marked the evolution of mobile eCommerce. The mobile commerce has already hit the mainstream and is becoming ubiquitous. The fact that a good percentage of eCommerce is transacted on mobile device- people shopping on their mobile phones and retailers having mobile sites reasserts the penetration of mobile eCommerce worldwide. These results on the fast moving and trend savvy market motivated us to step into mobile eCommerce.

We are happy to announce our latest launch – Contus M Comm, a mcommerce solution to optimize your web stores to the mobile consumers. If you have realized the mobile trend and want to engage / interact with your mobile consumers, give your customers a mobile app without much hardship. Our native iPhone and Android app, fresh and unique works best for Magento eCommerce/ Prestashop /Opencart /Woocommerce /Joomla Virtuemart and can be integrated with any eCommerce store irrespective of the platform used. The design and feature of the apps are customizable as per your need. We guide you to deploy the purchased app without any cost.

Allow your customers to download an iPhone/Android app that mobilizes your storefront offering a user-friendly interface and convenient payment process, thus making mobile shopping easier. This way you ensure your customer enjoy the power of mobile web by modifying your e-stores so that they can make purchase from your stores whenever they want. Your app can go viral too, word of mouth marketing by spreading the knowledge of your great app, ultimately bringing fortune!!

Punith is Digital Marketing Head at Contus. He has worked with startups since 2005 to market their products and services. Along with the passion for analytics and marketing he enjoys offering strategic digital and inbound marketing solutions.

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